What's the 'Harley' appeal?

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Ya know, 'bout the only thing I hate about Harleys is the fact I can't have one, due to an extremely small peni er wallet.


A recent study was conducted by a prestigious research firm. They found a strong correlation between the rate of Erectile Dysfunction and the sales of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. So I guess the old adage is correct,
[SIZE=18pt]When you suffer from ED you get the H-D®!![/SIZE] :tease:

"Harley-Davidson® does not sell motorcycles. We sell an image and a lifestyle. The motorcycle is secondary in that transaction." -- Jeff Bluenstein, Former Harley-Davidson® CEO
[SIZE=14pt]I wondered when you were gonna chime in[/SIZE] - by the way how about posting the "recent study conducted by a prestigious research firm"?
You gotta admit he showed great restraint by waiting till post #91... :rolleyes:

LOL-----ain't that the truth!! (must of been out of town)

I just have to post because I would hate to have read all 6 pages of this crap and not get to type SOMETHING!! I have nothing to say so that's it...I,m gonna go look at some pictures of Harleys. :) Why did I read this?? :dribble:

Maybe.. I come from a family of Harley riders (step-dad and the old mom, she's a hoot!!) I love these bikes for what they are, and that is not a sport touring bike! Pops has put about 256,000 on a 94 FXR. That's a little more than most would but the old girl still looks and rides like it's a year old. That's with a couple of engines. This particular bike has been through a buck deer, through a median breaking a few of the rider's ribs, and completely over a ford escort @ about 45 mph. It's been from NC to CA and most points between. That being said, he really likes accumulating miles on the 05 Fjr that he 's had for about 7 months now. He's only rolled about 18,000 on it in that time. He also had a 93? St 1100 before the yammy. I like harleys but don't have the need for one right now. I'll just ride the 04 and be happy. I also believe that there is a certain amount of quality in modern Harleys that is not found in older ones or in "clones" as some call the asian cruisers. That is definitely arguable and already has been for sure. Would a VTX be a salvage title after flipping over an escort? Who knows....the Harley wasn't. It's called a metal frame, an engine, a seat, and the highway. No bells and whistles, no soft cushy suspension, and no grip warmers. It's called a bike. Those who haven't tried it, do it sometime.....you'll know for yourself then. It doesn't have to have sport suspension and handle like it's on rails. It has to get you from point A to point B..... and not so quickly if that's your speed. :yahoo: But some are complete posers though. :angry2:

My little experiment!

I have ridden my bike (XR650L) 9 days out of the last 10. The deal is i wave to every motorider coming the other way. Fact of the matter

is the harley dudes just don't wave back. They have the sweatshirts and sneakers with there black half skullcaps on. YEH THEY DO HAVE THE


After coming out of a military surplus store there was a guy on a electraglide parked next to me with his rear case opened up. As i was walking up to my XR he closed his back case started to get on his bike and totaly ignored me. After he left I was putting on my helmet and gloves and as i was getting on my XR i realized the son of bitch stole my plastic coated map i had between the tank and seat. So mutch for the rest of the ride i had planned out that day. I was pissed. I didn't see him take it but he was the only one parked next to me. So that's my experiance with HD riders. You can drive an electraglide but you have to steel someone elses map. WTF

OH Yeah, My FJR is on order and will be picking it up next month.

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This thread is REALLY tiresome.

I can't believe it has this many posts.

Isn't that horse dead yet?

Let's see TWN's Grandma again.



I guess it's really not surprising that Harley owners on an FJR forum really AREN'T the ones I don't get... you guys are really riders that happen to like Harley's and that's not the target of my confusion...

I will just never get the guys that buy a Harley for the 'Lifestyle and image'...

But back to the TWN's grandma (Kelly Brook)... posted a new one for good measure! :drinks:


It is very simple.

Harley makes the best bikes ever made.

Nothing compares to a Harley.

Especially an FJR ridden by a PowerRanger.

So there..

get it?

Didn't think so.

Buy a Harley, set your mind and body free.

Ride with the wind.

When the FJR is done and gone,

the Harley will remain and ride on.

BTW - Wanna compare miles on your FJR to my Ultra?

Don't get me wrong - the FJR is awesome.. So is the Harley.

Just different.

Kind of like when someone queries 'why do you ride'?

What do you say?

Can't quiet explain it?


[SIZE=8pt]Only this time between members of the motorcycling community. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]I hope this makes some sense, probably doesn't..[/SIZE]

Let me try this one you...

I can buy ANY part on my 1991 FLHTCU [SIZE=8pt](think Goldwing)[/SIZE] from any HD dealer.. and the part is AVAILABLE.

Try that with an FJR 15 years from now...

[SIZE=8pt]Sorry sir, the ECU is no longer available. Perhaps you should buy a newer model?[/SIZE]

Come to think of it, I can obtain more HD parts for my 1991 model from the dealer than you can for your FJR...

..and no, don't go there, I've had much more problems with my FJR than the HD..

Well, this diatribe is over. Perhaps I shouldn't post this. I don't want to inflame the Feejer masses. Rather, just try to understand that some enjoy the relaxed pace, the parts availability, and American continuum that only a Harley can provide. For me, the FJR is a consumable conglomeration of parts that will be obsolete and over with in 5 years.

But what a 5 years! :rolleyes:

I realized there is more to riding than hard charging blind corners when I hit the slick from a dead racoon that had been laying in the sun for many days my FJR went sideways and I nearly went down. I started to realize there may be something to the Harley cruiser crowd slow going and enjoying the view mind set.

I am one of the Harley riders and I am looking to get an FJR to be able to go faster and have more fun in a different way.

I really doubt that the Harley rider took the map that whatshisname left on the bike. He probably left it in the toilet...

Harley riders do not wave at the crotch rockets for the same stupid reasons that the crotch rockets keep going with all of the Harley bashing.

These are all motorcycles and we all should get along.

It is nice to cruise the beach in south Florida on a Harley. It will be just as much fun when I get the FJR.

The point is that we all ride two wheeled vehicles. We should be all on the same side.

Who really cares who rides what? Just have fun and be safe.

:wacko: :wacko:

I am one of the Harley riders and I am looking to get an FJR to be able to go faster and have more fun in a different way.I really doubt that the Harley rider took the map that whatshisname left on the bike. He probably left it in the toilet...

Harley riders do not wave at the crotch rockets for the same stupid reasons that the crotch rockets keep going with all of the Harley bashing.

These are all motorcycles and we all should get along.

It is nice to cruise the beach in south Florida on a Harley. It will be just as much fun when I get the FJR.

The point is that we all ride two wheeled vehicles. We should be all on the same side.

Who really cares who rides what? Just have fun and be safe.

agree on all points-I thought the same thing about the map i know a bunch of Harley riders (hard core old school and new on the scene yuppies) and they are good people and would never consider stealing anything let alone a map.

:wacko: :wacko:
Poor ol Slick, ain't been here long enough to know logic has no place here. :lol:

somebody turn it religious or political fer gods sake!


And the HH club continues to grow. I applaud y'all.
I ain't no Harley hater. Matter-of-fact, I wouldn't mind owning one (after I get my Moto Guzzi, that is...)! :D

I agree. I had in my mind I would make the Harley Softail Duece my ride-around bike. I get no enjoyment in riding the FJR around town . . you know, "cruising."

I reluctantly went with a friend to the HD store in town and they had a blue and black Softail Deuce sitting there. It was beautiful. The colors reminded me of an antique car.

I would love to tool around on that thing in the open air. That was, however, the only bike on the floor I could get into.

As far as the japanese cruisers--yes, they are ugly for the most part. Yamaha has some belt driven models that look OK.

If I wanted a cruiser, and wanted to not go with Harley, I might go with one of the old school Triumphs. Not that 2300 behemoth but like the Triumph Bonneville . . I think I would enjoy riding it for the same reasons as the Deuce. . . just something classic about it.

But only as a second bike. The FJR is the perfect long distance bike, which is primarily how I ride. I look for reasons to go places . . heading to Darlington, SC for my first ever NASCAR race, as a matter of fact, and I don't like Nascar . . but it was a good excuse to stretch the FJR's legs.

As to the original post . . I think the quality is there with HD, but the performance and engineering is not. And if I bought that Deuce--which they stopped making, ironically--I certainly woudln't feel compelled to buy the leathers and chrome.

Well, this diatribe is over. Perhaps I shouldn't post this. I don't want to inflame the Feejer masses. Rather, just try to understand that some enjoy the relaxed pace, the parts availability, and American continuum that only a Harley can provide. For me, the FJR is a consumable conglomeration of parts that will be obsolete and over with in 5 years.
But what a 5 years! :rolleyes:
Uh huh. That's why I still so many old BMWs and Kawasaki Concours and ST1100s out there . .

If there's anything disposable, it's a Harley. Cause most of them get rid of them when they can't shine the chrome any more.

You take the badge off those bikes, they become an overweight, overwrought piece of crap. Some of them are beautiful, and as I said I was moved by that Deuce, but most of them are not unlike the rest of the cruiser marketing machine, from all the companies: terribly patronizing to the male ego, and kind of pathetic.

What's (not) to understand?

The Deuce!

Oh . . that's exactly what I was posting about, 'cept the one on the showroom was blue and black. That is a gorgeous bike and I don't think the other manufacturers have anything that comes comes close.

(BTW . . how do you feel about it not being made? They replaced it with some hideous "rocker" model that's just more stereotypical Harley macho buillsh*t. You have to admit, this bike has an old school "classic car" feel to it that Harley should also embrace. The might win over folks like me who are put off by the "outlaw" image but found this bike very appealing.

By the way: big friggin' thumbs down to the mods for being so trigger happy. This was a pretty good thread.

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