Why so many '05 FJRs on the market?

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user 17459

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
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Hi All,

I'm in the market for an FJR and have been researching the bike and debating whether to buy a Gen 2 versus a Gen 1, etc. I've been watching Craigslist, Cycle Trader, and eBay to get an idea of prices and availability of used FJRs in SoCal or within a day or two ride from here. (Folks selling on Craigslist seem to advertise the best prices.)

I had an opportunity to buy a clean low mileage '04 with ABS late this afternoon that just showed up on Craigslist. I told him I'd be by in the morning and had planned on buying it. I later found out that someone else called right after me, rushed down and bought it.

The breakdown of used FJRs seems to be something like this (completely non-scientific):

2003 - 4%

2004 - 1%

2005 - 80%

2006 - 10%

2007 - 5%

I'm wondering why there are so many '05s on the market. Are these folks trading up to Gen 2 bikes? If so, why are '04s so scarce? I realize that there were about 1000 more '05s sold than '04s, but that doesn't seem to explain it. I personally love the color of the '04 and am not fond of the '05, but can this be the reason for the disparity? Am I missing something?

I'm probably going to wait until I can afford a Gen 2 bike. In the meantime I'll be lurking...


The 05's are the best looking and fastest of all the model years, and those selling them obviously can't handle the power or all the ladies that throw themselves at the owners... it's tough, but some of us can hack it. As for the others, they're now riding Vespas...

Hey Rick,

I am one of the guilty parties with an 05 on Craig's list. Main reason is, I just bought an 09 (I just posted pics of the 2 side by side). I love my 05 and I have several farkles that I now have to redo on my 09, so gotta get the wrenches out. The main reasons I upgraded were to get the latest tech upgrades and I really like the black w/black wheels.

My brother lives down in Temecula and he's riding my old Bandit. You just might see my 05 down there soon as I know he has his eye on it!

. . . Dan

I'm wondering why there are so many '05s on the market. Are these folks trading up to Gen 2 bikes? If so, why are '04s so scarce? I realize that there were about 1000 more '05s sold than '04s, but that doesn't seem to explain it. I personally love the color of the '04 and am not fond of the '05, but can this be the reason for the disparity? Am I missing something?
The 05s had 2 production runs so the difference between the number of 04s and 05s is quite a bit more than 1000.

The 05's are the best looking and fastest of all the model years, and those selling them obviously can't handle the power or all the ladies that throw themselves at the owners... it's tough, but some of us can hack it. As for the others, they're now riding Vespas...
[SIZE=14pt]That's it! [/SIZE]Thanks for saving me the typing. :D

RickJ., what u probably won`t hear from the sellers of pre 06 feejrs, is the fact that the 1st generation bikes were hot as hell to ride...as in sitting on a blast furnace. Go ahead: ask me how I know! The 2nd gen. bikes are a whole new world...stay away from the 1st. :assassin:

RickJ., what u probably won`t hear from the sellers of pre 06 feejrs, is the fact that the 1st generation bikes were hot as hell to ride...as in sitting on a blast furnace. Go ahead: ask me how I know! The 2nd gen. bikes are a whole new world...stay away from the 1st. :assassin:
Have to say that not all gen1 bikes have heat issues. Lots of factors are involved including what gear is used. Personally my 03 doesn't generate any more heat than my Connie did and no where as much as my Enfield. Keep in mind that you are holding an internal combustion engine next to your balls so a bit of heat is to be expected.

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RickJ., what u probably won`t hear from the sellers of pre 06 feejrs, is the fact that the 1st generation bikes were hot as hell to ride...as in sitting on a blast furnace. Go ahead: ask me how I know! The 2nd gen. bikes are a whole new world...stay away from the 1st. :assassin:
Some were hot...some weren't. That's why when my Gen 1 '04 was totalled...I went back to another sweet '04. :yahoo:

The 05's are the best looking and fastest of all the model years, and those selling them obviously can't handle the power or all the ladies that throw themselves at the owners... it's tough, but some of us can hack it. As for the others, they're now riding Vespas...

+ 1 :clapping: :clapping:

RickJ., what u probably won`t hear from the sellers of pre 06 feejrs, is the fact that the 1st generation bikes were hot as hell to ride...as in sitting on a blast furnace. Go ahead: ask me how I know! The 2nd gen. bikes are a whole new world...stay away from the 1st. :assassin:

Depends where you lived, I loved the heat coming out from my 05, here in Quebec, summer last only a few weeks, so heat is an asset ! :rolleyes:

The '05s ran actually for two years of production. We call it the 2005 and 2005 1/2 years. There were likely double or more '05s sold than '04s actually....according to my non-scientific sleuthing in the FJR Model Comparison Matrix.

It was also when the bike was subject to the Priority Delivery Program....so they weren't just sitting in dealer showrooms. There were totally different demand dynamics that changed after '05. People had to plunk $500 down to order the thing...and didn't get to ride it until they already had paid for it. There was far more demand for it then as well.

Personally, if I had a choice of a bike to buy used I'd get an '04 fixed ticker. Me thinks the computer was a bit more aggressive in them (since speculation was they detuned in '04 and further in '05 to help mitigate the tick), but it also had the ABS option. I'm one of those that think the heat in the Gen 1 hasn't been an issue and thinks the ankles get cooked more on a Gen 2.

The 05's are the best looking and fastest of all the model years, and those selling them obviously can't handle the power or all the ladies that throw themselves at the owners... it's tough, but some of us can hack it. As for the others, they're now riding Vespas...

+ 1 :clapping: :clapping:

RickJ., what u probably won`t hear from the sellers of pre 06 feejrs, is the fact that the 1st generation bikes were hot as hell to ride...as in sitting on a blast furnace. Go ahead: ask me how I know! The 2nd gen. bikes are a whole new world...stay away from the 1st. :assassin:

Depends where you lived, I loved the heat coming out from my 05, here in Quebec, summer last only a few weeks, so heat is an asset ! :rolleyes:

I love my bike, so far it has been quite cool here (West Michigan). But the blue is by far the best color in my book. :rolleyes:

First, I ride an '03 I just turned over 50K.

My guess, the FJR was new and essentially first available in the U.S. in '03 model year. As to be expected, sales were limited. Seeing another FJR in 03 was an extremely rare occurance.

'04 sales were better than '03, I'm sure, but still trying to get traction and word of mouth still spreading.

By '05, the word was out, sales were on a steep upward curve and seeing FJRs was, while not common, far from rare.

I speculate '05 sales far exceeded '03 and '04 combined. The upgrades to Gen II ('06-'09) were significant, so numerous Gen I owners have or would like to upgrade to Gen II. Thus, the most numerous Gen I model year - '05 - is the most numerous on the used market.

Note where I said "guess" and "speculation." That's all this is - barely a theory.

Since now I know I'm a 1%'er, I guess I'll have to send duke out on some jesse james capers so he'll have a rap sheet! :lol:

05s look like ass and are ridden by pussies.


All this talk of hot Gen 1's... Most of the time, I wish mine through MORE heat. The only time I found it hot was in a traffic jam for about 40 minutes in 100F heat. Even then, the traffic jam was ENTIRELY bikes (Port Dover). Their was a metric buttload of HD's on the side of the road, overheated to shit, with thier owners killing batteries trying to start them.
