2011 IBR - The Inside View

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I wonder if 184 still has his watch set on California time?
*IF* he can maintain BBG pace to the checkpoint, he'll be about 1 hour into the penalty window.
Now how about 372 who is now behind him on the same route.
Tough to say because that is a "custom" SPOT message and may not be representative of his or her current position.If, as of 1316PDT, that rider is actually there they will need to average >70 mph to bag Michigan and get to Buffalo before the checkpoint *CLOSES*. Not looking good for them. At all.
Is "372" the one with the custom Spot message in Cridersville, OH? If so, I just learned a valuable trick. I could not tell if it was 372 or 872, so I zoomed in using the Ctrl and + keys on the keyboard, and it made the numbers bigger and readable to these old eyes. And when I zoomed back out, using the "-" symbol on the map, the numbers stayed large and readable!! Woo hoo! I wish I had tried that a few days ago.

Oh, and BTW, it's 872.

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Also .. There are TWO in Harrisburgh, not just the one.

512 is there also

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Wendy Results:

From Lisa Landry at Cheektowaga Checkpoint:

Wendy is back from the Doctor and all is well. Her eye is bruised and hegave her some drops and cold packs to bring down the swelling. It's all

good and she is getting her paperwork together now.

Stick a eye patch on her, put a pirate flag on her bike, and send her back out! :lol:

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Wendy Results:

From Lisa Landry at Cheektowaga Checkpoint:

Wendy is back from the Doctor and all is well. Her eye is bruised and hegave her some drops and cold packs to bring down the swelling. It's all

good and she is getting her paperwork together now.

Stick a eye patch on her, put a pirate flag on her bike, and send her back out! :lol:
Way cool! Go Wendy! :clapping: :yahoo:

At this point, I am really, REALLY hoping Riders #872 and #230 have their SPOTs inadvertently turned off.... :unsure:

Especially #872... this marker hasn't moved from Lima all day.... :huh:
#512 is also still showing in Harrisburg (symbol is hiding underneath #230 as of 15:30 CDT. #512 appears to be in tracking mode; the other two appear to be using "custom" message and "OK" message to mark their locations. Hopefully, in the pressure to get to the barn, they're forgetting to periodically hit those buttons.

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184 passed I-90, so definitely going for MI. 3:15 until the checkpoint opens and 5:15 until he is time barred. I will be shocked if he makes it.

What terrible news about Wendy. Wishing her the best.
I'll bet you she hits an ATM on her way in and out of the urgent care facility to document a rest bonus. :)

I'm not scratching her off my podium list just yet.

From Wendy's husband:

Just got off the Phone with Wendy, she has been to the emergency care clinic and received treatment and is feeling much better. She will feel even better after scoring, food, shower, and sleep. Wendy's eye was not torn or damaged just bruised as something hit her rigid contact lens (which probably saved her eye damage) the lens spread the impact across her entire eye causing the swelling. The Doctor provided meds and recommended a cold compress (which she will use while sleeping) and cleared her to rally on. I just have to say that after posting the original notice this morning I had to go to a Dr. appointment myself and had to leave this potential tragedy in the hands of you, the long distance Community. I can only say that I am blown away by the outpouring of support, the organization of help by the IBR staff and friends of the rally, and the care that was taken to get my wife the care that she needed. My deepest thanks go to Lisa and the folks atthe hotel who had found a clinic, arranged for her to see the doctor, provided transportation for her etc. etc. etc. I am not an endurance rider, but through my wife I have witnessed (now firsthand) the true spirit that encompasses the community that you are all part of. As a "rally wife" I want to thank you all for taking care of one of your own with so much attention.

With Much Love and Appreciation.

Mike (Mr. Wendy Crockett) Loomer
Go Wendy :clapping:

Hope Hwy 219 is faster than it looks on the map. Will be a tests for rider 887.
+1 for Wendy.

As for 219. I've ridden that 4x. It's not a haul ass road. Lots of 30mph small towns.

184 is going into DTW rush hour, or Toledo's if he heads back south. :huh:

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184 passed I-90, so definitely going for MI.
I am watching our boy do that and just shaking my head in bewilderment .... WTF is the man thinking here?! :blink:

Does this look reasonable to y'all who know this area/traffic/etc? I don't know this region, but.... this snapshot was taken just moments ago.... the dude is over 300 miles from the Checkpoint right where he is... and ~ 3 hours till penalty points start....

This dog won't hunt! :(


Ugh.. maybe he thinks he's in a different time zone, or some such....

I'd say things have maybe turned rather bleak for our #872.... :(

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184 passed I-90, so definitely going for MI.
I am watching our boy do that and just shaking my head in bewilderment .... WTF is the man thinking here?! :blink:

Does this look reasonable to y'all who know this area/traffic/etc? I don't know this region, but.... this snapshot was taken just moments ago.... and ~ 3 hours till penalty points start....
I-75 through Detroit at 5:00pm? Just to get north of the city is two hour propostion. Might be able to reach Port Huron in three hours if he is lucky/crazy.

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I-75 through Detroit at 5:00pm? Just to get north of the city is two hour propostion. Might be able to reach Port Huron in three hours if he is lucky/crazy.
Ack. Definitely looks grim for him.....

But on a more light-hearted note..... it is going to be close; and the trailing rider is closing briskly, but.... it does indeed look as if the Triumph will BEAT Ken Meese into the Checkpoint. ;)

Er.... maybe. Meese is closing... :huh:

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184 passed I-90, so definitely going for MI.
I am watching our boy do that and just shaking my head in bewilderment .... WTF is the man thinking here?! :blink:

Does this look reasonable to y'all who know this area/traffic/etc? I don't know this region, but.... this snapshot was taken just moments ago.... and ~ 3 hours till penalty points start....
I-75 through Detroit at 5:00pm? Just to get north of the city is two hour propostion. Might be able to reach Port Huron in three hours if he is lucky/crazy.
That rider may not make it in to Detroit at 17:00 local time. It's still a 5hr slog from there to Buffalo, or so says google maps. That's *if* the traffic is light.

As for 872, my guess is that, hopefully, the SPOT is off because the batteries are dead or the rider forgot to re-enable tracking...

must...get..in...car...and run banking errands....then 3 hour drive to family....jeez, I did not plan this day well.

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