What did you do to your FJR today?

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Buried some tools under the seats ... I usually carried a ton of tools on my old RT under the seats. I think you could fit a small child under them.

First thing I did when I arrived home with my new-to-me FJR was haul out all my tools that were previously stored on the RT & start to try to put them on the FJR. I got so frustrated that I gave up & took them all back down to the basement and left them there to deal with later.

This weekend I was part of a team on providing first aid support to a two day 200 km charity bicycle ride. Early Sunday morning while going around a round-a-bout I heard a pop and felt the rear slide out. At the time I thought "I hope that's only a rock that I ran over". About two blocks later approaching a stop sign something didn't feel right so I pulled on to a side street to examine the damage. Sure enough, I had managed to pick up a 3" long, 0.25" dia. pin.

The most frustrating part ... had I taken the time to ensure I had my tools, I could have pulled the pin, plugged the hole & pumped up the tire within about 15 to 20 minutes. Instead, it took almost 3 hours before I could get my friend to bring me his repair kit so that we could plug the hole. Pretty darn frustrating ... live & learn.

So ... what did I do to my FJR today ... I repositioned the fuse block that a previous owner had installed to make more room and managed to cram a pump, tire repair kit, a few sets of mechanics gloves, pliers, wire cutters and two separate tool kits with a ton of other tools - combination wrenches, hex keys, the screw drivers, ... under the seats.

Buried some tools under the seats ... I usually carried a ton of tools on my old RT under the seats.... what did I do to my FJR today ... tire repair kit, a few sets of mechanics gloves, pliers, wire cutters and two separate tool kits with a ton of other tools - combination wrenches, hex keys, the screw drivers, ... under the seats.
B-b-but this is an FJR, you'll never need anything other than possibly a puncture repair kit

Unless, of course, you still ride with your BMW buddies

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Don't leave anything behind! There's room for a LOT of stuff on an FJR.

Every day, in my port-side hardcase: tire puncture kit (with big wire-cutting pliers), tire inflator mini-pump, Rok Straps, lightweight fleece jacket, cold and warm weather gloves, balaclava, and a knit cap. Still room for a change of clothes. The pressure gauge is in the topbox with eyeglass cleaners, two mini-flashlights, ink pens, an empty grocery shopping bag, and storage slots for house keys and wallet while riding. Briefcase fits in there, too, for commuting.

Starboard side hardcase is empty, in case beverages are needed somewhere. PS: There is room for more than are shown.


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Changed the oil tonight. Also I dremelled a big hole in the second mount of my new Zumo 396 so I can run it off the USB cable that I have wired from my accessory outlet. I will use the primary mount and wiring for the Goldwing. I like the way it turned out. Not today, but I put new Pirellis on Saturday and finished up the Penske shock project last week.

New sneakers for the FJR came in yesterday. Guess what I am doing this weekend. Right now it is like steering a truck can't wait to have the new tires mounted.


Well, in the 8 days since I've owned this 05 I've put a Michelin PR5 on the front, completely gone through the stock suspension and adjusted it correctly, adjusted all of the controls and the best thing is installed a pair of Leo Vince exhausts that I got for a steal on the ADV Forum.

Well, in the 8 days since I've owned this 05 I've put a Michelin PR5 on the front, completely gone through the stock suspension and adjusted it correctly, adjusted all of the controls and the best thing is installed a pair of Leo Vince exhausts that I got for a steal on the ADV Forum.
Have you ridden it at all ???!!!

Rode it to work this morning as usual for day 446 consecutive. My new Laam pillion seat should be at my house when I get off work in time for some break in miles before we leave for Spearfish next week. Have some friends putting on a vintage bike show tomorrow near me so I'll probably wash my Buell and put it in their show.

Rode to work 3rd day in a row. sure is nice that the side trips after/or during work dont require the larger cargo space of a cage all of the time.

Swapped out the Powerlet power socket I've been using forever to power a Garmin nuvi and installed the octopus cable for the Garmin 595. I'm not too sure yet that the 595 was a good move.

I just got done removing a moderately worn PR4 rear tire and put on a new PR2 for the trip to Spearfish. It's 90 degrees out, so the tires go on and off pretty easy, but I'm drenched. I need to balance the wheel and reinstall, but am taking a break in the pool first.

I rode to the dock of bordeaux for the big party "bordeaux fête le vin". In addition to the traditional festival, 33 giant sailing ships were present(like hermione, the royal...). A very great show ...
