2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

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This close to the end, I will try to do SPOT snapshots more often, but I need to beat feet to Spokane myself here in a while.
Here are riders as of 7:30am PDT..... SkooterG needs to wick it up a bit, I'm thinking... :huh:

Last I checked he's about 1300 miles from the finish and has about 24 hours to get in, so if things go smoothly he should be good to go with some killer points bagged!

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So was Iggie's shock blown or not? If so, did he get replaced? I didn't quite understand the "coded" followup message, sorry.


News from the LDRiders mail list:
The BMW Harley dealer in Grand Junction Colorado deserves a big THANK YOU for rescuing Margaret Pearts rally.... She is well rested, has her strategy in place, and I think she's going to manage to be a finisher!
Great news!! re Margaret and Wendy. Go ladies, GO.


SPOT snapshot as of 10:40 am PDT, 3 Sep:


I am off to Spokane, folks.... I'll try one last snapshot later this evening.

I talked to Mark and Alan this morning. Alan is in Minnesota. He realizes that this has become a rally for his own purpose, instead of being competitive. He is in Minnesota, and realizes he cannot get to the Devils Tower bonus in within the window, so he is heading straight back to the barn. He got the Gay Bar bonus, and the one in Wisconsin. Hopefully he will have enough points to be a finisher.

Mark is feeling good. He has a couple unfortunate roadside conversations with public servants in Montana and Idaho, but is moving along. He was still going to try for the Victoria and Port Angeles bonus' but time may not be on his side. I think he may be learning the difference between what the GPS says is possible and what is really possible.

Jim Owen is obviously having a monster leg. By my calculations I am guessing he has about 1300 miles to go with 19 hours to do it in. He also has to do virtually all these miles on 2 lane roads, and a border crossing. If he pulls it off, it will be amazing.

Jim Owen is obviously having a monster leg. By my calculations I am guessing he has about 1300 miles to go with 19 hours to do it in. He also has to do virtually all these miles on 2 lane roads, and a border crossing. If he pulls it off, it will be amazing.
Assuming no stops, he'll need to avg 68.5 mph to cover 1300 miles in 19 hrs.

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Jim Owen is obviously having a monster leg. By my calculations I am guessing he has about 1300 miles to go with 19 hours to do it in. He also has to do virtually all these miles on 2 lane roads, and a border crossing. If he pulls it off, it will be amazing.
Assuming no stops, he'll need to avg 68.5 mph to cover 1300 miles in 19 hrs.
Add in the Border crossing...definitely going to be tight

Add in the Border crossing...definitely going to be tight
And it still looks like SkooterG is behind them all. That boy is looking to be deep in penalty points unless he can drop down to I-94 and pull some White Pine Fever out of his butt.

Well, the GM track has moved some between the last two reports, so I'm guessing that Scooter is still carrying it. We know he can pull it off unless something unexpected comes up.

He's going to find it difficult to pass up some of those points available in Canada rather than dropping down to the US for the interstate. We'll see.

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Sorry to interrupt the excitement folks, but can anyone decrypt some of those green tags into actual rider names/IDs please? I am not familiar with any of the riders but when everyone is discussing where their heroes are, I am completely lost (not unusual for me :) )

Whatever the state of play, it looks like this is going to be an exciting finish.


