2011 IBR - The Inside View

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So, I'm hoping Iggy forgot to turn his Spot back on or is outta batteries. Cuz it still shows him in Milwaukee for the last 2.25 hours. Can't be accurate.....

As for the IBR riders, it looks like 1 or 2 guys currently in Michigan are going to take a "shortcut" through Canada. #201, #929, and maybe #48. 201 is all but certainly doing that given his current position.
I've covered that area before when my wife (then girlfriend) was going to school at the U of Waterloo. The drivers on 401 - 402 - 403 in Canada are FAST, but it's also heavily patrolled from what I remember. Also prone to backups and construction.

Should it tell ya something if a Canadian who is from that area and was in Lansing, decides to go back through states he has all ready done (or will do in Leg 2) instead of riding through his native land he knows real well?

The border crossing in Port Huron is pretty easy, especially going in that direction. We have lots of Canadian commuters, so at 5:00 it may be another story. If anyone comes back that way, the morning crossing can take hours. I wonder why more didn't take the shortcut? Seems like a gimme, at least to a Michigander who has to deal with lakes if you want to go any direction but south.

Rider 130 spent the night collecting all the New England states. This has me puzzled because those are Leg 2 states. This rider did not go to Madawaska. So .... ???? Color me confuzzled here.
I assume (s)he's hoping the capitol bonii values for the NE states are low enough to let slide, bagging those states ahead of time in order to give him/herself the option to skip NE on leg2.

Of course, if the NE states have high bonii values the latter part of his/her Leg1 ride may have been wasted effort and might need to be repeated, but that's how gambling works. The leg2 packet will reveal whether it was a good bet or not.

It would be interesting to know which leg1 capitols 130 bagged. Anybody know? If (s)he got all of them and left enough time to dip a toe in all those NE states that is one brilliant ride.

929 is heading for the border. I'm sure of it as of the last Spot update. He'll make it barring any huge border crossing holdups. If it goes well, he'll have time to spare....
I wonder if the Marine City-Sombra Ferry

would have been less hassle for crossing the border than Port Huron - Point Edward? It is too late now for these riders, but the time lost on the Ferry might be less than the time lost with customs at Port Huron - Point Edward. I know I've experienced sizable delays crossing from Canada to the USA at Port Huron.

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Rider 130 spent the night collecting all the New England states. This has me puzzled because those are Leg 2 states. This rider did not go to Madawaska. So .... ???? Color me confuzzled here.
I assume (s)he's hoping the capitol bonii values for the NE states are low enough to let slide, bagging those states ahead of time in order to give him/herself the option to skip NE on leg2.

Of course, if the NE states have high bonii values the latter part of his/her Leg1 ride may have been wasted effort and might need to be repeated, but that's how gambling works. The leg2 packet will reveal whether it was a good bet or not.

It would be interesting to know which leg1 capitols 130 bagged. Anybody know? If (s)he got all of them and left enough time to dip a toe in all those NE states that is one brilliant ride.
Probably not a bad bet since they got so far east, so early. Good use of time since yesterday. Still should get plenty of rest before tomorrow's start.

I'm really lucky to be the first employee at a now seven year old software startup. One really good thing about working here is that (thanks in part to considerable lobbying by employee #1) we have no IT department, no Mordac, preventer of information services.

Sadly it also means any employee can subscribe to instant email notification of new posts to this thread, which leads to google.com/maps to figure out what rider #184 is really up to, by which time there has been three updates here and at least one LDRider digest. Which of course starts the cycle again.

I'm trapped in a productivity destroying vortex of living vicariously through the interwebs! :eek:mg2:

A beef on weck sandwich is a variety of steak sandwich found primarily in Western New York. It is made with roast beef on a kummelweck roll. The meat on the sandwich is traditionally served rare, thin cut, with the top bun getting a dip au jus. Accompaniments include horseradish, a dill pickle spear, and french fries.


Well, now you've made me hungry!

Cool forum and a really great IBR thread! Lots of good stuff: updates, gossip, conjecture. Good thing I'm retired or I'd not be getting any work done.

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BWAH! The Triumph Trident appears ahead of Ken Meese on their final dash to Cheektowaga! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Go, John, GO!!! :lol:


BWAH! The Triumph Trident appears ahead of Ken Meese on their final dash to Cheektowaga! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Go, John, GO!!! :lol:
That's great to hear. the last time I spoke to John, before he left the UK, he was feeling very despondent and hoping that he would make it beyond day 1. I look forward to hearing reports of his speech at the finishers banquet. As long as it's not about Triumph gearbox mounting brackets :lol:

Thanks for the updates Bryan and Dale.

Good to know Wendy is getting taken care of, and that Iggy is back on the move.

FJR Rider #184 is making me very nervous.... this snapshot is 5 minutes old; he's only now leaving Cincinnati.... he's got about 6.5 hours before he starts entering Penalty time.... :unsure:


Rider #161 had better start picking it up, as well....

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Some of the Utah1088 riders are intermingled with the IBR riders near Cleveland...wonder if one of the Utah1088 bonus listings is to get a picture of the IBR checkpoint :p

Some of the Utah1088 riders are intermingled with the IBR riders near Cleveland...wonder if one of the Utah1088 bonus listings is to get a picture of the IBR checkpoint :p

Yes, they ahve to get 2 pictures, one of an IBR rider holding both the IBR rally flag and the 1088 flag at the same time. And the 2 nd picture is of the bikes in the hotel parking lot.

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