What did you do to your FJR today?

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Picked up a garage mate today for my lonely FJR... :D

What did you get George?.. pictures?
Not for me...

Picked up a garage mate today for my lonely FJR... :D

Really!! Do get on with it George
All of those Seattle boys play hard to get, well except for Niehart of course!
Take a look-see here!

It's better when you savor the moment, especially with you jackwagons!! :lol:


Not today, but this Saturday I participated in Sweden's largest motorcycling event where we ride around one of our larger lakes called "Mälaren" (~300km ride). Approximately 15,000 bikes participated this year, I never seen so many bikes in one place before :) Below is an "action photo" which was taken of us along the way.


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I ran last 2500 miles of BL with a bum shock. Got a used stock sent by a forum member (thanks Ashley) and installed in the parking lot. Thanks to all that assisted. Back in action.

I got a new rear tire installed as the old one suddenly became completely BALD. Feels good to be riding on new RoadSmart II:s both front and rear :)

Last Friday I installed a Fuzeblock and connected the new Garmin 665 to it. Now just need to get the switching circuit for the Fuzeblock hooked up (where IS that damn blue wire! LOL)

I finally washed all the crud off of my bike for mistakenly taking the 7 mile stretch of rt. 17 which was all rock, mud and gravel due to construction. This happened on my way to NERDS on Friday. Not that it was that big of a deal to ride, but it sure coated my previously clean bike with some nasty crap.

Changed the final drive oil and the spark plugs today. This is the first spark plug change I've done and I'm at the 17,000+ mile mark. I guess I should have done it sooner, but the bike has been running so well. I already had 4 new OEM plugs so I used those. I'll switch over to irridium plugs next time. The change was fairly simple with the plug tool from the tool kit under the seat and a torque wrench with the proper socket to fit the end of the plug tool. I'm sure some folks don't use a torque wrench, but I like to torque everything to spec.

Changed the final drive oil and the spark plugs today. This is the first spark plug change I've done and I'm at the 17,000+ mile mark. I guess I should have done it sooner, but the bike has been running so well. I already had 4 new OEM plugs so I used those. I'll switch over to irridium plugs next time.
Why bother switching? I routinely let my stabndard CR8E NGK plugs go 15k miles and change them prophylactic-ally at that interval. I have never really felt a need to change them out or a difference before or after. I'll bet that they could easily go 30k miles. How long does one expect the iridiums to last? 60k? 100k? :unsure:

I like the idea of paying half as much for the regulars and swapping them out for new twice as often. It allows a look at how well each of the cylinders are running and I'd hate to have a plug in there so long that it seizes in the head (that may be a non-issue with the nickle plated NGK plugs).

And if you need some late night reading to cure insomnia, check out this thread where I tell you how only half of the iridiums are actually doing anything differently, and that you very well may be wasting your money on the fancier plugs.

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Changed the final drive oil and the spark plugs today. This is the first spark plug change I've done and I'm at the 17,000+ mile mark. I guess I should have done it sooner, but the bike has been running so well. I already had 4 new OEM plugs so I used those. I'll switch over to irridium plugs next time.
Why bother switching? I routinely let my stabndard CR8E NGK plugs go 15k miles and change them prophylactic-ally at that interval. I have never really felt a need to change them out or a difference before or after. I'll bet that they could easily go 30k miles. How long does one expect the iridiums to last? 60k? 100k? :unsure:

I like the idea of paying half as much for the regulars and swapping them out for new twice as often. It allows a look at how well each of the cylinders are running and I'd hate to have a plug in there so long that it seizes in the head (that may be a non-issue with the nickle plated NGK plugs).

And if you need some late night reading to cure insomnia, check out this thread where I tell you how only half of the iridiums are actually doing anything differently, and that you very well may be wasting your money on the fancier plugs.
Thanks for the link to the informative Spark Plug discussion Fred. After reading and going slightly cross-eyed, I believe I just may stick with the stock NGK's from now on. My plugs looked great after 17,300 miles on them. They look even better with the nice clean new ones on board. Some of your contributions to the thread were almost as impressive as your NERDS affair. ;)


Today I received and installed a new tank bag. It is the 3rd street china made 35$ one. It looks to be exactly what I was after. This completes the gear for my epic tour next week. I plan to do north Ga and the dragon.

Yesterday, rode to visit friends near Washington, DC. About 340 miles one way, so far. Did some touristy stuff in "The District" today including WWII memorial and touring the Capitol. I'll post a few pics in the Ride Reports later. Going back home Sunday, tomorrow is Mt. Vernon and maybe more.

Installed my new to me Wilburs shock. While we were down there, all the suspension stuff got cleaned and re-lubed. Funny thing is, it didn't really need it.

So tomorrow, I'll take her for a ride in the mountains. Just to see how this shock feels.

Installed my new to me Wilburs shock. While we were down there, all the suspension stuff got cleaned and re-lubed. Funny thing is, it didn't really need it.

So tomorrow, I'll take her for a ride in the mountains. Just to see how this shock feels.
You'll probably have some dialing it to do. The default clicker settings are just a good starting point. ;)

Had my first go round with FJR body panels and fasteners. Was there something wrong with screws and such we used in the old days? Checked my air filter and discovered a dirty K&N. Cleaned and re oiled. Did the C-Dog airbox mod while I was in there, took about 15 min. Figured I'd try it since I have the full Holeshot system and a pcIII. Even though I don't have a complaint about heat, I went ahead and fabbed up a fuel tank shield out of double foil sided insulation. Turned out nice. Test ride: the C-dog mod didn't do much but may need to add some fuel to let the big dog eat. Anybody know a good tuner in the Seattle area? Hell, I don't even know what map I've got. Heat shield made a noticeable improvement, tank is cool to the touch after an hour in 80* temps. Bike runs at 2 bars. Installed Decibel killers in the Holeshot slipons, took 'em back out. It's only moderately loud if I'm hammering it. Had 'er for a little over a week and I'm lovin' it! Next up - suspension. Oh yeah, my Calsci screen and T-Rex sliders will be here in a couple days.
