Unlucky day today

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
Jonesborough, TN
Well, i took off on a long ride this morning. Up to Asheville, N.C. to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Mt. Mitchell. Had a great ride up through the clouds, cool dry air coming down from the northern u.s. I got off on N.C. SR80 towards Burnsville and was trying to lose the chicken strips on my Metzlers. Great curves, sparks flying, passing mee maw and pee paw out for a drive. Then some doofus in a pickup truck full of junk pulled out in front of me. Decided i'll just blow on by. Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way. Blue lights lit up ,arm out the window waving me to pull over. CRAP! So 65 in a 45 zone and passing over the double yellow line gets you a date with the Burnsville Municipal Court. I wonder what this will cost me. This bike could get expensive qiuck. Damn thing gets going REAL fast REAL quick. Any body recommend a good radar detector ? Bob

so maybe your sig should be: when in doubt, don't gas it!

just got my insurance quote today, and the ticket will be the LEAST of your troubles. last year i was bopping back and forth to mom's house taking care of dad during his last months with cancer. got nailed for the first times in about 20 years. all in a 55: one for 8 over, one for 7 over, one for 11 over in the space of 3 months, only one on my bike. guess how much the FJR coverage is? just a cool $1450/yr. progressive bumped me to $1800, so i told them goodbye. this is foremost through AARP. and they rate the feej as a tourer...

sorry man. shite happens. but it shouldn't happen to good people who are otherwise careful and competent...

hang in.


That area in NC is no place to mess around. I was there a month ago with a friend and he ended up in jail. Something about "Intentional Speed Competition Display" or something like that and another for 75 in a 55MPH. The 75 part was good because they were doing over 130.

It took all day and a $1000 to get out of there, and he has to go back for the court date!

Great place to ride, not a good place to fool around.

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Well, i took off on a long ride this morning. Up to Asheville, N.C. to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Mt. Mitchell. Had a great ride up through the clouds, cool dry air coming down from the northern u.s. I got off on N.C. SR80 towards Burnsville and was trying to lose the chicken strips on my Metzlers. Great curves, sparks flying, passing mee maw and pee paw out for a drive. Then some doofus in a pickup truck full of junk pulled out in front of me. Decided i'll just blow on by. Just then came the N.C. State Trooper over the hill the other way. Blue lights lit up ,arm out the window waving me to pull over. CRAP! So 65 in a 45 zone and passing over the double yellow line gets you a date with the Burnsville Municipal Court. I wonder what this will cost me. This bike could get expensive qiuck. Damn thing gets going REAL fast REAL quick. Any body recommend a good radar detector ? Bob
The Escort Solo2, battery powered, mounted on the brake reservoir with velcro shown on a 06/AE:



Re: radar detectors...

Valentine 1... very, very useful.

:assassin: :assassin: :assassin:

you are correct, this is an incredibly fast machine, yet in the hands of someone who is REALLY LOOKING you can make it stretch her legs a little bit. Went out with my neighbor this week-end and out on a really really long stretch where I could see, i ran her through the gears and looked down and realized that this puppy will go 115 without even trying.

I've certainly had my share of visits with the man and everytime, I deserved what they presented me with. Didn't make me happy, cost me lotsa dollars and damn near got me killed by my sweetheart but at the end of the day I realized that if you are going to do the crime, be willing to pay the fine!

As for me, radar detectors did nothing to me other than give me false confidence and in retrospect, made me speed even more. At 53 I only have gotten smarter about when I decide to make it happen. What the **** are you doing passing on a double yellow anyway?

Be careful out there, between the cagers and the troopers, you will either be dead or reaching in your wallet, seriously the choice is yours :p :blink: ;) :rolleyes:

Got to watch those good ol'e boys out there in NC. I think its something to do with the hat.....PM. <>< :lol:

>>What the **** are you doing passing on a double yellow anyway?<<

One of the most dangerous things you can do on a motorcycle is to sit behind slow traffic. Another cage will soon be riding your ass... meanwhile as your attention is diverted, the cage ahead straddles a piece of road debris or pothole, which you nail dead center and possibly crash. A ticket for passing is preferable.... better yet, why should bikes be held to the passing standards set for the slowest dimmest vehicles?

I would have passed, too... provided it could be safely accomplished.

The best solution here is not to ride or visit the areas where the cops soak bikes for their presence. Spend your money elsewhere next time.

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If you could have run and known that you would have escaped....would you have done it? It is a pretty fast machine. How fast are we travelling through the galaxy right now? Do you get tunnel vision or panoramic vision in that situation? I'm not saying run....because you will probably get caught. Damn helicopters. Big pictures scare me.

"I spin around with shrieking tires, to run the deadly race

go screaming through the valley as another joins the chase

drive like the wind straining the limits of machine and man

laughing out loud

with fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan

at the one lane bridge

I leave the giants stranded

at the riverside

race back to the farm

to dream with my uncle

at the fireside......"

small quote from neil peart.

i ran her through the gears and looked down and realized that this puppy will go 115 without even trying.
mmmm try another upshift - she'll do better than that

If you go back and read the description, a truck pulled out in front of him while he was at speed so he just went on by. Sounds sensible enough except for doing it with a LEO watching. Oops.

In Georgia and to a lesser extent in NC and TN, there are many places where the double yellows go on for miles and miles, often continuing through areas where you can easily make a safe pass. I noticed while riding in the Rocking in Colorado that they have some very short sections there where they drop the double yellow. There were places where there was no double yellow but I though were too short and blind for a safe pass. Take a look at Afterburns St. Bernard Pass video - sometimes in the alps, you get to make a pass running through esses by checking the road ahead from a spot where you can see it before you get into the blind sections. It takes a little getting used to or did for me. I saw a few spots in the Rockies like that but its pretty common in the Alps.

I guess GA and the others here in the SE have decided that passing is just too dangerous in general or maybe the temptation to do it despite the double yellow too good a lure to ignore. I mean we are talking about 10-15 mile runs of continous double yellow in places. Its just not possible to not pass when you get to a clearly safe spot and, in many cases, the cage you're following will slow and pull to the right wanting you to go on by.

I've been on NC80 there and it would just be a crime to do it stuck behind a truck doing the speed limit or less. It is a beatiful road.

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Bad luck, bud. Sorry! :angry2:

Been near those roads lately. Been under similar conditions in that very same area.

Riding two-up with the wife on the way from Mars Hill on 197. Or by m'self on the

Wart road down from Mt. Mitchell.

*I* have been lucky, cause I've done the same damned thing and haven't been caught,

but believe me, I've seen plenty of trooper doopers!

I've *even* seen them on the Wart road about three miles south of 197.

I thinks it's the amount of development going on in that area and the number of people moving in

around there.

Yet the ride from Weaverville to Newport (TN) through Hot Springs and

Marshall...done it a bunch of times and have yet to see one officer.

You win a few...you loose a bunch... ;)

Reading this I feel a need to vent. Sorry in advance for any fine police officers I offend with the following. Recently I was stopped in Louisiana doing 86 in a 70. It was just north of New Orleans and there were 3 cops standing under a bridge. I thought they had to call in the National Guard to patrol NO. Then again they have murderers, rapists and drug dealers down there, may be a bit dangerous. Anyway I did not even notice they were cops till I got up to them and saw their cars on the other side of the bridge. They flag me over and I stop. I waited a little over a minute, we even got off the bike to stretch, and none of the cars were moving so I figured I stopped for no reason and left. A little further down the road they catch up to me and are all upset and rude. The way the cop handled himself it seemed he was trying to start a fight. He cited me for failure to obey a police officer and 86 in a 70. Cops are just tax collectors with badges. A real PITA and little more. They wonder why their reputations are bad. Many cops fled NO rather than help its citizens. They are no help with more serious crimes. In most major cities I can go just blocks from where you may get a ticket and find a drug dealer on the corner. Once a couple of years ago I even pointed one out as the cop wrote me a ticket. Our brave boys in blue indeed.

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