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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Silverbullet

    I just bought a ticker....I think

    Not to downplay your concerns but if I was you I'd "ride now, worry later." Both my 03 and 04 were tickers and it started real early in life, 4000-5000 mile range and I rode both of them untill the tick was loud enough that it couldn't be poo-pood as "normal." At this point another few months...
  2. Silverbullet

    Techwest 2010

    Since I started this I guess I should apologize for any confusion or in-convenience that may have come as a result. When I was picking up my new 08 in January Dan asked me to put a post up on the board to announce the Spring 2010 Techwest to be held in May. I am all to aware of what an...
  3. Silverbullet

    bmw vs fjr quality

    Is it still 5 for ten bucks?
  4. Silverbullet

    New FJR Owner

    I found that on real long days occasionally my heels would "go to sleep." I didn't feel the vibration in the pegs through my boots, but it was there just enough to cause that. I put a pair of those Dr. Scholl gel heel inserts in my boots and never had it happen again. Gel pad gloves work well if...
  5. Silverbullet

    Buying an '03 tomorrow, any advice?

    You can waste a lot of good riding time over 500 bucks if you walk away and look for another one. Trust me, you won't care one bit about it by the end of your first day with the bike.
  6. Silverbullet

    Why do they do this to us?

    I think the cost of filling it with gas should bring your insurance adjuster by with a check and a tow truck. They hook it up right there at the pump and you have taxi fare home. :lol:
  7. Silverbullet

    Guess Someone Up There REALLY Meant For Me To Get The AE

    Geeeze, if you have not yet evolved to the point where you understand and can accept that being different is not necessarily synonymous with being less than, do the rest of us a favor and avoid the threads untill you understand the concept. If I prefer beef to chicken or red to blue does that...
  8. Silverbullet

    Comments on the Auto Shift?

    Well said David.
  9. Silverbullet

    Techwest 2010

    I just spoke with Glen and he says as far as he knows Dan hasn't set the date yet. I've asked him to either have Dan or himself get back to me with a date so those wishing to attend can get their schedules set. If I don't hear back today I'll start to hound them a bit to get this nailed down.
  10. Silverbullet

    New device for keeping cars from getting too close

    Interesting twist to ATGATT. I wonder if that suit jacket has optional armor?
  11. Silverbullet

    Best Roads to ride in Washington State

    Buy all three. Back in the day I'd grab a set of AAA maps and plot out a course. Now it seems I just can't have enough websites/books/maps/maping programs when planning out the yearly "Extravaganza" trip. It's almost like half the fun is matching all the different sources, comparing reviews and...
  12. Silverbullet

    Honda V65 Sabre

    Many, MANY bikes were capable of 150mph before 1984. Not really a big deal..........True 'nuff but in 1983 when the V-65 came out, not many I had riden up to that point got there as excitingly. When I test rode the Magna in 83 (and yes, I'm aware it's a different creature from the Sabre) I just...
  13. Silverbullet

    Honda V65 Sabre

    I had a couple of V-65 Magnas back in the late 80's and 90's. Fast and fun as far as it goes for a bike that old. My first one had some camshaft pitting and one valve was getting a bit sketchy but that bike was destroyed by a crazy woman who apparently didn't realize that red lights mean stop...
  14. Silverbullet

    Clutch rougness when cold

    Both my '06 AE (which had almost 40k miles when I sold it a couple of months back) and my current '08 will often have a small amount of "chatter" in the clutch the first time I ride it for the day. It never repeats itself and only does it as I pull away for the first time that day. It doesn't...
  15. Silverbullet

    Techwest 2010

    I happened to be at Desert Powersports in Prosser WA. Saturday and while chatting with Dan he asked me to put up a notice for this years Techwest. Sooooooo, here it is. Techwest 2010 will be held at Desert Valley Powersports in Prosser, May 2010. (Exact date TBA) Having attended a few of these...
  16. Silverbullet

    Flash to the Past

    In early 2002 I was looking for a replacement for my V-65 Magna that had served me faithfully through the 90's as my "touring" mount. I would have never believed I would give a dealer a $500.00 deposit for a bike I had only seen in pictures and the only accounts I had of the bike were from the...
  17. Silverbullet

    How do you know if the mileage on your bike is true???

    You can bet they made lots of money on the "front end" of the deal, not to mention the profit they made on any stuff most Harley buyers add on before the bike even leaves the showroom. Even if they have to "take a loss" on the trade-in (FJR) they should be happy just to get rid of it. You can...
  18. Silverbullet

    scala Q2

    Gunny that, the Scala has a ways to go to match the Autocom performance. I found the intercom had great clarity but the music quality was poor and I hated the length of the mute when the intercom was used. It seemed like it was forever before the music came back up.
  19. Silverbullet


    2006 AE VIN 209 Purchased July 16 2006 and sold Jan 17th 2010, 37985 miles. 2008 AE VIN 1448 Purchased Jan 23 2010, 277 miles.
  20. Silverbullet

    Desert Valley Powersports, Prosser, WA

    Just got home from picking up my new 08AE from the great guys in Prosser Wa. Of course a killer deal never hurts, but you guys make buying a new bike so much fun I wish I could do it every day. :yahoo: (Maybe in my next life I'll be a Bill Gates) As one who has spent the last 37 years working...