Why is nothing wrong with my bike?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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As a sales manager at a Yamaha dealership who has been selling the FJR since it first hit the American market, let me say that over all the FJR is a very trouble free motorcycle. But what happens is some body will have a problem and post it on a forum and the next thing you know everybody seems to have it. Take the fuel injection issue that some are complaining about. When I first heard about it I called Yamaha to talk to my RTA about it ,they put my friend who said "I think my bike has this problem on a list" But here's the deal the first word's out of the RTA's mouth were "He's been on line at the FJR forum, and read about this!"

Now I am not going to get into a debate about the merit's of this forum or others, but I do think that some time a false issue can becaused by a few people.
Well documented -- "Internet Hysteria"!

As a 'sales manager', maybe you'd like to field some of questions about problem FJRs and help your constituency?

As a p.s. on my shameless speech, if Yamaha and their dealers had an OUNCE of brain power, they'd run their OWN forum for each owner group like ours and appoint a product liaison to participate now and then. He who controls (or at least sponsors and thereby shapes) the information exercises some level of influence if not outright spin control.

But what do I know, I'm just a damn IT professional who builds customer-facing and customer-support systems for a living...

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Let me say this now that you have all had a chance to take your shot at me;

1. I am not a"Big Brother " whowants you to believe everything that I say as gospel, the input recieved from you the consumer is one of my most important sources.

2. Yamaha Dealers and for that Ymaha part have thier own forum, it is called Y.D.S. in wich all types of information is shared.

3. and most important when I joined this forum I stated that I wanted to see what was going on with FJR owners and if you had any questions or concerns that I would be more than happy to see what I could do to get the answer for you.

I posted on this thread because I was in agreement with the mebers of this forum that the FJR was a wondeful bike,that what the thread was about, not lets roast somebody who has the guts to tell you all what the manufactures feel about this forum.

Let me ask all of you do you want your forum to be thought of with respect by Yamaha or do you want the reaction to be "oh no not another forum guy." I would hope the former more than the later

Um, the reverse is the more valid question: what do the members of this forum think about Yamaha and, in turn, various individual dealerships. As for Y.D.S., sounds great, now how about opening that up to the public and if it already is, making it more known? That was the point that was made, a public-facing site sponsored by Yamaha. In the absence of such a site, forums like this will prosper as the community supports its members, external to Yamaha and its dealers. If that model isn't what Yamaha wants, they have the power to evolve and, in turn, force their dealers to evolve too and become more directly engaged with their obvious customer base collection points such as this forum.

I actually kinda laugh when you make it sound like we should worry about what Yamaha and its dealers think about this forum and imply that we'd best behave or we'll be labeled negatively and ignored. Try it, I'm calling your bluff, speaking solely for myself. There's nothing more powerful than a nationwide supportive and informed community like this. Those who cater to and work with that community, like University Motors, prosper. Those who scoff at it and roll their eyes saying "one of those darn forum users" have every right to do so, just as they have every right to see where they end up down the line as a result of such a posture.

Evolve or die.

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I tried to come here and listen to you concerns and questions, now I will be leaving and you can continue in your bliss of bad mouthing the FJR, but one parting question if it really has all of the problems I see on this forum, why in the world do you buy them, why not get the new Kawasaki, or a BMW why keep that hunk of junk that Yamaha sells?

I do not know I will never figure it out . Any ways good by to all


I don't know whether to laugh....

.....or laugh!

Whodathunk a SoCal Yammie dealership would have a 5 year old sales manager who just took his ball and went home.

I tried to come here and listen to you concerns and questions, now I will be leaving and you can continue in your bliss of bad mouthing the FJR, but one parting question if it really has all of the problems I see on this forum, why in the world do you buy them, why not get the new Kawasaki, or a BMW why keep that hunk of junk that Yamaha sells?I do not know I will never figure it out . Any ways good by to all
Don't let the door hit yer arse on the way out. Notice how he never ponied up to any of the topics of challenge, just posted "be nice or we'll ignore you" and then huffed off when the scare tactic flopped? Puh-lease. The only thing left to wonder is who will pick up their territory when they eventually go under if that was even truly a supposed sales manager.

At no point did anyone here say the FJR is a hunk of junk. What IS said here is that Yamaha dealers who roll their eyes at users who participate in forums and get informed from the community are doing so at their own peril in the long-term vision of things. I truly meant what I said about evolving or dying. My uncle's shop did not, and long after I moved on and got a real job, the place went belly up. #1 reason? Piss-poor customer service and (scary parallel) an arrogant ass for a sales manager who drove off everyone except his racing buddies. It got to the point where I regretted being formerly associated with the place, because buds who knew me when I worked there kept going "dude, your uncle's place (insert screwjob story here), I can't believe it man, I'm going next county over to Peru from now on, **** that place." And there was nothing I could do but agree and relay such events now and then at family gatherings, but even that I eventually gave up on. The writing was on the wall.

Rest in peace, supposed Orange County Yamadog Dealer. Do you want red or white carnations on your casket?

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wow did this thread get sour...I am another with an '07 without issues. I would not trade this bike for any other that is currently on the market.

As far as what fireroadeddy had to say...to some extent I have to agree with him. If Yamaha sells 1000's of the FJR's every year, why do we think there is a "defect" because 20 users on a forum have an issue? There is no doubt that this forum has been great for me and a wealth of information but the way some of us jump on others is beyond me.

If you don't like your FJR, go get another friggin bike!

peace out


I'm still trying to find anywhere where anyone said they didn't like their FJR? What I did see was plenty of cases where the dealer implied that people who learn about problems on the web and then have what they perceive as the audacity to ask their dealer, according to this supposed sales manager, get labeled as wacko forum people.

Show me a snippet from any post here where someone said they don't like their bike. However, there is no denying that like any production product, there are some known defects, some of the embraced by Yamaha and others requiring additional pressure to examine, but there is also a clear case where forums such as this in the past have provided that unified voice to force similar examinations and, most often, concessions in the the past (throttle position sensor? tickers? now 07 surgers?) It was the pretend-dealer who pounced on folks first, and I quite vigorously took him to task on what he said. Rather than reply to the points, he pouted and left. Who loses from that? Um, not the forum...and not his competitors...

Jesus, some of you guys are harsh. :lol: :lol:

I didn't read every word of the thread, but IMO fireroadeddy had a point about customers ranting "I read it on teh intarwebs!" The fact that he didn't stick around to back up his statements is kind of sad. Then again, he probably was overstepping his bounds by attempting to represent Yamaha in any way/shape/form and thought better of it. /shrug

wow did this thread get sour...I am another with an '07 without issues. I would not trade this bike for any other that is currently on the market. As far as what fireroadeddy had to say...to some extent I have to agree with him. If Yamaha sells 1000's of the FJR's every year, why do we think there is a "defect" because 20 users on a forum have an issue? There is no doubt that this forum has been great for me and a wealth of information but the way some of us jump on others is beyond me.

If you don't like your FJR, go get another friggin bike!
I think the issue may be more like -- 'a breach of faith' with Yamaha. The bikes don't live-up to their advertised promise. All '03s have bad exhaust valve guides (unless they've been retrofitted) -- some may never ride them hard enough/long enough to find that out (that doesn't mean the defect isn't there). All '07s have driveability issues at altitude -- some may never change altitude (much) in their riding (that doesn't mean the defect doesn't exist).

These 21st century motorcycles should not need to make excuses for any use, within reason, on public roads, that any owner wants to put them through. As it stands, currently, I'm afraid some are blighted second-class motorcycles -- they can't stand the gaff.

For those who don't use their bike as it was designed (high speed, high power sport-touring) -- they may have 'over-bought'? And, may probably be able to get by with alot less m/c?

As for fireroadeddy: don't 'take your ball and go home' -- be the 'sales manager' and educate us about how all the so-called problems are really 'non-issues'. Be persuasive -- who knows, maybe you'll convince those '03 owners with oil dripping out the ends of their mufflers and those '07 riders with non-operational fuel injection that there's really nothing wrong with the valve guides Yamaha used early on or the way Yamaha designed the '07 F.I./ECU?

It just doesn't help anything to proclaim: "The Emperor's new suit is beautiful."

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I see in the thread started by TruWrecks about the 07 surging that there is no trend of complaints from the late year VIN number bikes. It lists those ending in 385-3350 as being in the problem zone. I choose to believe that Yamaha has been using new ECM's for a while, especially since I own a late year 07. :rolleyes:

I was there for the overheating GL1800 in 2001, we got an extra 2 year engine warranty from a class action suit and 2 lawyers got rich. That bike also had huge tire wobble issues until they made special tires for it. We also had bad welds give us cracking frames in small numbers of bikes. They fixed all that stuff by 2006, I bought a 2005 before they were done tweaking, never had anything but good luck and an occasional redline on the temp gauge in 60k miles. And hey, the final drive was great.

Anyway I started this thread because I have had nothing to complain about with this bike. I am completely unaware of any throttle problems, mine is smooth as silk. And I won't be in the mountains again until next summer and hopefully it will be ok but the FI is great here at sea level and I will love it all winter. I wanted to know if I was the only guy with an 07 who had no complaints. I am glad to see that I am not and I am pleased that you guys with problems are fighting the battle because hey, maybe that will be my bike someday. Thanks for the input guys, and hang around Yamaha man, you add a perspective that we do not have.

No complaints with my '07A either. In fact, I like it even more since I saw the '08 colors! :drinks:

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I'm glad that you and many others have no complaints. I enjoyed my 03 for 5 years and also had no complaints. I didn't have the tick, but I wouldn't say I was lucky, I would rather think that the owners of tickers were/are unlucky.

As far as the heat goes, because of the information on this (actually other boards before this one even existed0 I was able to reduce the heat significantly. I really had no issues other than a few that I could fix myself.

I don't have any issue to speak of with my GL1800 other that an electrical gremlin the popped up (maybe I should get a bell). I expected the heat, just like I knew beforehand the FJR ran hot (don't these people read before they go out and buy something).

Enjoy your FJRs, guys and gals. There is much to appreciate with these great machines. Just be glad you're not living in the 60's where most bikes were relative short lived crap.

p.s. Motorcycle Consumer News has two articles about FJRs this month. A good read.

wow did this thread get sour...I am another with an '07 without issues. I would not trade this bike for any other that is currently on the market.
As far as what fireroadeddy had to say...to some extent I have to agree with him. If Yamaha sells 1000's of the FJR's every year, why do we think there is a "defect" because 20 users on a forum have an issue? There is no doubt that this forum has been great for me and a wealth of information but the way some of us jump on others is beyond me.

If you don't like your FJR, go get another friggin bike!

peace out

Perhaps you don't have an issue because your 07 doesn't have the problems that others do. Suggested evidence given throughout this forum lends speculation that Yamaha may have done an "on line" fix with the surging issue that early 07 adopters are reporting. Yamaha alludes to the aforesaid with this quote directly from their own site:

"Advanced fuel injection system is ideal for long-distance supersport-touring, delivering crisp, seamless throttle response in a variety of altitude/weather conditions. "

Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who benefitted from the problems suffered by those with earlier VINs who described their problems in this very forum. Mayhaps Yamaha DOES listen.

Oh, and 20 complaints out of thousands of buyers, as you mention, doesn't invalidate the problem as you implied. 20 complainers of differing problems might, but 20 complaining about the exact same issue lends some credence, in my book.

Fortunately, the only thing I have to worry about with my 04 is roasting my calves and thighs this summer. No surging here.

I'm not choosing sides or picking any bones here but personally I think it would be good to have some input from Yamaha on the board but being real and with all the libel cases out there don't think that would happen, too bad. I'm sure there are many other bikes than the ones heard from here with a problem of surging that goes unreported. And as mentioned before by some members in the midwest and east that haven't had the real opportunity to ride at elevations that would cause the problem to rear its ugly head. And some 06's are in the que as well but not to the degree as 07's that are affected. Just some thoughts from an old worn out crippled biker that refuses to give up....PM. <>< :pirate:

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Oh, and 20 complaints out of thousands of buyers, as you mention, doesn't invalidate the problem as you implied. 20 complainers of differing problems might, but 20 complaining about the exact same issue lends some credence, in my book.
Don't really know if their numbers are accurate, but MCN states in their October issue that "In the last 12 months 10,800 FJRs were sold in the United States, making Yamaha the No. 2 sport-touring brand with 26.2% of that segment.

As far as Yamaha's brag about the self adjusting EFI mapping to accomodate various altitudes, I believe that's been the case since day one. I believe the o2 sensor takes care of that. Mine never gave me a problem and I routinely ride in over ten thousand feet plus altitudes. The culprit IMHO is the lean idle circuit, which can be changed, but not by whining and the real reason for this situation is California CARB regulations, which keep getting more stringent. Yamaha and other manufacturers cannot circumvent the stupid laws. Similar problems have cropped up in other brands.

We don't know if they are working on it or not. Only they could say and they aren't saying anything. Can anyone blame them?

p.s. Living in high elevation, I would rejet my carbeuraters to compensate for the lean air. Not required for EFI.

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We don't know if they are working on it or not. Only they could say and they aren't saying anything. Can anyone blame them?
Well, I spoke with Yamaha on the phone today and was told that they have been aware of it and that a fix was on the way possibly between two weeks and one month. He was not concrete with the timeframe, but said it is very real and that the fix is in sight. I take that to mean they ARE working on it. But, that' just going on what Yamaha told me.
