What's the Worst Farkle you've ever bought?

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vectraLIGHT license plate LED flasher. Crapolino....
**EDIT 4/10/07**

Having been filled with love and brotherhood and longing to sing Kumbaya as a result of OrangevaleFJR's Disneylike ending of the feud with Geza, I am moved to modify the above post, by admitting that--incredible as it may sound :eek: --it's just possible that I've got a rootbeer floating ground (or some such, I forget; thanks, Weekend Rider). So that I still need to try some of his and dCarver's proposed solutions (something to do with getting Fang to hold one finger on the negative terminal of the battery and the ground wire from the accessory in her mouth) before concluding that it's the vectraLIGHT that's faulty.

But more important, I called the distributor today, and they took my name and phone for the techie to get back to me. Yeah, right. Two hours later, I got the call, and the guy was very cool, interested, sympathetic, and helpful. He gave me some good suggestions to try, and if those didn't work, send the sunuvagun back for them to do some tests, etc.

So I withdraw the above comment. The jury's still out....


"Fang! You busy, honey? I need you to hold something for me. Oh, stop weeping. It's not what you think."

"Kumbaya....[be sure to hit the play button.]

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To many to list...lol

Throttlemister was the biggest disapointment... for the money... but they make great for a good looking bar end.

also got to say communiction was bad too, NADY,AUDIOBOSS,CHATTERBOX Just all a waist of time and money pure chit.

Doit right

go with AUTOCOM or STARCOM..more expensive they they others but they work, and at high speeds to.


It has got to be the Bugeye helmet mounted mirrors.

They make you dizzy trying to see what is behind you, and by the time you focus on an object to the rear, your head moves and you lose it, or you run off the road by focusing on the stupid mirrors. Oh, and did I say they look STUPID! Good thing they were only about $20.00! The tankslapper still sits in its original packaging too. :angry:

It has got to be the Bugeye helmet mounted mirrors.They make you dizzy trying to see what is behind you, and by the time you focus on an object to the rear, your head moves and you lose it, or you run off the road by focusing on the stupid mirrors. Oh, and did I say they look STUPID! Good thing they were only about $20.00! The tankslapper still sits in its original packaging too. :angry:
i have a buddy that swears by them.

did you remove your fjr mirrors before trying out the bug eyes? same buddy said you'll drive yourself mad if you leave your stock mirrors on, and put the bugeyes on, and then go riding and try and use either.

Has to be Chatterbox for me. Paid $85 from a friend, $30 for an extended cord, and $65 for extra helmet to leave permanently mounted in. Never used any of them, just sitting in my closet. Damn.

"The Tankslapper clear adhesive protector. Hard to install and looked like crap. Threw away after a piece blew off."

+1 -- Don't buy the tankslapper stuff!

I am shocked by the poo-poo to Tankslapper posts!! I absolutely love mine. Certainly don't have the miles you guys do, but after two years, it has yet to budge, and I have managed to scratch it up plenty of times.

It must have to do with the surface preparation. My tank was brand new when I put it on, and I still cleaned it up thoroughly. I even overlapped the sections on the tank so as to not have any gaps (directions warned against), and this has held up great. Maybe better than separating, as it leaves one less edge to peel??

I also love my throttle rocker (or cramp buster or whatever it's called) I have the narrow one, and it sits on the end of the grip and works like a champ. In fact, I couldn't imagine not having it!

Goes to show... different strokes for different folks. Especially TWN - I think we can all agree he prefers a more "rearward" stroke.


I also love the tankslapper kit. I am positive it is in the prep & how it's applied. For anyone that would like to RETRY it, I was told to do a 50-50 mixture of alcohol to water to spray on for application (instead of water alone).

I lost 1 piece in 3 years of use... & I believe that it's one of the 3M pieces... one of the headlight covers.

Any of you who don't like the kit & have one sitting around you're not going to use, please PM me for my address. I'll pay the postage for you to send it to me. I need new material on the top of my tank. It does start to yellow after a long period of time.


Chatterbox junk. First one didn't work, sent it back. Second one didn't work, sent it back. Third one off to EBAY.... <_<

Throttlemeister. So hard to operate smoothly it's almost useless and it was expensive to boot. I much prefer the VistaCruise. Much better function for 15% the cost.

Here's the gayest farkle ever - a custom slipcover for my fuel cell. My wife made it for a "Pimp Your LD Ride" get together in LA a few years back. I also had some purple neon glowsticks underneath the bodywork, 8-ball valve stem caps, and fuzzy dice hanging from the mirrors.


