Who was draggin' a bag on the Dragon?

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Impressive =
Is that you JD? Now that is Impressive!!! Man I have find some time to hang out with the GA group!!! :yahoo:

It seems like that everyone that went or have had a MSF class is an expert on that rider and style of ridding.
The only thing wrong with that rider is that, all the people offering there highly technical opinion are unhappy cause it is not them going through that turn.

There sure seem to be a lot of perfect riders out there or is it they are only perfect in front of the computer

I would bet that guy did not have a MSF class and he made that corner and did not crash and lived to tell about it another day. :butcher:
i can assure you that MSF training would result in the bike being moved around underneath an upright rider; exactly the opposite of the advice given here.

BTW: That one picture wasn't Thunderbirds. It was Team America (fvck YEAH)!

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I wish the cops would take pictures instead of readings. What a wonderful world it would be!

JW, do you have that in larger res? If so, care to share?

Funny! I had to leave my computer this morning so that I could ride my FJR a couple hundred miles for work today.


So I didn't have the time to retrieve that picture of ExtremeMarine and post it. But that's exactly what I had in mind to do!!!

Unlike me, Wayne has no ego issues. He trains, he studies, he watches, he learns, he practices (well, until he moved to the frigid north!) :)

Behold IMPRESSIVE form and an equally impressive JWilly photo to boot!


I understand why MSF teaches movement of the bike underneath an upright rider. Not going into that discussion here/again.

It's the inference that "performance riding" involves scraping hard parts, frequently maximized lean angles, and the scrubbing-off of chicken strips that makes me postal.

Sorry I can't spend any more time in front of the computer. I have to go ride now.


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I'm a fool to write this - but - the last time Deb and I were leaned over that far, the can hit down and lifted the rear wheel off the road ---------- low side !

BUT -- we were not hanging off the seats, our knees not down, and the suspension was shagged :lol:

We maybe looked cool though -- till the slide :rolleyes:

It's the inference implication, insinuation, suggestion or intimation that "performance riding" involves scraping hard parts, frequently maximized lean angles, and the scrubbing-off of chicken strips that makes me postal.
Sorry I can't spend any more time in front of the computer. I have to go ride now.

calm down post man

The spark showers do look cool.

You can almost hear that rider wisper "oh Shit!"

He screwed up. He knew it. He got away and the price he paid was only in hard-parts instead of an air ambulance ride to Maryville.

IMO Those who worship peg scrapes and spark showers are not actually admiring riding skill. They are just yearning to overcome their fears. Let's hope we can all learn a lesson from someone else's "oh Shit" moment.

Thanks for the advice Joe. I'm taking deep breaths and typing slowly.


I do sometimes wonder how much the obvious presence of Killboy contributes to the crashes at The Dragon. I catch myself smacking away at the little devil on my shoulder who's saying... "Drive into that corner and lay it down low so that it will look good in the pic!"

Sometimes I find Killboy to be a total distraction, almost like target fixation, and I can't seem to force my full attention back to the ride where it should be.

I'm willing to bet that if you removed all the Killboy(s) from The Dragon itself and forced them to setup shop at either end, it wouldn't take too long to see a noticeable decrease in pilot-induced crashes.

We've performed similar experiments at motocross tracks by relocating viewing areas away from more technical/dangerous areas of the tracks. Less people crashed, less people got hurt. Just food for thought that will probably never be digested.

I hope I haven't scared off the person in the photo itself. Would still love to know who it was and hear his story about that corner.


Kill-Boy usually has more than just the one phote of a bike- I could not find that one so I could not see if there were others
If there is more can someone post them -

I did not see any other pics posted, but here are some interesting comments that you may find interesting, with some more information from Mr. Killboy hisself:

R90Baron said...

Wow! did he make it?

Wed Sep 03, 08:14:00 AM 2008

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yup...it was hard to pick one shot really, he was like this all day long.

Wed Sep 03, 01:52:00 PM 2008

motardman said...

Just goes to show what you can do with good tyres and setup+skills....fantastic :)

Wed Sep 03, 05:32:00 PM 2008

vmaximum said...

Center stands just make weight anyway

Wed Sep 03, 06:44:00 PM 2008

flame said...

If he had skills, he wouldn't be doing that. Some people are just stupid luck.

Wed Sep 03, 07:38:00 PM 2008

motardman said...

Doing it all day without issue...I'd say that was skill, no one's that lucky.

Wed Sep 03, 07:59:00 PM 2008

1SLIK6 said...


Thats all I got.

Wait... maybe he needs a sportbike?

2) If you're going to lean a bike over like that, you need to move your ass (in fact, your whole body) off the centerline. There's no reason to get knee pucks, but putting your weight off the bike (to the inside) will allow the bike to stand up straighter. This means you can apply more power, go faster -- and makes you faster through the corners.And yes... I did stay and a HIE last night. :)

I am sure this is what you meant......

Yes you should slide your butt a bit off the bike (to the inside). But you want your weight to be closer to the bike.

I will explain.......sliding your butt to the inside allows you to effectively lower your center of gravity.

Plus.......you need to place your weight on the outside peg. This effectivley moves your center of mass closer to the bike. The key is moving the weight of the rider closer to the ground and closer to the center of mass in a downward direction, not sideways (as what would be the case if your weight was on the inside peg) to counteract centrifugal force.

As ngarider said......this allows you to corner the motorcycle with less of a lean angle than if you were just sitting upright. This maintains a larger contact patch of tire on the pavement, which means more grip, which means a faster speed can be obtained.

clear as mud right

now i've confused myself :dribble: :dribble:

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I admit that I have scraped hard parts, but I really need to quit before something bad happens, but it's just so much fun. Plus, the FJR does not have the greatest clearance in the motorcycle world.

I try to get my butt off the seat and my head out near the mirror, but I still scrape stuff. I doesn't feel like I am very close to the limits of the grip, but I know that when hard parts (like kick stands and mufflers) hit that the tires are about to become airborne, regardless of the grip.

If I want to ride more agressively, I should get a bonafied sports bike, but in light of all the tragedy lately, I should really just slow it down a little and enjoy the sights.

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I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret.....please keep it just between us, okay?

There are these things called "race tracks"......sometimes you can ride a motorcycle on them.......free from endangering others and I hear there's plenty of open tarmac to get your jollies out on.

I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret.....please keep it just between us, okay?

There are these things called "race tracks"......sometimes you can ride a motorcycle on them.......free from endangering others and I hear there's plenty of open tarmac to get your jollies out on.
Will they make me want to go slower on the street? Kinda like Prozac for motorcyclists?
