
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hey, I've got a great idea! Don't participate in a thread you don't find useful!
This has gone insanely and completely downhill. I personally had high hopes for this thread, I wanted to read insightful info about the future of YCCS as much as anyone else participating. I love my AE and would not mind trading it in for a newer similar model a few years down the road.

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Hey, I've got a great idea! Don't participate in a thread you don't find useful!
This has gone insanely and completely downhill. I personally had high hopes for this thread, I wanted to read insightful info about the future of YCCS as much as anyone else participating. I love my AE and would not mind trading it in for a newer similar model a few years down the road.
My guess is you'll be able to do that, just not at the prices of the ones we have now.

After reading all the post I am just wondering is this the FJR forum or is this a whine club. I got some good cheese.

After reading all the post I am just wondering is this the FJR forum or is this a whine club. I got some good cheese.
Just goes to show I don't have to be involved in a thread for it to turn in to an "Asshat Convention." :p :p :p
Just trying to do my part. At leas no one was bitching about colors.
Good God YES!! Or we'd have all those '07 owners complainin' about their Dr. Pepper paint jobs!!

And I still can't find anywhere, European or otherwise, any Yamaha marketing material for a 2011 AS, only A.

You're not looking very hard, are you? CLICKY #1 CLICKY #2
Seen that before. They're selling 2009s assembled/branded in 2011 and calling them 2011s. Actually the same is true for the A model, but as they're still offering them in all markets, I think it's safe to assume that that's a "continued" model. Here's a quote from the manual website:

"Owner manuals are available for download in PDF form. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to view it and print it. If you need Acrobat Reader click here. The owner manuals cover a time span from 2000 to 2009 season. These manuals will be updated as soon as the new products become available on the market. Please be aware that for some models only the english version is available."

I can't see any reason for Yamaha to not offer the auto-clutch model in the NA market if they're still ordering parts and not simply using up leftover inventory.

I don't know the answer. Nobody else does either. It pisses me off to have people making statements one way or the other when they don't know what they're talking about. All we can say for certain is that they're still selling auto-clutch models, not that they're still ordering parts for continued production once they run out of inventory on hand.

And we're out....

Good god. Give it up already.

If they build it in 2011 and the VIN specifies it as a 2011 then it IS a 2011 whether they may any technical changes or not.

And Yamaha need not explain their decisions as to whether to import a particular model or not to the likes of us mere mortals.

However you can be certain that the reason they did this is because in their opinion they weren't selling enough units to justify investing in inventory - these things have to ordered and paid for a year in advance and both the mother ship and the US importer (which is a separate business unit with a separate P&L responsibilities have been going through hard times.

You can also pretty much bet that since there is still old vehicle inventory (I've heard there may even be a couple of 2006s buried in warehouses somewhere) and dealers don't exactly push the product they decided to allocate their resources elsewhere.

I suppose that in Europe, where ST bikes are a lot more common (as a function of the overall size of the market) they ARE ordering product - and remember that with the sinking US dollar, Japan isn't seeing as much revenue from the much more aggressively priced units sold here than they do for units sold in Europe, where an FJR costs $23K.

So, (and I'll make an assumption that perhaps 15% MAX of the FJRs out there are AEs) given that they sold all of 10,000 units in the US from 2006 through mid 2010, importing 400 units a year, going through emission certifications and so on, they decided that they're better off bringing in sport bikes and cruisers, which they sell in multi-ten-thousand-per-year volumes.

I suggest thaty keeping the FJR A model alive (let alone redesigned) is also not necessarily a given, if things get worse for the mother ship.

Good god. Give it up already.

If they build it in 2011 and the VIN specifies it as a 2011 then it IS a 2011 whether they may any technical changes or not.
Pretty much this. The question isnt is there anything NEW in 2011 AE's, its are they building 2011 AE's. The obvious answer is yes. Whether or not theres anything new in production (mechanically, not color, etc) is irrelevant. Taking parts manufactured in say 2009 and building a new bike on the assembly line in 2010/2011 makes that bike a 2011, not a 2009.
