2008 Annual Clan Gathering

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Why does the weenie dog always get bottom billing? I know it shouldn't matter, but ...... :huh: If you got "weenie" in your name, shouldn't that bump you up above poodle? An honest (FNG) question.
Yeah, personally I prefer the "Cocker Spaniel ride" as a moniker, in fact, it will be the one I'll be leading on Saturday, the 7th. It will take less than a single tank of fuel (FJR 1300) and it will be a kick stands up at 9:00AM sharp departure. <_<

Thanks for the maps Don. There are a couple of short cuts pictured, but I know this kept you up half the night, so...well done! :clapping:

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A few teasers for ya'll.
The Doberman big dawg ride:

The Labrador ride:

The Poodle ride:

and the Weener ride:
Would you be so kind as to match these ride names with their lunch stops please.

Some days it's all about the food. :dribble:

Thank you so much kind sir. :)

Well everyone,
I am afraid I have a good news and a bad news. Bad news is, I am pulling out of the cookout BBQ ride with the clans for that weekend. And thats because of the good news. Company is asking me to pack up and move to another country. The very same weekend, I am being asked to fly to for 2 weeks to scout for a house and prepartion for the move. I am afraid I will not be there with my friends for the weekend and that the Kebobs may have to wait for another time unless someone else dares to try it out.

Not sure if I will be taking the Feejer for now, but will see what happens later. Sorry all and I was looking forward to being there.

Well, Armand wins. I just relocated to Seattle. It is not another country, but sometimes seems like it. What's with all the Canadian beer and lack of Mexican food? Needless to say, I will miss everyone!!! Everyone drink an adult bev for me, please. Cheers.


Well everyone,
I am afraid I have a good news and a bad news. Bad news is, I am pulling out of the cookout BBQ ride with the clans for that weekend. And thats because of the good news. Company is asking me to pack up and move to another country. The very same weekend, I am being asked to fly to for 2 weeks to scout for a house and prepartion for the move. I am afraid I will not be there with my friends for the weekend and that the Kebobs may have to wait for another time unless someone else dares to try it out.

Not sure if I will be taking the Feejer for now, but will see what happens later. Sorry all and I was looking forward to being there.

Well, Armand wins. I just relocated to Seattle. It is not another country, but sometimes seems like it. What's with all the Canadian beer and lack of Mexican food? Needless to say, I will miss everyone!!! Everyone drink an adult bev for me, please. Cheers.

Whaat? Ok, screw you. I'll be up to see you in about 3 weeks then. Send new address please. :rolleyes:

Just be sure to ask him if it includes the words "Carrizo Plain." :glare:
To clarify: If you turn onto a street and it says 'Soda Lake Road', turn around. ;)
Yep. Here's a view of beautiful Soda Lake Road:


What you don't see in this picture is the cow skeletons on either side of the road, and the vultures lazily circling overhead. And oh yes, the bones of motorcyclists. Pre-bones view of the latest motorcyclist:


...ahh Hans, it was YOUR amigo, (and now mi amigo too) who insisted on the dirt portion of the ride.. And now, ain't you proud? Splitting lanes, errr, uhh, Sharing lanes, ain't nothing compared to dirt, eh? And you made it! :rolleyes:

......and now, back to topic, all 4 rides currently listed for the Morro Bay 'gathering' ride are ALL street. Pavement & ashpalt. Cows, deer, sheep, horse trailers, and all sorts of other critters should be *expected* on these rides. Please adjust your speed to the conditions. If you are not a 'ride right to stay alive rider' then please re-think your strategy. Or at least don't ride with me. These roads, from a city persons perspective, looke WIDE open and ready for RACE speeds... and they will kill you.

Enough of the safety talk for now, this should be a GREAT weekend of really good riding. KwanaJawdge has offered to lead the 'Weener dog' route; this is a really nice route. If sufficent numbers of other riders want to ride a longer route, I'll lead that route.

I am very much looking forward to the weekend of riding and partying with me FJR amigos and amigo'ettes. :rolleyes:

Pardon a dumb question from someone who can't figure out WHAT is on the routes. Since I have heard about riding through Fort Hunter Leggett and the infamous Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd....

Which route might that be? And is someone going to lead it? How difficult might it be for those of us not familiar with that area?

Both Poodle and Doberman have Nacimiento on the route. Top ( northern ) portion of the route that meets The 1. It is not a high speed route in any way, shape or form, ......a smell the roses type run at that point. Amazing views from high above the 1.

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Nac/Ferg riders must have all of their documentation to proceed through the base. DL, regi and insurance cards are checked. Well, most times, anyway.

Pardon a dumb question from someone who can't figure out WHAT is on the routes. Since I have heard about riding through Fort Hunter Leggett and the infamous Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd....
Which route might that be? And is someone going to lead it? How difficult might it be for those of us not familiar with that area?
Mike -

"If"? you really want to travel over Naci/Ferguson, I might "extend" the "Cocker Spaniel Ride" to include it! I just need to be back to my barn by around 3:00PM to get showered and dressed before a graduation awards banquet on Saturday evening! :bonjeursmiley:

Another thing... I'm really not trying to "confuse" anybody(?) but any of these SLO county rides could be run in clockwise or counter/clockwise directions? I would think the day's ride plan would be to not travel into the sun for the majority of any of the rides. Wind on the coast or heat in the inland sector might also be factors to consider. Mostly, the aforementioned would be a time of day thing! :hmmsmiley02:

I'll discuss who is leading what with Don probably on Saturday morning the 7th, depending on conditions, but I kinda think his idea is to provide a smorgasboard(sp?) for whoever wants to go where/whenever? Is that your idea Don?

Please adjust your speed to the conditions. If you are not a 'ride right to stay alive rider' then please re-think your strategy. Or at least don't ride with me.
Does that mean that those of us who ride at safe and sane speeds, but "stay wide" rather than "stay right" shouldn't plan on a ride with you? :unsure:

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FWIW, I have had the pleasure of driving on Naciamento Road since the very early 70's. Some buddies and I practically lived at the Kirk Creek campground (at the southern edge of Big Sur) for a few years and Naciamento and Jolon Roads were our preferred routes to come up from/go back to L.A. When I started riding ten years ago, the pleasure of being on those roads only increased. Point being: In my experience, the speed limits have almost always been rigorously enforced. Ride carefully.

A few teasers for ya'll.
The Doberman big dawg ride:

The Labrador ride:

The Poodle ride:

and the Weener ride:
Would you be so kind as to match these ride names with their lunch stops please.

Some days it's all about the food. :dribble:

Thank you so much kind sir. :)
Hey there my eating amigo... I fully understand the need for body fuel! Any ride has very good feeding options! Hmm. I'll take a stab at this:

1. Weener ride, er, um, Cocker Spaniel ride, the luch stop I assume would be Creston. I suggest the Loading Chute, the food is better than the Long Branch and they can serve greater number of folks more quickly.

2. Poodle ride, ditto number 1 above.

3. Labrador Ride - There is a very funky little restaraunt in San Miguel, but it has limited capacity. There are other places to eat too, but I haven't tried them yet. Depending upon the number of folks wanting to ride this route..

4. Doberman ride - Parkfield Inn and Restaraunt. Really good food. Of course, you have to be a BIG DAWG to get there. Woof WOOF!

Pardon a dumb question from someone who can't figure out WHAT is on the routes. Since I have heard about riding through Fort Hunter Leggett and the infamous Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd....
Which route might that be? And is someone going to lead it? How difficult might it be for those of us not familiar with that area?
Two routes include Naciamento-Ferguson Mike,




Pardon a dumb question from someone who can't figure out WHAT is on the routes. Since I have heard about riding through Fort Hunter Leggett and the infamous Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd....
Which route might that be? And is someone going to lead it? How difficult might it be for those of us not familiar with that area?
Mike -

"If"? you really want to travel over Naci/Ferguson, I might "extend" the "Cocker Spaniel Ride" to include it! I just need to be back to my barn by around 3:00PM to get showered and dressed before a graduation awards banquet on Saturday evening! :bonjeursmiley:

Another thing... I'm really not trying to "confuse" anybody(?) but any of these SLO county rides could be run in clockwise or counter/clockwise directions? I would think the day's ride plan would be to not travel into the sun for the majority of any of the rides. Wind on the coast or heat in the inland sector might also be factors to consider. Mostly, the aforementioned would be a time of day thing! :hmmsmiley02:

I'll discuss who is leading what with Don probably on Saturday morning the 7th, depending on conditions, but I kinda think his idea is to provide a smorgasboard(sp?) for whoever wants to go where/whenever? Is that your idea Don?
MadMike, if you've never been over Naciamento-Ferguson, you owe it to yourself to ride this road. Not quiet a goat trail, and definatley not a 'regular ride', the view when you pop out on the West side will take your breath away. If you are up for a 'big' ride, do the the Doberman. For a more relaxed ride, do KJ's Poodle, err, umm, sorry, it's been renamed the 'Cocker Spaniel' ride. :rolleyes: Either which way, if you guys and galz have not been on NF road, I strongly suggest riding it. Just remember it is not a high speed road; it is very much a true Candy Butt Association road; slow down enjoy the ride, stop when you want take lot's of pictures, and when you finally see the Pacific Ocean at the end.. My oh my what a view. :yahoo:

Please adjust your speed to the conditions. If you are not a 'ride right to stay alive rider' then please re-think your strategy. Or at least don't ride with me.
Does that mean that those of us who ride at safe and sane speeds, but "stay wide" rather than "stay right" shouldn't plan on a ride with you? :unsure:
Mike, I used too strong words, and apologize. I surely do not want or intend to have jihad over apex vs riding right on this ride... After re-reading, I apologize for my words used. I will say this however... Whatever your riding style, many of these roads are less than standard CA lane width ride. And many of these roads WILL have 1 ton dually trucks towing horse trailers. When they consume your 'owed portion of the lane', they will win in all contact sports. Ride accordingly or die.
I'm just trying to express that riding on back road, country lanes, with minimum width, that apex cornering may *not* be the best survival strategy. I'm also trying to communicate that, for folks who live and ride in more densley populated areas who come and ride in a 'rural' setting, who think the road is 'wide open' that OTHER dangers, dangers they may be unawere of, exist, and will bite hard if not paying attention.

Having expressed from the safety pulpit, however inoloquently, Mike, you are welcome to ride with me on any road, any time, anywhere. You are so damn eloquent and thougtful, and the most safety conscious rider I know... I fully apologize if my previous statement sounded harsh or discrimiatory. I just don't want any FJR pilots getting hurt or dying in my neck of the woods, an area that they are not familiar with...

Hope this made sense.. :unsure:

On another note; I posted 4 different rides so that if some NAFO SS1k wannabees wanted to get into 'training' they could ride the Doberman route. For others, who are near and dear to my Candy Butt Association heart, they could enjoy some of the local roads and get back in plenty of time for cocktail hour at the campground.

KJ has offered to lead one ride, either the Weener or Poodle ride. I humbly submit the the 'Poodle' ride is the best for most folks. Good stopping points, lunch at Creston, and great Naciemento Ferguson views. If other folks want a longer ride, with some back country roads you would never find on your own, then Labrador or Doberman rides are on order.

After folks arrive, we'll take an informal poll and see what most folks choose. If we all ride a KJ ride (over Naciamento Ferguson! :rolleyes: ) then I will happily run tail gunner. If enough interest is expressed to run a longer route, then I'll be happy to lead that group too. It's all up to ya'll! :rolleyes: Trust me, all of these routes are really GREAT routes.

I'll have a spare card available for folks to download the routes to your own GPS. Or, email me at dcarver220b....at.... yahooo.com and I'll send them your way. I have not heard back from Agirls webmaster to post these routes on her site, https://seizethejourney.com. That's ok, no knock on her, she's great. :rolleyes:

Wow, what a long post.

Peace Out...


George....put me on the list to follow along on our route.

Big Don, I KNEW what you meant.....is was just living up to my avatar "name of shame". BUT, I agree that another safety warning to make more riders cognizant of the dangers of the extremely narrow back roads is also a very good thing. I seem to remember some stories from a few who didn't heed my notes of caution while riding Hwy 4 and Hwy 108 from Reno during WFO-5.

Paraphrasing your posts: Caution is the byword; Watch your sight-lines would be the technique of the day.

Controlling one's exhuberance is good advice for riding any strange or unknown roadway.

Did I mention I am really looking forward to this get together and seeing old friends? :yahoo:

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George....put me on the list to follow along on our route.
Big Don, I KNEW what you meant.....is was just living up to my avatar "name of shame". BUT, I agree that another safety warning to make more riders cognizant of the dangers of the extremely narrow back roads is also a very good thing. I seem to remember some stories from a few who didn't heed my notes of caution while riding Hwy 4 and Hwy 108 from Reno during WFO-5.

Paraphrasing your posts: Caution is the byword; Watch your sight-lines would be the technique of the day.

Controlling one's exhuberance is good advice for riding any strange or unknown roadway.

Did I mention I am really looking forward to this get together and seeing old friends? :yahoo:
AMEN brother Mike, Amen!