WFO Big Dog ride route

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If you ask nicely...I am sure that twn can bring some dried gerbils for lunch.......lolololol

I have planned on making this ride anyway. MsNascar and I should be able to squeeze in somewhere. The scenery is awesome in the Fall with the colors.

I've been laying low the past few months during our logistic transistion to SoCAL: I'm renting in Lake Elsinore while MsNascar is holding down the fort in Santa Rosa until somebody comes along and pay to take the For Sale down. Anybody know anybody who would be interested? :help:

If we stay in this holding pattern by the time of the WFO-5, I'll be riding up the boring I-5 to Santa Rosa to collect MsNascar and then head over to Reno via hwy 12, 88, 395 on Thursday.

Stay tuned for developements. :unsure:

So then, the FJR is in SoCal, Hmmmmm? Forced separations are no fun. I hope it ends soon for you guys. It'll be good to see you both in Reno.

Peggie in da house?! YO! We need to get you familiar with the lay-o-the-land... Let us know if we can help you acclimate to our roads!

Hey TC, or whoever is coordinating this ride now... I'd love to be placed on the roster. I've ridden Tioga pass and many routes between NV and CA. I will be traveling solo and am not afraid of a safe, spirited ride. Please count me in. BTW, I'm also not afraid to start at sunrise either :)

Peggie in da house?! YO! We need to get you familiar with the lay-o-the-land... Let us know if we can help you acclimate to our roads!
TWN, you are on. I'm further south now than you (Santa Barbara) are but love the area you ride. Before moving north 8 yrs ago my haunt was Thousand Oaks for 15 yrs. I know the layout of the terrain but things may have changed. I need to straighten out the roads in San Diego County now. Any takers?

I'll be heading to Santa Rosa again this weekend. So I'll check back when I return. :yahoo:

:assassin: I don't mean to hijack this thread but with this 1040 mile round trip up to Santa Rosa on some weekends the feejer should be demanding some new treads before the Reno rendezvous. Carry on.
@ toecutter,

How many groups are riding this course so far?

There will be 2-up groups, fast and slow?

How about the hang-over group taking up the rear? :alcoholic:

@ toecutter,How many groups are riding this course so far?

There will be 2-up groups, fast and slow?

How about the hang-over group taking up the rear? :alcoholic:
The group makeups are listed in my first post of the thread. There is a full solo group of eight and a group of seven two-ups. I'm sure we can find leadership for as many groups as want to sign up. Let me rephrase:

[SIZE=18pt]Ridership is not limited to sixteen bikes! We'll make this work for as many people as want to go.[/SIZE]

Rules to follow at a later date.

I'm going to send my rear seat & trunk with Mrs TWN so if FJRChick or anyone else wants to ride pillion I can take a passenger or stay with the solo group.

I'm going to send my rear seat & trunk with Mrs TWN so if FJRChick or anyone else wants to ride pillion I can take a passenger or stay with the solo group. what side of the brain did that offer come from? :D

I'm going to send my rear seat & trunk with Mrs TWN so if FJRChick or anyone else wants to ride pillion I can take a passenger or stay with the solo group.
I'm in!!!! :hyper:

I can't find a way to hook up with Bearly Flying's Autocom system sooooo it would be alot nicer to be able to plug in with you. Yea! Thanks Rogue!!

And thanks again Bearly!

I'm going to send my rear seat & trunk with Mrs TWN so if FJRChick or anyone else wants to ride pillion I can take a passenger or stay with the solo group.

Speaking of which, we need to coordinate that in the tentative sense. (No one has taken our offer for taxi service to Reno yet, so I might be inclined to put the wifey on a plane to Reno.) By the way, you trying to squeeze in a LD run on this trip? Izzat why you need the spare tank?

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B) Hey Guys add me to the Single rider fast group. Will have a Starcom 1 and a Motorola Talkabout DPS
Done, but the first group is full up, so I started a third. That is, unless someone currently in the first solo group wants to drop back into the (second) two-up group. There's one spot left back there.
I'm going to send my rear seat & trunk with Mrs TWN so if FJRChick or anyone else wants to ride pillion I can take a passenger or stay with the solo group.

Speaking of which, we need to coordinate that in the tentative sense. (No one has taken our offer for taxi service to Reno yet, so I might be inclined to put the wifey on a plane to Reno.) By the way, you trying to squeeze in a LD run on this trip? Izzat why you need the spare tank?

Not really, I have the P-Case set up with tools, ect... so it would be nice to have it. Also I'll probally decide which route I'm taking a couple days before I leave... I'm thinking of taking the long way and checking out the ET Hwy so it would be nice to not have to worry about finding fuel. But I may do a staight shot up, haven't decided yet.
