Where to Locate a Spare Key??

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
Decided it was time to get a couple of spares made and hide one somewhere on the bike, what with my absent-mindedness getting worse with every passing decade. By the way, called the Yama dealer for a key--he said he'd sell me a blank for his cost, $7.99, and any locksmith would cut a new one from my original. I called a local locksmith, since the dealer was 20 miles away, and he said yeah, he had Yamaha blanks. Total cost for two copies: $6.00. Be advised.

So anyway, where's a good place to stick the spare key? Naturally want it out of sight and secure, but of course the best places need a key to get to, like under the seat, side cases, etc. For now, mine's stuck in the back of the seat (a Corbin) where there's a cut-out to insert the optional removable sissy bar. It has a velcro flap covering the hole, so it works, but doesn't seem all that secret of a place. Better ideas?

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Just had a locksmith cut me a spare on a plain flat headed blank, and stuck it in my wallet.

Just get some velcro and attach it with the velcro under some plastic that you have to reach up under to get to the key.



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A lot of uniform shops sell little pouches, you keep on your belt, that are specifically for a key. I also have a friend who keeps a spare key in the I-pod pocket in his jacket. I keep extras safety pinned to my jacket liners, since I have more than one jacket.

Oh you know where I keep my spare key? Just a minute and I'll tell you here on this forum that is constantly indexed by Google. And then I'll tell you where I hide my spare house key, too. Yeah, that's the ticket. Wanna know which body panel on my car conceals the hide-a-key? Stay tuned, I'm gonna tell you that, too.


What key? I have voice-activated ignition... "Motorcycle ON!"

Doesn't everybody? :huh:

(Actually, I keep a spare for bike & Givi trunk in a pouch around my neck.)

ust a minute and I'll tell you here on this forum that is constantly indexed by Google.
You know...he actually has a pretty fair point. Presume the world and bad guys are looking at this thread folks. Discuss accordingly.

EDIT: And I'm going to tweak the title to say "Locate" instead.

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The entire yamaha key is only as wide as the cut shaft part. All of the black is attached molded plastic. I cut off the plastic and placed the key in my wallet.

I keep my spare on the key ring with the regular ignition key. That way I always know where it is.....wait a minute, if I loose the o r i g i n a l .....ah phuck, now I've got to find a new place.

Just had a locksmith cut me a spare on a plain flat headed blank, and stuck it in my wallet.


now where's my wallet?? :blink:

When I travel, I have 2 spares. Wallet and lanyard. I wouldn't leave one on or near the bike.

And GUNNY what GunMD said...those dang robots.txt files ...and google spiders...

I'm with Airboss. And, since my wallet also has my credit cards, if I leave the house it is attached to my body at all times. I guess if this gets Googled the bad guys can always pick my pocket, under my riding pants. :rolleyes:

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When I go on major trips, I carry a spare key, an extra credit card and $50 in a neck pouch which is on a lanyard that hangs from my neck under my shirt like this:


When riding solo, I carry a spare key on my person.

If riding with someone I trust, on a long tour, we simply exchange spare keys on the key rings.
