I plan on doing the 500 mile ride, so if there are some others that want to ride it as well.....good deal! We might want to go over the route maybe Friday night, there's a short cut avoiding downtown Clarksville you really want to take. Plan on eating in Oark if you can, great food! Elly Mae maybe there, you don't want to miss that! I won't have a map or even a map machine, but I'm sure at least one of you guys will.
Se y'all Friday
I saw that shortcut. I can alter the route on Friday night for gps's if you want. It's just that right turn before Clarksville right?
Yeah, as your headed south on Hwy 21, its a right turn onto CR4400, (its easy to miss as there is only one small little blue County Road sign) then another right onto CR3390.it comes out onto Hwy 103. There happens to be a gas station on the right, about a mile after you turn onto hwy 103.
Going thru Clarksville is OK, just alot of traffic, stop signs, traffic lights etc.....