WFO Big Dog ride route

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You will want do do the Lake Tahoe area in the morning when there is a lot less traffic. The rest of the route is good any way you ride it.

Is there any advantage or disadvantage of doing the Big Dog Friday ride clockwise instead of counterclockwise?
You'll be hitting the Tahoe segment much later in the day and be subject to the traffic that is involved. I think that 30 or so extra motorcycles aren't going to overload these roads to a noticeable degree, in the big picture. YMMV
Is there any advantage or disadvantage of doing the Big Dog Friday ride clockwise instead of counterclockwise?
You'll be hitting the Tahoe segment much later in the day and be subject to the traffic that is involved. I think that 30 or so extra motorcycles aren't going to overload these roads to a noticeable degree, in the big picture. YMMV
Roger. Just asking. Trying to help. Thinking out loud. Getting hyper. Ready to ROCK!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

Just want to give all you guys some advise for the Big Dog Ride. It will be hot, it will be hot, and it will be hot. Please take on plenty of fluid and often. The thought of the possibility of 30 or so FJR's with varying degrees of skill levels/pillions, navigating Hwy108 and/or Hwy4 together at same time, is a little unsettling for me. Since the route is a loooonnnggg day in the saddle, and after Hwy108 there is no out for you guys in terms of distance back to Reno, I would like to offer this alternative in case anyone is a little pooped out from the roads and heat, with safety in mind.

If you are feeling it a little by the time you crest the summit of Hwy108, my advise would be to turn around at Dardanelle and retrace your steps back to Hwy395 and head North back to Reno, as the ride into Sonora and back around Hwy4 will be hot, long, and on top of Hwy4, very demanding like Hwy108, make no mistake about it! Today in Sonora it is 103degrees in the shade.

Another alternative to this once hitting the Sonora area would be to continue North on Hwy49 and make your way East on Hwy88 in Jackson toward Minden and Hwy395. Hwy88 is much easier to navigate than Hwy4 and still very pretty.

I am not involved in this ride at all, but I just want to pass on some options as I ride this area extensively and often and want everyone to have fun and enjoy the roads while in my home area. What I am trying to avoid happening for you guys is the feeling of running late to get back to Reno for dinner and thinking Hwy4 is the place to wick it up to make time. I've got news for all of you, max speed around the east side of Hwy 4 will be around 25-35mph, any faster and it will turn ugly fast, so please take it easy out there.

Everyone please enjoy your Big Dog Ride safely and we'll see you all at dinner with your tales of the road. :D

Just want to give all you guys some advise for the Big Dog Ride. It will be hot, it will be hot, and it will be hot. Please take on plenty of fluid and often. The thought of the possibility of 30 or so FJR's with varying degrees of skill levels/pillions, navigating Hwy108 and/or Hwy4 together at same time, is a little unsettling for me. Since the route is a loooonnnggg day in the saddle, and after Hwy108 there is no out for you guys in terms of distance back to Reno, I would like to offer this alternative in case anyone is a little pooped out from the roads and heat, with safety in mind.
If you are feeling it a little by the time you crest the summit of Hwy108, my advise would be to turn around at Dardanelle and retrace your steps back to Hwy395 and head North back to Reno, as the ride into Sonora and back around Hwy4 will be hot, long, and on top of Hwy4, very demanding like Hwy108, make no mistake about it! Today in Sonora it is 103degrees in the shade.

Another alternative to this once hitting the Sonora area would be to continue North on Hwy49 and make your way East on Hwy88 in Jackson toward Minden and Hwy395. Hwy88 is much easier to navigate than Hwy4 and still very pretty.

I am not involved in this ride at all, but I just want to pass on some options as I ride this area extensively and often and want everyone to have fun and enjoy the roads while in my home area. What I am trying to avoid happening for you guys is the feeling of running late to get back to Reno for dinner and thinking Hwy4 is the place to wick it up to make time. I've got news for all of you, max speed around the east side of Hwy 4 will be around 25-35mph, any faster and it will turn ugly fast, so please take it easy out there.

Everyone please enjoy your Big Dog Ride safely and we'll see you all at dinner with your tales of the road. :D
What he said. I did 300 yesterday in +100. Over 2 gallons of water / gatoraide in 6 hours and was still thirsty.

Another option, if feeling woozy / tired is to just stop. Grab a hotel room where you are. No one will laugh at how smart you are to stay alive.... and ride again another day. See my signature for my personal motto!

Good advice in previous 2 posts.

Hydrate before the ride, meaning the night before. Don't dehydrate too much with alcohol, or you'll be on the ground twitching and we'll be scared.

Camel backs!

And yet another good reason to get going early in the morning... when the temperatures haven't gotten to BROIL yet...

And yet another good reason to get going early in the morning... when the temperatures haven't gotten to BROIL yet...
Yessir, but the point is that heading downhill into Sonora the riders will enter the 100+ temperature zone, or certainly after a lunch break and climbing up Hwy 4 from Angels Camp. And there is still the more technical Eastern slope of Hwy 4, when one needs to be focused. Trust us, there are unmarked closing radius turns, and switchbacks that are quite safe @ 15-20 mph, treacherous at 30. Hwy 4 DOES NOT have a center stripe once you get to Alpine Lake, though the pavement is a "tight" 2-lane road. Riding within your sightlines will be or paramount importance, as those coming the other direction will not give a &*$#@!

I'm certain the above posts are not to frighten but to ensure the riders are aware of their own physical condition and mental state. Falling down requires a helicopter ride as the ambulance will be 2 hours away. There are no "run-off" areas, the road shoulders are minimal and lead directly to drop-offs and/or forest. We don't want anyone to get "up close and personal" with a cliff or a pine tree.

The idea is to be hydrated and mentally prepared, then a rider can hopefully regulate and pace themselves. The heck with "group integrity" and position...ride your own ride and complete the adventure.

"Nobody ever got hurt by taking a corner 5 mph slower." Bob Reichenberg

The comments are not to discourage or dissuade anyone from taking the ride, but to encourage you to have fun and come back to Reno intact. Enjoy the twisties and the scenery, then ,f you are going to "make time", do so on the flat roads.

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Amen to Mike. All that, and we should plan to take a break at Alpine Lake lodge. They have a place to get drinks and to rest up before the Ebbitt's Pass (4) ride.

.. we should plan to take a break at Alpine Lake lodge.
Donde esta?
Si, donde esta ALPINE LAKE LODGE?

A list of recommended stops would be nice. It might be back there in the dreggs of this thread?

Nice to get the comment about the reducing radius curves and lack of pain on the roads. Any other hazards that come to mind? Gotchas?

.. we should plan to take a break at Alpine Lake lodge.
Donde esta?
About 6 miles east of Bear Valley on Hwy. 4 -- before Mosquito Lake. Just before you get to the twisty part of Ebbetts Pass (Hwy 4). Right after you see the lake on your right as you are heading east, the lodge will be on your left.

Wow. The more I read about these roads and the conditions, the more excited I get. I love a good challenge when executed with precision and razor blade accuracy. Buzzing up into this area may prompt me into more long weekend rides from Las Vegas just to romp in this motorcycle wonderland.

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Lake Alpine Lodge Website

The fishing there was good in late June...people were bringing in full stringers as we took our break there on the open passes ride. The fishing is all stockers I am sure...not sure if that lake has Mackinaw.

Oh for those that don't know, go to the Open Passes ride report to see Ebbet's, Monitor and Carson pass riding photos. (just part of this ride)

Open Passes Ride Report

Good guess is you're still a 100 miles from the Hotel at that point (Alpine Lodge) ...

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Geez, I wonner if we can break 20 pages setting up this ride?! :grin:

So, toe, do I have it that I'm leading der Gruppe Fünf , ya? I best be a-studyin' Groo's mapage, then! :blink:

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