2012 Breaks Interstate Camping Trip, May 18-20

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Maybe Im gettin antsy but just thought I'd let y'all know there is ONLY 1 month, 6 days, 9 hours and 25 min.(from the time of this post) till I leave for Breaks Interstate Park. Which will be 07:30 on 5/17. All my PM is done on the bike, I cant wait! I'll be taking a sceenic route on thursday and it should be a long days ride to get there. Havnt decided where i will spend thursday night yet. Might just stop when I get tired and find a hotel somewhere, I dunno. I know we have a few new members in my neck o the woods, so if anyone wants to ride along thats fine with me. Pm me or post up on here.


Looks like several of us will be spending Thursday night at Hungry Mother State Park. Your welcome to join us...

For me, Hungry Mother is a bit South and would make for a very long day in the saddle.

( About 10-12 hours, not too bad if I was moteling. )

Anyone want to meet a little further North? I was thinking of staying at Watoga SP Thurs evening.

Maybe Im gettin antsy but just thought I'd let y'all know there is ONLY 1 month, 6 days, 9 hours and 25 min.(from the time of this post) till I leave for Breaks Interstate Park. Which will be 07:30 on 5/17. All my PM is done on the bike, I cant wait! I'll be taking a sceenic route on thursday and it should be a long days ride to get there. Havnt decided where i will spend thursday night yet. Might just stop when I get tired and find a hotel somewhere, I dunno. I know we have a few new members in my neck o the woods, so if anyone wants to ride along thats fine with me. Pm me or post up on here.


Looks like several of us will be spending Thursday night at Hungry Mother State Park. Your welcome to join us...

For me, Hungry Mother is a bit South and would make for a very long day in the saddle.

( About 10-12 hours, not too bad if I was moteling. )

Anyone want to meet a little further North? I was thinking of staying at Watoga SP Thurs evening.
Ship your tent to me and we will have it set up when you get there

Maybe Im gettin antsy but just thought I'd let y'all know there is ONLY 1 month, 6 days, 9 hours and 25 min.(from the time of this post) till I leave for Breaks Interstate Park. Which will be 07:30 on 5/17. All my PM is done on the bike, I cant wait! I'll be taking a sceenic route on thursday and it should be a long days ride to get there. Havnt decided where i will spend thursday night yet. Might just stop when I get tired and find a hotel somewhere, I dunno. I know we have a few new members in my neck o the woods, so if anyone wants to ride along thats fine with me. Pm me or post up on here.


Looks like several of us will be spending Thursday night at Hungry Mother State Park. Your welcome to join us...


For me, Hungry Mother is a bit South and would make for a very long day in the saddle.

( About 10-12 hours, not too bad if I was moteling. )

Anyone want to meet a little further North? I was thinking of staying at Watoga SP Thurs evening.
I'm slabbing all the way down to Wytheville. Try this route...


just over 7 hrs and it's not all slab.

I will only slab by court order.

The reason I'm taking two days to get to Breaks is so I can

enjoy some of the best roads the East has to offer.

Slabbing would be like skipping a gourmet dinner just to get

an ice cream sandwich at the gas station.

While I certainly enjoy everyone's company, I guess

I will just have to wait until Friday evening.

I will only slab by court order.

The reason I'm taking two days to get to Breaks is so I can

enjoy some of the best roads the East has to offer.

Slabbing would be like skipping a gourmet dinner just to get

an ice cream sandwich at the gas station.

While I certainly enjoy everyone's company, I guess

I will just have to wait until Friday evening.
Yeah...I know, but I don't mind it to get to some great roads on Thursday...see ya Friday...have a great ride down

Ed and I are leaving on the 17th and bee-lining it down. Such is life when you have to get somewhere and only have a few days off. I expect to make it to Erie PA or somewhere just south of there on the 17th.

The next morning, we will be hitting up some of SE Ohio on the way down (536, 255, 537 and 26) to shake off some of the winter cobwebs so that we don't embarrass ourselves in Virginia twisties to badly. After SE Ohio, we're hopping back on the slab to get to Breaks, looks like we'll be riding 119 for a ways.

5 weeks!

I will only slab by court order.

The reason I'm taking two days to get to Breaks is so I can

enjoy some of the best roads the East has to offer.

Slabbing would be like skipping a gourmet dinner just to get

an ice cream sandwich at the gas station.

While I certainly enjoy everyone's company, I guess

I will just have to wait until Friday evening.
I have the same dilemma. Google has me at 11 hours to HMSP by slabbing 3/4 of the way so that's out. I will probably probably stay somewhere near Breaks or a little east of there for Thursday night.

Hey Bryan - which way are you coming from IN. I could meet you in Louisville if you're going though there.

Maybe Im gettin antsy but just thought I'd let y'all know there is ONLY 1 month, 6 days, 9 hours and 25 min.(from the time of this post) till I leave for Breaks Interstate Park. Which will be 07:30 on 5/17. All my PM is done on the bike, I cant wait! I'll be taking a sceenic route on thursday and it should be a long days ride to get there. Havnt decided where i will spend thursday night yet. Might just stop when I get tired and find a hotel somewhere, I dunno. I know we have a few new members in my neck o the woods, so if anyone wants to ride along thats fine with me. Pm me or post up on here.


Looks like several of us will be spending Thursday night at Hungry Mother State Park. Your welcome to join us...

Thanks for the offer Joe. I'll check it out.

Howdy folks!!!, I am posting this for the sake of bringing this topic up. I also wanted to tell folks that if they want, I have some routes planned in Garmin that I'd send upon request.

Here's what I've got! (if ya want 'em, let me know an email address to send them to)

109 Miles

Leave Breaks heading south on SR 80 to the back road, CR 611. 611 runs in a counter-clockwise arc & eventually intersects with CR 631. Run on 631 (S) to 83 (W). 83 to the intersection with SR 72. SR 72 (S) through to 637/649. Take to 72(S). 72 to 58 (E) into St Paul, VA. @ intersection of SR 63 (in St Paul) you head north to where 63 intersects with SR 83. 83 (N) to the intersection of 80 (in Haysi... beer here). Take 80 back to Breaks.

3 Hours, 9 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

151 Miles

Leave Breaks & head North on SR 80 into Elkhorn City. CR197 leaves Elkhorn City to the southwest. 197 becomes CR 805 @ Shelby Gap. Continue on 805 until it intersects Hwy 119. Take Hwy 119 SW into the town of Cumberland. On the way, be sure to enjoy the killa’ tight sweepers on this road. From Cumberland take CR 160 to the east (Put on your twisty hat!) There is an extremely tight & technical section of twisties on this road. Between Lynch, KY to Appalachia, VA is a “must do” section of road. (The road will go up the mountain & down the other side. The downhill side is VA. A word of caution: The last time that I was on this road the VA side had small white pea gravel that you couldn’t see until you were sliding on it. The Kentucky side was extremely clean) Once you are through 160 & in Appalachia, you’re going to get onto I-23 for a short period & exit onto 58 (E). Exit 58 @ SR 72 (heading north) Take 72 to SR 83 & head East/Southeast. Once 83 intersects with 63 (83/63) you start heading north back towards camp. At the intersection of 80 go north back to camp. Don’t forget your beer in Haysi.

3 Hours 44 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

184 Miles

This route is the one that I’m voting for! This route takes place solely in VA. If you have an issue with that, there are other routes to look at.

South on 80 for a very short time. A left turn should be made onto CR 609. Take 609 to 460 (E). This area of 460 has mondo sweepers! Follow 460 to Claypool Hill, VA & then a short jaunt onto I-19 to Indian Paint Rd. Indian Paint Rd will dump you onto CR609(E) Take 609 to the intersection of SR 91 (S) & to Thompson Valley Rd. Thompson Valley should be taken all the way to Rte 16. Make a right on 16 & follow all the way into Marion, VA (This road is for the twisty mongers... cough cough Bungee). From here jump onto I-81 (W) until exiting onto SR 80. Prepare for more twisties that look awesome on paper. Take this to the junction of 19. Jump onto 19 for a short time & then back onto 80 to ride through another awesome looking (on paper) set of twisties. Eventually, 80 will take you back to Breaks. Don’t forget beer.

4 Hours 12 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

206 Miles

Exit camp going south on SR 80. Take to the intersection of 83 in Haysi. Take 83 east until it intersects with 460. Take 460 until it exits once again onto 83. Follow 83 into WV. Eventually 83 intersects with 16 in Yukon, WV. Take 16 south all the way into Marion, VA & then jump onto I-81 (S) for a short connection. Exit onto SR 80 to continue the twisty fun. There’s a short piece of Rte 19 that needs to be traversed before heading out back onto SR 80 for more twisties. 80 will take you home to camp. Don’t forget your beer in Haysi!

4 Hours 51 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

312 Miles

The 3 state jaunt!

Leave camp on 80(N) until it intersects 460. Take 460(W) to the intersection of 119 in Pikeville, KY. Head north/northeast on 119 into the town of Williamson (There is a Walmart here) Take 52 east from here to the intersection of SR 97(E) Cruise this road until you intersect SR 10. Ride 10(E) from here all the way into Matoaka, WV. The set of twisties between Covel & Matoaka are to die for! In Matoaka, pick up SR 71 south & then 52 into Bluefield, WV. There are a couple of roads that will lead you to I-77. I-77 is only used as a connector to bring you to the road that will bring you to Burkes Garden. So, I-77(S) to exit for SR 61. Take 61 (W) to the entrance for Burkes Garden. (Burkes Garden Rd). This is the road in & the road out due to the twisty dirt road @ the southern end of the Gardens. I have it planned to ride the circumference of the Gardens. If you decide not to, there is a good place to take a butt break on the main drag. It’s called Burkes Garden Country Store. Imagine that!

When you exit the Gardens back out to 61, make a left. 61 will turn into 16 on the other side of Rte 19. Take 16 north to the intersection of 83. Take 83 to the intersection of 80 & 80 back to Breaks. (Don’t forget the beer in Haysi)

7 Hours 50 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

I threw waypoints in the file for things like Walmart, gas & such.

Howdy folks!!!, I am posting this for the sake of bringing this topic up. I also wanted to tell folks that if they want, I have some routes planned in Garmin that I'd send upon request.

Here's what I've got! (if ya want 'em, let me know an email address to send them to)

109 Miles

Leave Breaks heading south on SR 80 to the back road, CR 611. 611 runs in a counter-clockwise arc & eventually intersects with CR 631. Run on 631 (S) to 83 (W). 83 to the intersection with SR 72. SR 72 (S) through to 637/649. Take to 72(S). 72 to 58 (E) into St Paul, VA. @ intersection of SR 63 (in St Paul) you head north to where 63 intersects with SR 83. 83 (N) to the intersection of 80 (in Haysi... beer here). Take 80 back to Breaks.

3 Hours, 9 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

151 Miles

Leave Breaks & head North on SR 80 into Elkhorn City. CR197 leaves Elkhorn City to the southwest. 197 becomes CR 805 @ Shelby Gap. Continue on 805 until it intersects Hwy 119. Take Hwy 119 SW into the town of Cumberland. On the way, be sure to enjoy the killa' tight sweepers on this road. From Cumberland take CR 160 to the east (Put on your twisty hat!) There is an extremely tight & technical section of twisties on this road. Between Lynch, KY to Appalachia, VA is a "must do" section of road. (The road will go up the mountain & down the other side. The downhill side is VA. A word of caution: The last time that I was on this road the VA side had small white pea gravel that you couldn't see until you were sliding on it. The Kentucky side was extremely clean) Once you are through 160 & in Appalachia, you're going to get onto I-23 for a short period & exit onto 58 (E). Exit 58 @ SR 72 (heading north) Take 72 to SR 83 & head East/Southeast. Once 83 intersects with 63 (83/63) you start heading north back towards camp. At the intersection of 80 go north back to camp. Don't forget your beer in Haysi.

3 Hours 44 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

184 Miles

This route is the one that I'm voting for! This route takes place solely in VA. If you have an issue with that, there are other routes to look at.

South on 80 for a very short time. A left turn should be made onto CR 609. Take 609 to 460 (E). This area of 460 has mondo sweepers! Follow 460 to Claypool Hill, VA & then a short jaunt onto I-19 to Indian Paint Rd. Indian Paint Rd will dump you onto CR609(E) Take 609 to the intersection of SR 91 (S) & to Thompson Valley Rd. Thompson Valley should be taken all the way to Rte 16. Make a right on 16 & follow all the way into Marion, VA (This road is for the twisty mongers... cough cough Bungee). From here jump onto I-81 (W) until exiting onto SR 80. Prepare for more twisties that look awesome on paper. Take this to the junction of 19. Jump onto 19 for a short time & then back onto 80 to ride through another awesome looking (on paper) set of twisties. Eventually, 80 will take you back to Breaks. Don't forget beer.

4 Hours 12 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

206 Miles

Exit camp going south on SR 80. Take to the intersection of 83 in Haysi. Take 83 east until it intersects with 460. Take 460 until it exits once again onto 83. Follow 83 into WV. Eventually 83 intersects with 16 in Yukon, WV. Take 16 south all the way into Marion, VA & then jump onto I-81 (S) for a short connection. Exit onto SR 80 to continue the twisty fun. There's a short piece of Rte 19 that needs to be traversed before heading out back onto SR 80 for more twisties. 80 will take you home to camp. Don't forget your beer in Haysi!

4 Hours 51 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

312 Miles

The 3 state jaunt!

Leave camp on 80(N) until it intersects 460. Take 460(W) to the intersection of 119 in Pikeville, KY. Head north/northeast on 119 into the town of Williamson (There is a Walmart here) Take 52 east from here to the intersection of SR 97(E) Cruise this road until you intersect SR 10. Ride 10(E) from here all the way into Matoaka, WV. The set of twisties between Covel & Matoaka are to die for! In Matoaka, pick up SR 71 south & then 52 into Bluefield, WV. There are a couple of roads that will lead you to I-77. I-77 is only used as a connector to bring you to the road that will bring you to Burkes Garden. So, I-77(S) to exit for SR 61. Take 61 (W) to the entrance for Burkes Garden. (Burkes Garden Rd). This is the road in & the road out due to the twisty dirt road @ the southern end of the Gardens. I have it planned to ride the circumference of the Gardens. If you decide not to, there is a good place to take a butt break on the main drag. It's called Burkes Garden Country Store. Imagine that!

When you exit the Gardens back out to 61, make a left. 61 will turn into 16 on the other side of Rte 19. Take 16 north to the intersection of 83. Take 83 to the intersection of 80 & 80 back to Breaks. (Don't forget the beer in Haysi)

7 Hours 50 Minutes. This does not include lunch & butt break time.

I threw waypoints in the file for things like Walmart, gas & such.
Wow...that looks like a great set of routes...I'll definitely ride some of those roads in July when I take Louanne on our weeklong (250 mile max per day) trip.

Have a great time guys and gals. :clapping:

I plan to post this info once more. Probably about a week out from the meet. How much do you want to bet that there will be "someone" who says... "routes? What routes... there were routes???"

& Mark, if you'd like to have them, PM me your email address & I'll send them to you.

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Thanks once again for taking the time to put together these routes Heidi. 4 more weeks WOOT! WOOT!

I've got a route from a fellow over on ST.n that is the 'best of Appalachia'. It looks awesome. So much so that I think I'm gonna ride the entire route in July. I've been on bits and pieces of the route, but never strung together like that. I'll forward it to you via email.

I've got a fresh set of PR3's waiting to be spooned on, Ed is raring to go as well. Otherwise, all that's left is to watch the clock get slower and slower the closer we get.

I plan to post this info once more. Probably about a week out from the meet. How much do you want to bet that there will be "someone" who says... "routes? What routes... there were routes???"

& Mark, if you'd like to have them, PM me your email address & I'll send them to you.

I just want to thank you for putting together some great routes...I can't wait!

Oh, and everyone else...Don't forget to get yer beer in Haysi.

No problem Joe! It was the boredom that made me do it! lol!

& to anyone that says "screw these routes! I have my own plans"... take a word of advice... unless the roads are main roads or roads that you know & have traveled before, do a little research to find if they are gravel. There are a lot of them in the area. That is unless you don't care. Me, I don't like gravel/dirt roads & avoid them when I can... & have done some research to avoid them within my planned routes.

I've received 2 requests for the routes that I have. I will get those to you guys today.

& if not familiar with Garmin's routing, these routes that are received from me need to be recalculated in your own software if you don't already know that. Also, comparing what you get shoud be compared to route synopsis for accuracy. Different versions of Mapsouce can yield unwanted results if you're not already aware.

Three weeks from tonight I'll be packing up!! Last couple weeks have just been dragging by and I've ridden about an hour in that time. Breaks can't get here soon enough!
