What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Yesterday was sunny and 80F with tightly scattered lead.


(Each black square is 1")

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I think winter is coming. 16 degrees here this morning and precipitation for the weekend. I guess I better finish putting things away.

Mid 50's start and up to the mid 70's this afternoon. Perfect day for a spirited ride on the 990 along with a couple mates up Hwy 49 from Nevada City to Quincy and back via La Porte Road.

Perfect day for a spirited ride on the 990 along with a couple mates up Hwy 49 from Nevada City to Quincy and back via La Porte Road.
Be careful, Dougie-Bear. There's a right-hand, downhill, off camber, decreasing radius ************ on La Porte.

And you're pretty old.


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Perfect day for a spirited ride on the 990 along with a couple mates up Hwy 49 from Nevada City to Quincy and back via La Porte Road.
Be careful, Dougie-Bear. There's a right-hand, downhill, off camber, decreasing radius ************ on La Porte.

And you're pretty old.

Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle. Talk about RREEAALLYY old.

First snow of the year on the valley floor. FJR is cleaned up and ready for a winter nap, though I see a fork seal leaking. I do maintain it in a ride-ready state for those good days we sometimes see in November, December, January and February. Rode every month last winter. V-Strom is still filthy from a 220-mile Saturday a few weeks ago with 80 miles of gravel and FS roads. Chain drive sucks.

The weather was craptastic here yesterday too. Cloudy and rainy, and cold. PERFECT for riding dirt. Patch and I hit the ground around 1530 and had a frigging blast. Sand, mud, rocks and hills. We laughed our ***** off for about 3 hours. We were trying to climb a hill that has to be hit PINNED in 3rd gear. Patch made it one of three tries, and I made it to within 50 feet of the top. I probably could have gotten away with a downshift, but just didn't do it. The whoops before the base of the hill make that speed hard to gain. Gotta be confident in the bike. This 530 soaks them up, but still...lol.

We're going again tomorrow with another buddy, who's going to Moab with us in November. I'll hit the top of that bitch...just gotta suck it up! Haha...

Another time I was leading and took a wrong turn. There was a big hill with a 2 foot step-up at the top. I didn't see it until I was halfway up. I was gonna chicken out, but knew Patch was right behind me, so I throttled it and launched off that ****** to hit the top. Patch about **** cuz he wasn't sure either. I almost dropped the bike when I landed because I was laughing so hard. Just a good day!!

Six hours in upper-60F and cloudy hitting Georgia Grand Tour stops. Got chilly (60F) when the sun went down, so the grip heaters came on. Will capture all GTGa location next weekend with rpm. Hoping for sunshine what with the short days and Daylight Savings Time.

Jeez oh man, this bike is great! Is it possible to fall in love with a machine?

Six hours in upper-60F and cloudy hitting Georgia Grand Tour stops. Got chilly (60F) when the sun went down, sometimes the grip heaters came on. ...Jeez oh man, this bike is great! Is it possible to fall in love with a machine?
Huh? Grip heaters just below 60F? I was out today, temperature max'd out at 15C - that's 59F - I was overheating. My grips only come on if it's below about 5C (41F) if it's dry, maybe below 10C (50F) if it's wet.
Weather here started very misty, absolutely no wind. Sun finally burned through at around 12. Had a quick lunch then went out.

(click on image for larger view)

Unfortunately, after half an hour or so the mist came down again. Decided to return home, I prefer to see where I'm going. Temperature dropped a bit, 12C (54F). Still didn't even think about cold hands.

But I have to agree with you about the bike :) .

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