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I have an '05 and didn't even realize there was a "heat" problem til I read it here. Go figure...

Maybe since I've been divorced twice, my 'nads have already been cooked so I don't notice the bike's heat.

I've got an 05, and ride in Houston Texas. Heat coming off the bike doesn't bother me unless I'm sitting at a stoplight and the outside air is around 90 degrees. In that instance, any bike is going to make you hot.

And whatever heat it puts off was sure welcome while riding in sub-freezing temperatures this past week... I can garauntee you that...

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I have an '05 and didn't even realize there was a "heat" problem til I read it here. Go figure...
As I said I do a little research, from Yamaha's own web page:

Advanced air management system and new bodywork, keep the FJR looking and feeling cool.

New, curved radiator with revised ducting and twin-ring cooling fans keep engine and cockpit cool.

Normally I find if something is mentioned twice......... I also ride with 2 FJR owners and both have mentioned the heat......

I do appreciate your opinions that it isn't a problem for you and if I find it isn't a problem for me I'll probably purchase an FJR. I REALLY am not looking to start any fires :D

TPadden, If you need a test drive and are up my way - NE Ala, just gimme a holler. It ain't an '06, but close.

TPadden, If you need a test drive and are up my way - NE Ala, just gimme a holler. It ain't an '06, but close.
That's an offer I really appreciate ..... I am contacting D&H today just to talk and will be riding to Bike Week (can only take a day or two of the noise) then on to Key West.

Thanks again ..... and once the weather improves if any of you want to ride the Ozarks (twisty heaven) drop me a line.

TPadden, If you need a test drive and are up my way - NE Ala, just gimme a holler.  It ain't an '06, but close.
That's an offer I really appreciate ..... I am contacting D&H today just to talk and will be riding to Bike Week (can only take a day or two of the noise) then on to Key West.

Thanks again ..... and once the weather improves if any of you want to ride the Ozarks (twisty heaven) drop me a line.
I'll have my 05 in Daytona for bikeweek, send me a PM and I will send you my Cell number so we can hook up for a test ride.

I didn't know about any of the "supposed" issues with this bike until I joined these forums, now I am worried I may have a good one, what's a guy to do?


19,000 trouble free smiles :D

TPadden, If you need a test drive and are up my way - NE Ala, just gimme a holler.  It ain't an '06, but close.
That's an offer I really appreciate ..... I am contacting D&H today just to talk and will be riding to Bike Week (can only take a day or two of the noise) then on to Key West.

Thanks again ..... and once the weather improves if any of you want to ride the Ozarks (twisty heaven) drop me a line.
I'll have my 05 in Daytona for bikeweek, send me a PM and I will send you my Cell number so we can hook up for a test ride.

I didn't know about any of the "supposed" issues with this bike until I joined these forums, now I am worried I may have a good one, what's a guy to do?


19,000 trouble free smiles :D
Sounds like he already rides with 2 fjr owners already.

They have expressed heat issues.

Why doesn't he ride their bike?

Are they wearing shorts?

What other bikes are they coming from?

This is like the Lasik surgery issue. If you go online and look at any negative looking for it you will find it.

Here in DC in the summer the humidity is as bad as Florida and Texas. I have yet to ride a bike that isn't uncomfortable in city stop and go riding.

That is why my season many times is spring and fall and on the cooler days of summer on any bike thank you very much :D


Having a bad day SkooterG
Nope. Just getting tired of the sniveling and whining by a vocal MINORITY.

Is bullshit too strong of word for this forum? If so, then you can edit my post but you shouldn't use it either.
Selective reading on your part? Why don't you re-read my post. Wait, I will spell it out for you:

You could have stated your opinion in a less insulting and confrontational way.
Human relations 101 stuff.

WTF do I know? I know that Yamaha seems have the ability to build some great bikes but piss off both the dealers and the customers at the same time.
Sorry bub, you don't know sh**! You have your whiny OPINION, to which you are entitled. But that is far from fact. The *majority* of customers and dealers are not pissed off. YOU are pissed off. Well, get over it.

I think Yamaha should have given each dealer an allocation of at least one if they wanted it.
That would be both good business and fair.
Once again, that's your opinion. An opinion from a customer who has worked himself into a frenzy over nothing, and really has no idea how the system works, or more importantly WHY it works that way. From my point of view - how *YOU* think Yamamha should run their business - well, that holds absolutely no weight with me.

Sorry, I know I am kinda beating you up here. But somebody had to properly bitchslap ya! :p

I still love you though, Steve.


Heat? What heat?

Oh, yeah. I live in Alabama.

Got a sunburn once in December. Wasn't my bikes fault.

Youse guys who offer up your '05's for a test ride to someone who's thinking about an '06? Don't waste your time or risk your ride. Two different machines at this point and it would be futile at best to draw likenesses between the two 'cept the name.

Also, FWIW, Calcoast MS still has an '05 ABS on the floor as well as a cherry low mileage used '05.

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Youse guys who offer up your '05's for a test ride to someone who's thinking about an '06? Don't waste your time or risk your ride. Two different machines at this point and it would be futile at best to draw likenesses between the two 'cept the name.
Also, FWIW, Calcoast MS still has an '05 ABS on the floor as well as a cherry low mileage used '05.
I'm learning here .... first you ask an unfriendly question then you give a rational answer! Perhaps I don't need an 06 if a new or "cherry" 05 will suffice. Or perhaps they might like to ride my R1150RS or perhaps they are just being friendly.

Of the 2 FJR pilots I ride with one was a prior BMW owner who gave up the FJR and went back to BMW's, the other went the sport route and Tony probably knows him - Al Dziuba just bought a new R1LE from the Yamaha dealer in Texarkana, so I'm guessing it's Tony.

Tony - you hang out with any of the AR-Gap group???

It's a small world and no one ever really lost anything by being friendly; but guess I must have pissed some of you guys off. B)

Youse guys who offer up your '05's for a test ride to someone who's thinking about an '06?  Don't waste your time or risk your ride.  Two different machines at this point and it would be futile at best to draw likenesses between the two 'cept the name.
Also, FWIW, Calcoast MS still has an '05 ABS on the floor as well as a cherry low mileage used '05.
I'm learning here .... first you ask an unfriendly question then you give a rational answer! Perhaps I don't need an 06 if a new or "cherry" 05 will suffice. Or perhaps they might like to ride my R1150RS or perhaps they are just being friendly.

Of the 2 FJR pilots I ride with one was a prior BMW owner who gave up the FJR and went back to BMW's, the other went the sport route and Tony probably knows him - Al Dziuba just bought a new R1LE from the Yamaha dealer in Texarkana, so I'm guessing it's Tony.

Tony - you hang out with any of the AR-Gap group???

It's a small world and no one ever really lost anything by being friendly; but guess I must have pissed some of you guys off. B)
What was your friends reasoning for going back to BMW?

Just honestly wondering, I know eventually I will be looking for a new bike (a long time from now I hope) and can always use an education, either for evil or good :D

Once again, that's your opinion.  An opinion from a customer who has worked himself into a frenzy over nothing, and really has no idea how the system works, or more importantly WHY it works that way
OK Greg, I have degrees in Marketing and Accounting and have been a CPA since 1975 but would like to learn more about the motorcycle industry from an expert.

I think a Yamaha dealer is in business to sell Yamaha's and Yamaha should make every effort to supply that dealer with the products he needs to sell to make a profit and stay in business. Now, you tell me how the system really works, but more importantly, tell me WHY it works that way.

Why should Yamaha offer the new one to a dealer that won't buy and try to sell the previous model? They should reward the dealers that consistently buy all models available to them regardless of that units popularity and represents the full line the manufacturer offers. Instead alot of them simply want to cherry pick the lineup and then cry foul when they can't have all they want of a new model or a significantly improved model when they wouldn't support the model to begin with.
Sorry Tony, but your last answer is total bullshit. You should know better than anyone that some models are hot is some parts of the US and totally flat in others. No dealer should be expected to stock models that just are not selling in his area. In the case of the 2006 FZ1, it has been marketed by Yamaha as a almost totally new bike, why should dealers be penalized because they were unable to sell the old one?

I beg to differ with you! I have stocked the FZ1 and other models such as the XT225, Virago 250, VMax and others knowing full well that they make or may not sell well, but I knew from years past that allocations for new models of similar type will be based on past performances. :rolleyes:

I have sold models at or below cost at times just because it is the nature of the business I am in. Yamaha will pretty much always give a "NEW" model to anybody that wants one, but the FZ1 is not a new model it's just going into it's second generation. :D

I'm sorry you don't agree, but this is the way it is in this business and not just with Yamaha. I am a Polaris dealer in another location and the same applies with them as well. A good friend of mine is a Honda dealer and his allocations of certain models are based upon his orders of undesirable models. This is not an uncommon practice.

Best regards,

Tony Orihuela

Yamaha Sportscenter

What was your friends reasoning for going back to BMW?
Just honestly wondering, I know eventually I will be looking for a new bike (a long time from now I hope) and can always use an education, either for evil or good :D
Damn - I'm damned if I answer damned if I don't.

He told me he had 2 reasons: first heat; second his wife did not like it as a passenger - she actually preferred his GS!

Youse guys who offer up your '05's for a test ride to someone who's thinking about an '06?  Don't waste your time or risk your ride.  Two different machines at this point and it would be futile at best to draw likenesses between the two 'cept the name.
Also, FWIW, Calcoast MS still has an '05 ABS on the floor as well as a cherry low mileage used '05.
I'm learning here .... first you ask an unfriendly question then you give a rational answer! Perhaps I don't need an 06 if a new or "cherry" 05 will suffice. Or perhaps they might like to ride my R1150RS or perhaps they are just being friendly.

Of the 2 FJR pilots I ride with one was a prior BMW owner who gave up the FJR and went back to BMW's, the other went the sport route and Tony probably knows him - Al Dziuba just bought a new R1LE from the Yamaha dealer in Texarkana, so I'm guessing it's Tony.

Tony - you hang out with any of the AR-Gap group???

It's a small world and no one ever really lost anything by being friendly; but guess I must have pissed some of you guys off. B)

I sold Al his LE and just sold him another R1 as a donor bike. :D I ride at the Ar Gap whenever I get a chance, but don't seem to have a lot of time anymore.

I don't think you po'd anyone, I just think it has become a spirited debate! :D :D

Are you going to the opening day ride? I made it last year, but was late and didn't really see anyone but Al. We are planning on going this year, but I am staying in Branson as there is better food :D and it's till close enough to make the rides.

Hope to see you there.


Tony Orihuela

Yamaha Sportscenter

What was your friends reasoning for going back to BMW?
Just honestly wondering, I know eventually I will be looking for a new bike (a long time from now I hope) and can always use an education, either for evil or good  :D
Damn - I'm damned if I answer damned if I don't.

He told me he had 2 reasons: first heat; second his wife did not like it as a passenger - she actually preferred his GS!
You will find many here have no problems with honest answers.

My wife is 5'11 and has only ridden with me on Electra Glide Harleys and even on them she had enough after 350 miles one day.

She sat on my fjr and got right back off, the back thing jammed her right in the back.

If I were to ride 2 up much at all, which I don't the fjr wouldn't work for me I would have to have a Gold Wing or something much bigger.

Put it this way my wife use to play soccer goallie. :D

Youse guys who offer up your '05's for a test ride to someone who's thinking about an '06?  Don't waste your time or risk your ride.  Two different machines at this point and it would be futile at best to draw likenesses between the two 'cept the name.
Also, FWIW, Calcoast MS still has an '05 ABS on the floor as well as a cherry low mileage used '05.
I'm learning here .... first you ask an unfriendly question then you give a rational answer! Perhaps I don't need an 06 if a new or "cherry" 05 will suffice. Or perhaps they might like to ride my R1150RS or perhaps they are just being friendly.

Of the 2 FJR pilots I ride with one was a prior BMW owner who gave up the FJR and went back to BMW's, the other went the sport route and Tony probably knows him - Al Dziuba just bought a new R1LE from the Yamaha dealer in Texarkana, so I'm guessing it's Tony.

Tony - you hang out with any of the AR-Gap group???

It's a small world and no one ever really lost anything by being friendly; but guess I must have pissed some of you guys off. B)
Not meant to be unfriendly at all. You can't make a decent buying decision about an '06 by riding previous models. It's longer, lower, heavier, different aero's, different ergos, it has the detuned French motor... it's a different bike. So why risk your ride for something that can't be compared equally? If the good souls who are offering you a test ride are just being nice, well, good for them. Really nice guys, I'd say. But you won't learn anything and it'll be just a joy ride.

Das all ums sayin'... ;)
