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And as for bustanut joker and hotrodzilla - why are you douche bags even on the forum? Do you like riding at all? Do you even have a clue as to what being part of a motorcycling community means? Please, do all the regular folks here a favor: trade your FJR's in for some good ol' panheads and limit your future contributions to doing drunken burnouts in some sorry midwestern biker bar and leave the real motorcycling to the rest of us.
We keep them around here because they both are "easy"! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

This forum is like moving to a new neighborhood. Check it out before you move in rather than trying to change it to suit yourself. Bust and Zilla are our friends although they are a little off the rails at times. If you don't like this sandbox find one you do. :)

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....Bust and Zilla are our friends.....
Bust and 'Zilla are the "friendliest" guys on our Fine FJR Forum!

Here's HotRodZilla on the left being friendly (SPU is on the right).


And here's our Bustanut joker being extremely friendly to Ray, eh!


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And as for bustanut joker and hotrodzilla - why are you douche bags even on the forum? Do you like riding at all? Do you even have a clue as to what being part of a motorcycling community means? Please, do all the regular folks here a favor: trade your FJR's in for some good ol' panheads and limit your future contributions to doing drunken burnouts in some sorry midwestern biker bar and leave the real motorcycling to the rest of us.
Thanks to those who really gave thoughtful feedback. And thoughtfully critical feedback is welcomed too.
Here's some thoughtfully critical feedback for ya: lighten the **** up, Frances. Someone pee in yer Wheaties or something?

Or, at the very least, wait to post stuff like this on Fridays.


And as for bustanut joker and hotrodzilla - why are you douche bags even on the forum? Do you like riding at all? Do you even have a clue as to what being part of a motorcycling community means? Please, do all the regular folks here a favor: trade your FJR's in for some good ol' panheads and limit your future contributions to doing drunken burnouts in some sorry midwestern biker bar and leave the real motorcycling to the rest of us.
Listen dude. Don't be such a snivelling whiner. Honestly, I don't even know what you're mad about. The little "haha" jab I made wasn't even aimed at you. I was a joke in reference to another whining sniveller.

What's funny is that you question what I ride, how I ride, and say that u should buy a Harley...BUT, you're the one bitching about some yellowing in your little pipes. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Sheesh dude. Chill out.

This forum is like moving to a new neighborhood. Check it out before you move in rather than trying to change it to suit yourself. Bust and Zilla are our friends although they are a little off the rails at times. If you don't like this sandbox find one you do. :)

It'll be a sad day when the likes of Bust and HRZ are not around. Sometimes threads get derailed, it's all part of being in a REAL motorcycling community, but in this case, the way I read it, Bust and HRZ both gave the exact same advise as Bungie, Radiohowie, etc..., just in their own personal style that most of those that make it beyond FNG have come to expect and enjoy. I suggest before you start personal attacks on valued members of the community, meet and get to know your 'neighbors' ... oh, and build up your "street cred" a bit.

Oh my gawd I've done it again.. :cray: That dink Zilla is always provoking me into bein' mean.. He ain't nothing but a gawd damn shitass fuker.

Gimme my ball, I'm going home.

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Sigh. really?



I guess ya gotta know what TYPE of help to ask for here.

Thanks for being so helpful.

A new forum can be a difficult thing to learn. So many personalities, so many inside jokes, it can be hard to decipher. If a new member reads everything and I mean everything, not just the posts that pertain to their problem, there is a lot of info to digest. However it will get you an education into what is actually going on. Since I have been in your situation and was confused by Bustanut as well, I have some sympathy for you. I never wondered about HotRodZilla, though. I am pretty sure I pegged him right from the start.

These guys know, I mean really know these motorcycles. They can and will help you and anyone else who needs it. Yes, it can be hard to figure some of them out, but it is worth it. I can't tell you how much this forum has helped me improve the entire FJR experience.

Bustanut still confuses me but that just means I am still sane. ;)

Reading your posts tells me that you are a smart, well spoken individual. You have proven your intelligence by purchasing the correct bike. DON'T prove you are too stupid to learn the goodness that is here.

Enjoy the forum.

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Hey... This here is the intarwebs. What didya expect?

If there was no noise how could you tell what was signal ? :lol:

Seriously, you probably should lighten up a notch. There will always be folks here to lend a hand when you ask. But whining about off topic posts and other tom foolery is a lot like pissing into the wind. It's just gonna come back on you! ;)

A new forum can be a difficult thing to learn. So many personalities, so many inside jokes, it can be hard to decipher. If a new member reads everything and I mean everything, not just the posts that pertain to their problem, there is a lot of info to digest. However it will get you an education into what is actually going on. Since I have been in your situation and was confused by Bustanut as well, I have some sympathy for you. I never wondered about HotRodZilla, though. I am pretty sure I pegged him right from the start.

These guys know, I mean really know these motorcycles. They can and will help you and anyone else who needs it. Yes, it can be hard to figure some of them out, but it is worth it. I can't tell you how much this forum has helped me improve the entire FJR experience.

Bustanut still confuses me but that just means I am still sane. ;)

Reading your posts tells me that you are a smart, well spoken individual. You have proven your intelligence by purchasing the correct bike. DON'T prove you are too stupid to learn the goodness that is here.

Enjoy the forum.
All good advice - I'll try to take it to heart. Really, it seems from the feedback that I over reacted - easy to do online. Understand, that from my perspective, having just come over from 12 years on the COG forum, I've never had anyone respond to a question or comment by telling me to just to "deal with it", trailer my bike and just run it for the neighbors, or suggest I'm some nancy for seeming less tougher than thou. It was always "come for the bike, stay for the people". Yes, I'm a FNG here, just wasn't expecting to be taken to the woodshed for it by the chosen few. I trust Redfish when he says that these guys know these bikes, just couldn't tell it from how helpful they were.

I guess ya gotta know what TYPE of help to ask for here.
Nah. Any of us can ask for help in any way.

What ya need to learn is how to sift through the responses. Count on Bust saying something inappropriate, 'Zilla to respond, beemerdons to give a "+1 gunny!" along with a possibly-inappropriate picture, FredW to say something that actually makes sense, rayzerman to also say something that makes sense, I may post up and ask a really stupid question since I'm a crap-tastic mechanic, 'howie may float in and say something unintelligible, ionbeam could come in at any given moment and post something up that only makes sense to really smart people, iggy could pop in with advice on how to search the forum...

That kind of thing.

If you have thin skin or are of the "sensitive" sort, you'll get offended and stomp off in a huff.

Man up.

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...and I've got close to 200,000 miles ridden on 5 bikes ...And as if it matters, I've put 6k on the FJR since June,
Hard to believe.

We'll need pictures of your odometer ....and your nads.

Sorry, after all the furor I can't tell if this is meant jokingly?

But seriously, not so hard to believe, I'm sure many here ride much more than I do:

'78 CB750 - 28,000+-

'89 PC800 - 68,000+-

'91 ZR550 - 24,000+-

'00 ZG1000 - 62,000+-

'07 FJR1300 - 6,000+-

'89 GB500 - 5,000+-

Total: 193,000 or thereabouts. These are miles I put on the bikes, admittedly many when I was much younger and many from simple daily commuting. Like I said, I don't think these are high numbers for over 15+ years.

I guess ya gotta know what TYPE of help to ask for here.
Nah. Any of us can ask for help in any way.

What ya need to learn is how to sift through the responses. Count on Bust saying something inappropriate, 'Zilla to respond, beemerdons to give a "+1 gunny!" along with a possibly-inappropriate picture, FredW to say something that actually makes sense, rayzerman to also say something that makes sense, I may post up and ask a really stupid question since I'm a crap-tastic mechanic, 'howie may float in and say something unintelligible, ionmeam could come in at any given moment and post something up that only makes sense to really smart people, iggy could pop in with advice on how to search the forum...

That kind of thing.

If you have thin skin or are of the "sensitive" sort, you'll get offended and stomp off in a huff.

Man up.
Son of a Bitch, BikerGeek99 is a Hell of a lot smarter than he looks, I mean a fucking whole lot smarter than he looks! When you join our Fine FJR Forum you should be required to read and sign off on the statement he wrote above!

By the way Andy, if you remember the pic of yourself and Old Michael on your Harley: I've photoshopped that beauty so you're both buck naked, I'm just holding it in reserve for a fully appropriate moment! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

I guess ya gotta know what TYPE of help to ask for here.
Nah. Any of us can ask for help in any way.

What ya need to learn is how to sift through the responses. Count on Bust saying something inappropriate, 'Zilla to respond, beemerdons to give a "+1 gunny!" along with a possibly-inappropriate picture, FredW to say something that actually makes sense, rayzerman to also say something that makes sense, I may post up and ask a really stupid question since I'm a crap-tastic mechanic, 'howie may float in and say something unintelligible, ionbeam could come in at any given moment and post something up that only makes sense to really smart people, iggy could pop in with advice on how to search the forum...

That kind of thing.

If you have thin skin or are of the "sensitive" sort, you'll get offended and stomp off in a huff.

Man up.
Gotcha - thanks.

As far as the COG being a different atmosphere, the forum is a reflection of the bike. If you get on a forum for the Hayabusa, there is a lot of wild thuggery. Not all of them certainly, but enough. If you get on the BMW forums you get another type of character. The Honda ST forum is kinder and gentler. The FJR crowd is a little wilder. I've never been on the Concours forum, I am not a homosexual. :)

Please realize the character of the riders reflect the character of the bike. Again, I had trouble understanding what the heck was going on when I got here and I lurked for years before I joined.

I was astonished at how many of the guys who sounded smart and useful got defensive and pissed off when I butted heads with Bustanut. This tells me, and I hope it tells you that there is more to the man than meets the eye.

Relax, read, read , read. This place is almost as good for the entertainment as it is for the information.

Ah yes... The COG forum. I was a member there too, when I owned my 2001 Smurf Blue Connie. It was the forum with decorum.

IOW boring, sorta like the bike was. ;) Here is a video representation of the COG forum back in 2005.

I suppose things may have livened up since the New Connie came out though...

There are a few 'nomes here on the FJR Forum that will never "synchronize". :p

(and no!! I will not give you your 4 minutes back)

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