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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. ffejtable

    2003 FJR Won't Start

    I have tried letting the current battery sit on a charger overnight, which didn't help much. But it won't if the original battery is marginal at this point. Just odd that it does crank over the engine, it just doesn't start cold, but fires right up when warm. I have a smaller YT9B battery I...
  2. ffejtable

    2003 FJR Won't Start

    Been reading up on the warm start issue wfooshee was having in another thread.. My issue wasnt the same, but I was curious to know what the final solution was... Anyhow, I have an 09 with about 14k miles that won't start up "cold" easily.. I am in TX, so cold is anywhere between 30-50F when I...
  3. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    Hey thanks for the list above.. Wasnt aware that we could search like you did.. I will research this further and compile a list and contact NHTSA on this.
  4. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    *BUMP* I still need more case/incident numbers. If I am going to follow up with NHTSA on this issue, and there truly have been 175 incidents of this happening, and being reported here then I am going to need a bit more than 3 numbers to give them. If only 10% of FJR owners actually visit this...
  5. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    What number did you call? (whoops, when I went back to look for my confirmation number, it lists the phone number in that email -- By phone: 1-888-327-4236 8:00AM to 10:00PM Monday-Friday) Perhaps NHTSA haven't been able to correlate the reported issues as all being the same issue, so lets...
  6. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    Sorry to hear about your issues, as I completely understand having to deal with this myself. I just don't have the time or energy to fight this with Yamaha, as companies seem more interested in cover ups and damage control than to just do the right this.. I don't understand it. As I stated...
  7. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    It took Yamaha nearly 3 months to give me what they felt I was entitled to for my YES coverage.. Of course considering the circumstances, and the fact this is a KNOWN problem (even though to date they are mute on the subject), I expected a full reimbursement of the towing, as thats quite simply...
  8. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    The problem is this issue is just as serious as the ignition switch, which a recall was issued for. Sudden and complete loss of power with no warning. Only a fraction of FJR owners are on forums such as these (imaging that!), and even those that are on here, not all are aware of the issue. I...
  9. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Because I doubt they have a real permanent fix other than to replace the wiring harness, which has already proven itself time after time to be a flawed designed. The proper solution needs to be researched and the grounding on this bike needs to be correctly redone. While soldering the wires...
  10. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Replacing a wiring hirness with a flawed design with the same exact harness with the same design flaw is not an option. Soldering the wires together will be an acceptable TEMPORARY fix for this issue. I am not letting this issue get swept under the rug. I am a little disappointed at the folks...
  11. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Wow... So I got around to removing the tank and getting to the likely failed junction, and sure enough it was left side, under the tank, near the front of the bike. Not very easily accessible, I have no idea how anybody was able to strip those wires, wrap them up and solder them together... Mine...
  12. ffejtable

    FJRF009.0: Ground Spider Research

    Looks like I was bit by this issue yesterday as well.;#entry733686 Of the 10 symptoms dustyrains lists in I have all but 1, and thats because I don't have the e-shift version. 3 hours...
  13. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Yes.. A lot of valuable lessons learned from this incident... Have tow insurance, don't put phone in glovebox, have the FJR assistance list handy, even on "short" trips. Fortunately I am only suffering financially on this one. It could have turned out very differently. I guess sometimes its...
  14. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Wow, BINGO, I think we have a winner. You pretty much nailed every symptom I had. Hopefully it wont be raining when I get home and I can tear it back apart and check it out. Makes sense, as temps were 91F+ and the frame was VERY hot to the touch even several minutes after being shut off...
  15. ffejtable

    Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

    Well, sure I can, but my Yamaha let me down yesterday. On the Cross Island Parkway (Queens, NY) yesterday, in line to get onto the Throggs Neck Bridge when the bike stalled and refused to crank over. It stalled at perhaps the last possible moment in which there was a shoulder available to pull...
  16. ffejtable

    Difficult Slow Speed Steering on '07 FJR

    My guess is going to be tire pressure, and perhaps abnormal tire wear due to low pressure. 7500 miles is near the end of its expected lifespan as well. As others have said, put it on the center stand to check tightness of steering head bearings as well.
  17. ffejtable

    GPS Suction cup Mount

    For the most part this is BS, and Garmins way to scare you into using Garmin only chargers. In the event of a warranty claim, NEVER admit the use of an aftermarket charger, as they will try to use that as an excuse not to cover the damage. The reason you are having this problem is that many...
  18. ffejtable

    Hang up and drive

    Same thing in NJ... All it is, is a convenient excuse to generate revenue on demand.
  19. ffejtable

    GPS Earbud Recommendation

    For a cheap solution I use JVC HAFX33B Marshmallow In-Ear Stereo Headphones (Black). About $10 on sale when Circuit City was still in business. I can't buy the good stuff, I tend to break/lost things. :) I now pair them to a Motorola S705 (bluetooth receiver) to be wireless to my phone...
  20. ffejtable

    PennDOT Requests plates

    NJ is the same way, although I have dropped insurance on at least 4 bikes in the last 6 years and they have never asked for the plates. I don't think they ever asked for my car plates either, but I understand the law and the reasons... Some people can't be trusted to do the right thing.