WFO8 Dates - Official - new Rally Master

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Awesome! I was hoping it'd be closer to Canada this year! I'm in!

Please be Sandpoint, Please be Sandpoint, Please be Sandpoint! :D

Hey... is Aug 3rd a holiday south of the 49th?

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One question - how long will it take for Beeroux to get his in-state SS1K lined up? :rolleyes: I'll be making a comeback attempt.
Thanks, Hal. You da man.
There WILL be a SS1K - I'm not quite sure of the details, route, etc. As in the past, the SS1K will be announced separately from the event post, and it will be run starting EARLY Friday AM, finishing Saturday AM. Or something like that .... :rolleyes:

For any noobs out there, this is an excellent way to earn your Iron Butt Association number, and can be the start of a life filled with extreme, if not questionable rides. BTDT.
Unfortunately, Beeroux's schedule is conflicted and he won't be able to attend this. But, he asked HMarc Lewis and myself to organize this year's Saddle Sore effort....and we've been busy looking over route possibilities. Some may not recognize HMarc's name...he last attended WFO-5 in Reno, but is also one of the WFO founders and hosts the popular website and Micapeak mailing list. And one helluva nice guy.

And the route probably won't be an exclusively all-Idaho ride. This might hint a bit more at least what part of Idaho WFO is going to be in....suffice it to say that we'll be trying to reduce route repitition, highlight the really good stuff of the PNW, and reduce encounters with those 4 legged forest vermin.

And yes, it will be a great way for people to get their IBA numbers that haven't gotten them before. We'll be able to plan it so that it won't cost extra beyond the WFO entry fee. Instead of eating Friday dinner with'll be thinking where to grab a Subway sandwich. ;) And Saturday evening we'll have finishers IBA number and certificates ready-to-go!

There likely will be an optional BBG for those wanting to stretch the FJR's performance envelope a bit. I wonder where somebody could get to in 750 miles from homebase? I wonder if one could touch 6 states? Hmmmm. ;)

More details to be announced as we get closer to the event.

Yours Truly is the Rally Master for WFO8 - I've decided to step up and contribute to our 'family', and I realize I have some pretty big shoes to fill, now that TwoWheelNut is on deep recon.
So here's my first communication regarding our annual gathering. There will be many more to follow.



The web site for registration and payment of fees is scheduled to be turned up about Feb 7; just keep an eye on the forum for the posting.

This years WFO will be less expensive than most recent ones; effort was spent trying to find a location that could not only house a crowd, but would offer a killer deal on rooms without many of the pesky constraints that are normally part of an event contract. The WFO8 staffers would like to think we've been successful.

You're gonna like it. Word.

KaitsDad -
great to hear abouy idaho

hey, thats where I live

can't wait to more info

If anyone needs help with routes.. I know a few really really nice ones up there.. not saying I am an expert.... but i DO know a couple roads that will make a grown man cry up there.. Whoeveris planning rides if you want my input... glad to help

Hey Ya'll.

Just wanted to say personally that I'm bummed I can't do this, but Iggy is an up and coming RM himself, and he is more than capable of handling this duty. He'll do a fine job.

I will offer any assistance he needs, but I don't think he needs any to tell you the truth.

I've seen some of his early ideas and I can tell you, its going to be one SWEET-ASS ride.

Take care everybody, see ya down the road.


Excellent, a chance for us all to cover the roads we may have missed on the way up to CFR! Here's a "teaser" pic of a sign I happened to run across in Idaho last summer:


". . . I forsee a lot of whisky in your future....mandatory for the RM you know !!"

Ahhh... Jack Daniel's, of course.

Weeell, I might have to introduce you to my (and Tim's) good friend, Mr. Macallan. (Jack Daniel's, of course, is whiskey.) And well deserved, too, for taking on a job of this size. Thank you.

Good on ya Hal.Although wife unit won't be happy with the dates. :( I guess you can't please everyone
Oh, Steve, a man with the years of marriage seniority you have, to say a thing like that. . . You KNOW you don't have to please "everyone." But you sure do want to please that wife unit.

:D This might just work. Had plans for a trip up to Alaska around that time. A stop in Idaho might be a good break! :drinks:

BTW, Who's that other FJRVFR guy? :dntknw:

Most excellent Hal! Thanks for taking the bull by the horn and I'm sure it will be a blast....I'll start saving my peso's. PM. <>< :D

Most excellent Hal! Thanks for taking the bull by the horn and I'm sure it will be a blast....I'll start saving my peso's. PM. <>< :D
I am in the vacation planning stages right now. We were going to be in Idaho. I also had a week long dualsport ride that was going to be at the tail end of our vacation. But I really need to know where the WFO is going to be. I really want to make it too. Details pleeeeese :yahoo:

BTW, I organize a couple of events per year on a much smaller scale and I understand your undertaking. THANK YOU!


Most excellent Hal! Thanks for taking the bull by the horn and I'm sure it will be a blast....I'll start saving my peso's. PM. <>< :D
I am in the vacation planning stages right now. We were going to be in Idaho. I also had a week long dualsport ride that was going to be at the tail end of our vacation. But I really need to know where the WFO is going to be. I really want to make it too. Details pleeeeese :yahoo:

BTW, I organize a couple of events per year on a much smaller scale and I understand your undertaking. THANK YOU!

I'd guess North of the 54th parallel....but Hal would have to confirm.

Most excellent Hal! Thanks for taking the bull by the horn and I'm sure it will be a blast....I'll start saving my peso's. PM. <>< :D
I am in the vacation planning stages right now. We were going to be in Idaho. I also had a week long dualsport ride that was going to be at the tail end of our vacation. But I really need to know where the WFO is going to be. I really want to make it too. Details pleeeeese :yahoo:

BTW, I organize a couple of events per year on a much smaller scale and I understand your undertaking. THANK YOU!

But S of the 49th, which is where I used to live....


Yes...I was in error. I should have said N of the 45th....DOH! :dribble:
Would you be so bold as to say North of the 48th???

I don't know about that, but I do feel confident it's between 116 and 117 west longitude.



Paypal's setup, website graphic ready, hotel details setup....just working with Warchild to get the website polished, tested, and ready. Send positive karma to towards the 46, -119 area. :rolleyes:
