Your favorite Scotch

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..........Your commitment impresses me KM! - not only do you take it upon yourself to investigate this complex topic but you also create reports and make life so much simpler for the rest of us on the board. I can't help but say I'm impressed when I see someone so willing to take one for the team...............



Well, if I have to sample every whiskey on this planet to help you all out, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make......






Just a bump to update my faves so far.

Tried the Portwood Balvanie...but actualy liked the 15 year old Single Barrel better. Not had the "Sherry" yet but sounds promising. The 12 yr old Doublewood has become my "house scotch" for my bar. With the Strathisla my everyday drink...just can't let the Chivas Brothers alone...

Going through a bottle of Black Bush right now, but of the Irish whiskeys, my vote would have to go to the 12 year old Redbreast...smooth as hell and just nice to sip.

I have been buying alot of Don Thomas Presedentes and smoking them almost as fast..seems a good compliment to the Redbreast.

Oh well, back to work..........


I have been buying alot of Don Thomas Presedentes and smoking them almost as fast..seems a good compliment to the Redbreast.
Don Tomas' Maduro Robusto was my daily smoke when my blood pressure still allowed it. Now, since I only smoke on special occasions, I can afford better cigars...


Sorry to bring this old thread back again, but just got a bottle of Aberlour 16 yr old single malt and can't seem to put the bottle down.


It is "double casked" ..first in French oak then in Sherry Oak cask. Tasty.


Sorry to bring this old thread back again, but just got a bottle of Aberlour 16 yr old single malt and can't seem to put the bottle down.

It is "double casked" ..first in French oak then in Sherry Oak cask. Tasty.

Try some real American bourbon. By law, it's aged in new charred oak barrels. Bourbon distilleries sell their used casks to the Scotch distillers, who age their effete, smoke-blemished potion in them, then put it up in fancy bottles to sell over here. Shame, shame.

Try some real American bourbon. By law, it's aged in new charred oak barrels. Bourbon distilleries sell their used casks to the Scotch distillers, who age their effete, smoke-blemished potion in them, then put it up in fancy bottles to sell over here. Shame, shame.

I have tried Bourbon several times, and still do not care for it. I do not drink american beer either, I like wine from Spain and Italy, and I prefer japanese motorcycles too it seems. So wave the flag in someone elses direction. There are ALOT of companies using whiskey barrels to flavor their products, scotch is not alone there.

MY thnking is that the only good that comes from making "american bourbon" is the barrels themselves and they should throw away the contents when they are done.



Try some real American bourbon. By law, it's aged in new charred oak barrels. Bourbon distilleries sell their used casks to the Scotch distillers, who age their effete, smoke-blemished potion in them, then put it up in fancy bottles to sell over here. Shame, shame.
Also, by law, Bourbon is made from corn.

Scotch is made from malted barley.

... in fancy bottles to sell over here.

The fancy bottles are tequila bottles. Scotch bottles and their labels are plain.

edit: at least the better ones are

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Try some real American bourbon. By law, it's aged in new charred oak barrels. Bourbon distilleries sell their used casks to the Scotch distillers, who age their effete, smoke-blemished potion in them, then put it up in fancy bottles to sell over here. Shame, shame.
Jack Daniel's chops their barrels up and sells the pieces for use in smokers. I tell ya, putting your nose in a bag of that stuff will put a buzz on QUICK! :blink:

The fancy bottles are tequila bottles. Scotch bottles and their labels are plain.edit: at least the better ones are
That's because the Scots are careful with their spending. Simple bottle = more profit.

My other observation about Scot's whiskey is that they make it taste like peat moss because they don't want to share it with you and they've acquired the taste.

The Irish, on the other hand, make their whiskey to taste like water, true Aqua Vita, or as the Scandinavians say, akavit.

Make mine Tullamore Dew.

As for bourbon, you can't make it taste right in less than 7 years no matter how much charcoal you filter it through. Just about any bourbon that's seen oak for 7 or more years will be tasty.

And you know what happens to the oak bourbon barrels when they're done? Well, a few find their way to become flower pots in the US, but a lot of them are bought as second hand barrels to be used in making whiskey by...... the Scots.

I liked this:


But at almost $40, I went back to Glenlivet ;)
Ah you cheap ass Joe :p Git off yer wallet. The good stuff starts at $65.00... The Macallan 12 year old is a real good start, Hell I'd marry it if I could :lol:

As far as Burpon, That swill on the "bottom shelf" that costs ya $4.00 don't taste much worse than the top end poop. Tequila? well cabo wabo is over rated bunk. You can get into pretty decent stuff ( without the fancy ass blue bottle) with the lower end Petron stuff. Got a jug of Silver and one of Platinum gifted to me this year..

Good stuff :)


I like good Scotch but it is not my favorite.

I like a good Tequilla like patron, skip the blanco it sucks, but over the last few years I've taken to Brandy.

A nice feature of Brandy is that you can get really good stuff for less than $20.

My favorite is a St. Remy French brandy in Oregon for about $13 a bottle, though the domestic makers like E&J do a fine job too.

This is also very good for colds and coughs, actually since I've used this as a cold medicine I have never regretted a cold.


I got a bottle of my favorite rum as my best present this Xmas.

It is Pompero from Venezuela and comes in a little leather pouch about $33 here.

This is just wonderful, very brandy like though it does seem like what a well oaked brandy would taste like if it was made from rock candy.

My point here is that the enlightened Man does not quaff by Scotch alone, and that the world of good booze is almost as big as the universe.

A good $10 bottle of Canadian, or Gordons Gin is also great (with a real lime and some ice).

And sometimes it is fun to just hit the rotgut, pure nasty burn of some Old Crow.

Chevis if I'm gonna stomach some Scotch...but my hard liquor of choice is Southern Comfort
Ride and Drink Safe,

Mike in Nawlins'
Hey Mike!

I believe Southern Comfort is considered a " liqueur" , and is not as some think made from bourbon:

But I do see that Lousiana connection in the above link.

I drank alot of it back in the day. (perhaps that is why I avoid it


Actually, original bourbon was made (by Scottish immigrants) from rye, not corn. Ryes are starting to appear again though. If you want to be thourough, it might be worth your time to sample a good rye just for craps and giggles. Unfortunately, the good ryes can be as expensive as the good scotches. Some say that George Washinton issued Mitcher's rye to his troops...
