What are you paying for insurance

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Unless you compare your insurance to someone in the same zip code as you, your not going to be able to get a real comparison. Not only that, but age, type of ins, etc are big factors as well.

Your all paying too much! So am I but that's life. Hope it gives you peace of mind knowing your covered. Or if not, that your risking it and getting away cheap.

I'll make you Americans feel better. Ontario, Canada.... I have had my Lic for 26 years, clean record, $1000 deductable... $1060.00 for my FJR and $598.00 for my FZ6... Now you know where our free health care comes from....


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Dairyland: $600 for 12 months, full boat.

I guess it's a small price to pay for year round riding.

Though I would like some of that free health care. :glare:


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$164.60 for 12 months.

10/20/25 plus comp.towing and extras (up to $1000)

I have Health ins. and allowed a credit check.


I am at $556.00 a year with good driver discount, MSF Rider Course Discount and CMA membership discount. This is with Foremost (Subsidiary of Farmers). My biggest gripe is that they don't consider your bike a second vehicle, so you don't get that discount.

I'll make you Americans feel better. Ontario, Canada.... I have had my Lic for 26 years, clean record, $1000 deductable... $1060.00 for my FJR and $598.00 for my FZ6... Now you know where our free health care comes from....
Yeah but many of us self-employed down here in the US pay $800+ a month for health care and still have high deductibles. Want to trade?

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Unless you compare your insurance to someone in the same zip code as you, your not going to be able to get a real comparison. Not only that, but age, type of ins, etc are big factors as well.
I have to agree w/vectervp1, I basically moved across town (diff zip code), and mine went up

about $100 a year.

I guess I took it in the keester :dribble: .. $1200.00 first year, full coverage w/ Progressive.. New '07..

Having Allstate look at 'er now..

Great driving record, single, and 42.. :unsure:

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I pay $891/yr for my FJR and that's without collision, but includes comprehensive (fire and theft) and $300,000 liability plus other requred coverages. And that's in Ontario where our riding season is a short 6-8 months!!

So... you can't truly compare rates for the same bike if they are in different jurisdictions. It's apples and oranges.

Before you go ape over the price, it may be a case of "you get what you pay for!!" The insurance rules are drawn up by Ontario's government and the policy is VERY VERY rich in benefits. That translates into VERY VERY costly premiums. The flip side is this.

If you get smoked, don't die but wish you had, your lost income is paid up to a million bucks for the remainder of your disabled life. That's a huge benefit!

If you need medical or rehab (duh!) all those expenses are also paid for life or up to an additional million bucks. Also a huge benefit!

On top of that, if your injuries are considered permanent and severe you can sue for pain and suffering for another million or so!!!

My rate is considered a very good rate for this bike in Ontario. I would like to pay 2-300/yr but not if I'm on my own after a debilitating crash. Given the choice of taking a "stripped down policy" for a third of the cost - many would be tempted only to be financially devistated after being physically devistated.

Talk about insult to injury! :dribble:

I'm at $800.00 a year with all the bells and whistles, colission, liability, comprehensive $250.00 deductable. This post prompted me to call my agent back in october when it was a new post. The insurance rates are going to be all over the board depending on location. Here in AZ, in the desert valley, they expect the bike to be on the road year round and the insurance is calculated that way. I'm with Statefarm. The same coverage with Statefarm in NY would only be $375.00 per year but they account for the bike sitting for 5 - 7 months a year. So if your looking at this thread, don't get all bent if you see numbers alot different then yours without looking at the location first. I did and my agent calmed me down.

I'll make you Americans feel better. Ontario, Canada.... I have had my Lic for 26 years, clean record, $1000 deductable... $1060.00 for my FJR and $598.00 for my FZ6... Now you know where our free health care comes from....

Here in Alberta I am paying $625.00 for the FJR with $500.00 deductable. Have you shopped around? (I am with Jevco)

I guess I took it in the keester :dribble: .. $1200.00 first year, full coverage w/ Progressive.. New '07..Having Allstate look at 'er now..

Great driving record, single, and 42.. :unsure:
Renewed with Allstate instead of Progressive. $800.00/year, full coverage, $250.00 deductible.

Background info.. Just getting back on to the bike, clean driving record with the cages, no tickets or accidents.

I just got quoted $2959/year :dribble: with a $500 deductible from our local Allstate. I have 2 autos and home insurance with them, but they (apparently) rate the FJR as a sport-bike, :angry2: so it looks like I'll be going with either Progressive or Farmers. Much better quoted prices (approx $850/year).... :clapping:

I pay 427 a year and have 100,000/300,000 , 3000 in acc., under and uninsured, rent a wreck, 50,000 in damage with full replacement cost if im still kick'n from progressive drive from local agent in nc mountains.

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Progressive wanted $1189/yr for the soon-to-be-delivered '07FJR. GMAC is $454/yr for the same coverage. This is in the middle of North Carolina. State Farm isn't much better than Progressive even tho a car & pickup and our house are with them.

I'll make you Americans feel better. Ontario, Canada.... I have had my Lic for 26 years, clean record, $1000 deductable... $1060.00 for my FJR and $598.00 for my FZ6... Now you know where our free health care comes from....
I just turned down a Job that wanted 196 bucks a payperiod for family health care. thats 400 bucks a month. I'll pay your insurance if you pay my health care :p

sorry for the hijack!
