Next question, Sandwiches. I am doooooooomed! How the heck do you fix that problem?
Your testing is flawed. Snickers bars contain enough cocoa butter to slow down the metabolism of the carbs. That is why your two hour post-prandial reading is lower for the Snickers bar than it is for the two slices of wheat bread. Read any book on the metabolism of carbohydrates and Diabetes for more information.This is a normal reaction for a wheat/grain person. Cravings. Once you are off of wheat for a week or so, cravings go away mostly. Most folks don't understand wheat has a lot of appetite stimulants in it.I don't know...all this talk about wheat, is making me hungry for a PB & J on whole wheat bread![]()
Blood sugar spikes cause all kinds of maladies. What would you think is healthier, when it comes to blood sugar spikes,... a Snickers bar or two slices of whole wheat bread?
When Dr Davis made the statement "Two slices of whole wheat bread will give you a more harmful blood sugar spike that a Snickers bar," I thought that was total bul***it. So, I decided to prove him wrong. I bought a cheapo glucometer at Walmart, and then ate two slices of whole wheat bread one morning, and then a Snickers bar a week or two later just to debunk such an idiotic statement. Check these two links to see how it turned out:
I report,. ... you decide.
The testing is not flawed. All the Doc said was that a Snickers bar would cause a less harmful blood sugar spike than two slices of whole wheat bread. I didn't believe that was possible. I, like everyone else, had been brainwashed my whole life to believe in the malarky about "healthy whole grains." The Doc was, and still is right. Eat two slices of whole wheat bread and your blood sugar will spike more than that caused by a Snickers bar.Your testing is flawed. Snickers bars contain enough cocoa butter to slow down the metabolism of the carbs. That is why your two hour post-prandial reading is lower for the Snickers bar than it is for the two slices of wheat bread. Read any book on the metabolism of carbohydrates and Diabetes for more information.This is a normal reaction for a wheat/grain person. Cravings. Once you are off of wheat for a week or so, cravings go away mostly. Most folks don't understand wheat has a lot of appetite stimulants in it.I don't know...all this talk about wheat, is making me hungry for a PB & J on whole wheat bread![]()
Blood sugar spikes cause all kinds of maladies. What would you think is healthier, when it comes to blood sugar spikes,... a Snickers bar or two slices of whole wheat bread?
When Dr Davis made the statement "Two slices of whole wheat bread will give you a more harmful blood sugar spike that a Snickers bar," I thought that was total bul***it. So, I decided to prove him wrong. I bought a cheapo glucometer at Walmart, and then ate two slices of whole wheat bread one morning, and then a Snickers bar a week or two later just to debunk such an idiotic statement. Check these two links to see how it turned out:
I report,. ... you decide.
Just about all of what you say is EXACTLY the way I felt in Sep of 2011. I thought it was so ridiculous, I started to investigate the whole thing solely with the idea of debunking it. I tried and tried, and the more I got into it, the more frustrated I became. The evidence for it was valid,... the "evidence" against it kept turning out to be the same old propaganda unsupported by actual robust research. That's when I decided to finally prove him wrong with a real world lab experiment,... ME! I did exactly as his procedures explained. By cracky I was going to show once and for all how bogus the whole thing was.While I will agree that there are some people who have a real (or imagined) sensitivity to wheat (and other foods), I believe that the suggestion that wheat is a poison and a terrible food source is ridiculous!!
If wheat alone is used to replace a normally well-balanced diet, there will be problems; just like with over-indulgence of any foodstuff at the expense of others. Overeating is a problem for many just as under-exercise is bad for your health.
I am not saying that there aren't people who have problems with wheat-based products but you can't make that generalization for everyone. There aren't valid scientific studies that support your assertions. Wheat has been a significant part of the diet in Western cultures for hundreds of years and I do not see any plague of related illnesses. There is not a government-agriculture conspiracy to cover it up, either. Life expectancy has never been higher in the history of the human race. Some of the chronic illnesses we see are a function of living long enough for them to become prevalent - you have to die from something. Our sedentary lifestyle and (other) poor nutrition choices are far greater issues.
Your posts border on the fanatical with little (other than anecdotal) solid evidence. Very one-sided and devoid of scientific merit.
I am happy to say that I am a Wheater, and do not plan to change anytime soon. I think I speak for the vast majority.
By the way, I am (almost) 58 and do not have isues with obesity, acid-reflux, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Maybe I can blame wheat for my diminished hearing or less-acute eyesight. No, perhaps that could be attributed to too much loud music in my youth, motorcycles (before I started wearing earplugs) and getting older??
Everyone can make up their own minds on this subject and render their own opinion. Just remember that opinions are like ********. Everyone has one and none of them smell very good!