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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. shu

    06 MPG Gauge

    dood - pull out! i mean, i'm real new and all, but you're having yourself quite a week on the board... have you considered doing less typing and more riding to get the bunch outta yer shorts? :P one time only from me... just food for thought, if you do that. shu
  2. shu

    Saddle bags are built in helmet locks

    NICE!!! thanks! :yahoo: shu
  3. shu

    For sale 2006 FJR1300A

    well, before you get rid of the scoot, catch your new north end buds and come across the ferry and have a tool around whidbey. i'll toss some burgers on the grill and tell you all about my six kids (yeah, six), and let you know SOME of what you're in for. i couldn't do it again, but i...
  4. shu

    ours and yours

    NICE! man, i would LOVE to get a set of those stripes for my 06.... my son is in south africa right now, doing some stuff in the countryside with some folks working with children with AIDS. he can't stop talking about how beautiful the south of africa is (and he has been to several...
  5. shu

    My worst fear come true

    thanks for what you do, brothers.... after 22 years, the last several of which as company officer in a 3000+ run house, i gotta say that the crappy 2% retirement we get here in washington state is still mighty fine... you CAN live on 44 or 50 or 60%. don't forget to leave! eyes open. shu
  6. shu

    Unlucky day today

    OK, OK, OK, this is just too juicy to pass up. i usually get along with cops - 22 years as a professional firefighter. cops develop an "us and them" attitude to greater or lesser extent because you can't believe how many dirtbags live all around you. truly. and who's happy to see a cop...
  7. shu

    fourth of july

    that'd be great. what's with you guys and your huge parcels? man, that must be nice.... i'm perched on the edge of a ravine on .6 acre, and if we get heavy rain this winter, it could be .5! ;) if you get down this way, drop me a PM or an email, since i don;t really remember all the places...
  8. shu

    Just Curious

    typical welcome. don't feel picked on... i came from a valk, too. thought it was tremendously powerful and awfully nimble, and given it's size, i guess i'd still say it was nimble for a hippo. but you just found a whole new definition of performance, and i think you'll find like i did that...
  9. shu

    Unlucky day today

    just got my insurance quote today, and the ticket will be the LEAST of your troubles. last year i was bopping back and forth to mom's house taking care of dad during his last months with cancer. got nailed for the first times in about 20 years. all in a 55: one for 8 over, one for 7 over...
  10. shu

    06 FJR ABS disabling

    dang, and you came SO CLOSE.... :P in 30+ years of riding, i have never had a flat. i know, i know, i just jinxed myself. but since i don't know what it feels like, i was wondering if there was any way to simulate a blowout so i can practice screaming and filling me drawers? you know...
  11. shu

    Bought my first SHOEI Today

    got tired of having a "shoei dot" on my presumably mutant forehead. even took a ball peen hammer to the last one to put a dent in it. yeah, i know, i know. whatever.... the arai signet i wear now fits like a glove and is light as can be, but it is a bit noisy. or at least it was until i got...
  12. shu

    Volcano Ride II

    jeff, just so you know, hollie's out, as boeing will have her in taipei for a few weeks. she gets overtime, i get arm exercise and all the housework. ahh, who am i kidding, i do all the housework already. retired too early. anyway, i'm still planning on coming. i am old and slow, so i'll...
  13. shu

    fourth of july

    good for you! if you have 27 acres there, you should be able to buy a BIG slice of central oregon, whatever putts you want, and have a killer shop left over. goodonya! we'll wave as we blast by on 97! shu
  14. shu

    to the dogs

    thanks to you all. i guess we share more than motorcycles. we have always shared our home and life with friends. we lost marley, our husky with the personality of woody allen, or maybe richard lewis, a coupla years ago. it was very hard. oscar, our lab-mutt, the dog-of-love who we sometimes...
  15. shu

    fourth of july

    hey ray, come down to whidbey, bro. then you get your choice of a boat or a ferry. if you pick the MIDDLE of the island, it's inconvenient no matter WHICH way you go! besides, if you've been living in friday harbor for a while, you can prolly BUY an island somewhere... shu (also your local...
  16. shu

    Will I like the FJR?

    we don't expect to see you lurking around here for the next few days. certainly sunny and dry ones. but DO come back and tell us we are ALL right, eh? we LOVE to have our heads patted.... :lol: shu - also on the slower, but groovier cobalt..
  17. shu

    06 mileage after Barbarian jumper mod

    also remember that a gallon is not a gallon. is the canadian version reading imperial gallons? or have i been out of school WAAAAYYY too long? was in vancouver twice in the past week, and all i can say is that buying one's petrol by the liter is even more expensive than buying gallons in the...
  18. shu

    FJR versus Gt St Bernard Pass

    yeah, AB, what they all said. especially the part about realizing here and there that i was holding my breath. especially there near the top, in my head i was saying "no rocks, no rocks, no rocks...." the video rocks, tho. played it on the downstairs rig where my music studio is tied into...