Your favorite Scotch

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My favorite Scotch?

A nice glass of Knob Creek bourbon with a splash of fresh rain water.

It protects my precious bodily fluids.

My favorite Scotch?
A nice glass of Knob Creek bourbon with a splash of fresh rain water.

It protects my precious bodily fluids.

Hehe... rain water. Evokes such natural visons... purity...

But I'm thinking that it sorta depends on where on collects it. No?

Sort'a like all natural spring water.

If the spring was in Hoboken New Jersey, I think I'd pass...

Laphroaig 15 year old has to be my favorite, (30 year old is exquisite with a price tag to match if you can find it!).
The Glengoyne 17 year old is an excellent single malt, and I had the time of my life on a guided tour of their distillery a few years ago.
I saw a 30yr Laphroaig this week for a shade under 3 bills. That is wonderful stuff indeed. I'm more of a 18 Macallan man myself but I'll take a mature Laphroaig any day too (the 10yr is crap).

Laphroaig 15 year old has to be my favorite, (30 year old is exquisite with a price tag to match if you can find it!).
The Glengoyne 17 year old is an excellent single malt, and I had the time of my life on a guided tour of their distillery a few years ago.

Most excellent choices.

I've been to Bushmill and bought a couple bottles of Black Bush... that and Dewar's White Label for pedestrian moments (which is the usual).

My all-time favorite (so far) is Johnny Walker Blue. Back in the day when drug rep.'s paid for fishing trips, meals and drinks I was set up in a cabin on the North Umpqua River after a day of fly fishing (with a guide) and had six (paid for) shots of Johnnie's Blue while sitting on a deck 40 feet over the river.... Can't really remember the last shot or two, but they were good, I'm sure.

Locally the Blue goes for $300 a bottle or $30 a shot.

For me, I've noticed any single malt's less than 15 years just taste too bitter and harsh.

been sick last couple of days so i missed this thread

i'm not much on scotch so this is what i drink (besides beer)

world's best rum

i am partial to the Sweet Lucy

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My favorite Scotch?
A nice glass of Knob Creek bourbon with a splash of fresh rain water.

It protects my precious bodily fluids.
Back-story request:

What were we celebrating in the rain?
It's a quote from Dr. Strangelove. Kids these days... :rolleyes:

A good Patron is at the top of my list, though. And, as noted earlier, a schmoke is in order too. However, I prefer:


I had this tonight with a Montecristo No. 2


Pretty good! actually, very good. Blend, not single malt. was about 40 bucks tho for a glass. Don't normally spend that much, but was a crowd of work peeps, somebody decided to splurge and I couldn't go against the crowd.....

Like the movie Lost in Translation...from Suntory...haha.... Maybe I'll try to buy a bottle. Cheaper than per glass....ugh.

Can you get Suntory in the states? I've never looked when I was there....

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I had this tonight with a Montecristo No. 2

Can you get Suntory in the states? I've never looked when I was there....

Yep. the 12 year old is about $39.00 a bottle , and the prices go up from there......

Have only tried the "cheap stuff" , was not bad, but not as good as comprible priced stuff from Scotland.

Most bars do not carry the 21 yr I can't try it unless I pop for the $$$$$$$whole bottle.


I saw a 30yr Laphroaig this week for a shade under 3 bills. That is wonderful stuff indeed.
I've seen it as low as $220 and as high as $460. When I gotta choose between farkles and Scotch at these prices, the farkles win every time.

I travel back to Scotland a couple of times each year, and one of the pubs there always has a bottle hidden behind the bar. (Deep joy) :clapping:

I once lived within smelling distance of a Johnnie Walker bottling plant, and you could guarantee if the wind was blowing in my direction, all my windows were hastily opened, much to my ex-wife's annoyance. (Not the reason she is now my ex of course)

Yep. the 12 year old is about $39.00 a bottle , and the prices go up from there......Have only tried the "cheap stuff" , was not bad, but not as good as comprible priced stuff from Scotland.

Most bars do not carry the 21 yr I can't try it unless I pop for the $$$$$$$whole bottle.

bit pricey.... totally agree, for the same price you can get a better bottle of Scotch. I had the 12, didn't like it. whatever the 21 bottle costs, probably not worth it.....

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month
At this point I really don't give a sh*t Got three jobs due out early tomorrow, need the fortification to help get 'em done by then.Looks like an all nighter.

Carrie Nations be damned.

The Macs gonna rul tonight!



For me this is the only thing in the "whisky" family I like.

Comming from the high school and college days, anything else tastes like JD (BAAAD memories with Uncle Jack! :dribble: )

This is the smoothest thing I have ever found. Only sold in "Former Commonwealth" countries. Most of you have to go to Canada to get it. The stores won't have it but they can order it and have it within a couple of days.

Everyone who has tried it - loves it. Highly recommended if you can find it.

Bunch o' rich folks on this forum. Who can afford that expensive stuff anyway?

Oh, you don't ride much, so with the money saved from not buying fuel you splurge? :rolleyes:

[SIZE=8pt]Jus' kiddin' don't flame me or I'll fart and blow all of us up.. :rolleyes: [/SIZE]

I have little taste so I simply invite buds over to the Hondarosa, they bring the good stuff, then I feed them cheap stuff. They have a good time, forget they brought the good stuff, then leave, and I end up with good Scotch for free! :yahoo:

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