'03-'05 FJR Fuel Cell. What are the current offereings

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
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Sonora, CA
I've got a little ride coming up that screams fuel cell, and since the Tanji looks to be gone the way of the dinosaur, I just want to know what other options are out there right now. You guys who have already got one mounted up, are you happy with it, would you change it in any way, pro's & con's? Are any particular brands more reliable than others.

These bad boys are big ticket items, so I want to be sure I'm not getting into a lemon.

Been very happy with my BLM aux. 4.8 gallons of handwelded aluminum funness guaranteed to put a dent in the bank account. In the $900 range here. I asked for him to do a flush-mount cap instead of one that poke out a bit. Eats 0.1 gallons, but looks more NASA like. It's totally turn-key though and add $150 for a custom tank bag from Linda T. for about $150 and you suddenly look like an LD rider even if you haven't done it.

Got some of my own photos here and here.

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Been very happy with my BLM aux. 4.8 gallons of handwelded aluminum funness guaranteed to put a dent in the bank account. In the $900 range here. I asked for him to do a flush-mount cap instead of one that poke out a bit. Eats 0.1 gallons, but looks more NASA like. It's totally turn-key though and add $150 for a custom tank bag from Linda T. for about $150 and you suddenly look like an LD rider even if you haven't done it.
Got some of my own photos here and here.
So does this $900 kit include the bulk head fitting and all hoses/quick disconnect fittings?

So does this $900 kit include the bulk head fitting and all hoses/quick disconnect fittings?
Yes, it does. This is a complete and thorough kit in every way.

Y'all have seen plenty of photos of my Aux Cell setup he did for Hirschjager.

And he did a 4.7 gallon setup for my Blackbird, too:


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Hose, hose clamps, nifty see-through glass filter, brackets, bulkhead fitting for sure.

What you've spotted is me making up some side pieces to box the structure in under the brackets. I made them from Lexan, but any plastic or light metal would work. I actually sent Bill a copy of the templates for them. Hopefully, he's throwing in a copy for making the optional pieces.

If not, I can probably put a set online after the fact.

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Whats the difference between the FJR Goodies Top Gun Version and the BLM? They look similar?

Is there a phone # for BLM? Didn't spot that on their website.

I have no idea what the quality is, but Sampson Sport Touring makes a cell custom shaped for the FJR...

I have no idea what the quality is, but Sampson Sport Touring makes a cell custom shaped for the FJR...
That one would have the total fuel capacity at 10.6 gallons (0.9 below the IBA max of 11.5) Though they may increase capacity if you asked nicely?

If I'm going to drop the coin, I want every last drop I can carry. :D

I know Vectervp1 has got something in the works, what yah got going on there dude? :ph34r:

Good point, though 0.9 gallons would require quite a bit of hose?
For the record the BLM fuel cell I got has "4.8" stamped on it. Combine with the 6.6 rating of the fuel tank and you're at 11.4. Leaves 0.1 gallons of rated buffer to include the lines to pass tech. inpsection of IBA events. Also, if you go a flush mount Wisco cap (which I highly recommend as it makes it look like something from the space shuttle and not off of a still) Bill says that eats into capacity just a bit more.

Just curious as to why the throw handle is on the right side of this cell?
I specifically wanted it there; it's a straight shot into the bulkhead fitting on the main cell. Placing it on the other side would have resulted in a longer fuel line run, which would have to cross over the center of the bike at some point to reach the bulkhead fitting. It's no big deal to lock the Vista Cruise for 3-4 seconds so the throttle hand can quickly reach back and throw the isolation valve lever.

While I had Bill McAvan do the fabrication work, I actually designed this setup myself. A lot of work goes into designing one of these things.

See: https://www.superblackbird.com/aux_mod.cfm

While I had Bill McAvan do the fabrication work, I actually designed this setup myself. A lot of work goes into designing one of these things.

I agree that a lot of thought has to go into building a top notch fuel cell.

Is there a phone # for BLM? Didn't spot that on their website.
He has a full-time day job, so you'll have to reach him via his web "contact us" page....
I had a brief e-mail chat with Bill last week. He has Susan Murphy's FJR right now and is fabbing up a tank, light brackets & shelf. I said as long as he's making one for Susan, make one for me too. I'm waiting to hear from him as to when it's going to be ready.

Cruel Rogue... :butcher: all us suffering Dean Tanji fuel cell wanna-buyers... next you'll be posting pictures of yours... oh the humanity! :cry:

Cruel Rogue... :butcher: all us suffering Dean Tanji fuel cell wanna-buyers... next you'll be posting pictures of yours... oh the humanity! :cry:

Oh, Sorry.


:p :p :D :D :p :p

Has anyone contacted Dean? I know he was going to be really busy this summer with work but if you could get five buyers together he might be willing to do another production run (IIRC he made 5 at a time).
