2012 SE Ohio Ramble - May 11-14

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The fella that I work with - the nerd on the Buell - is looking at coming over Friday and riding Saturday.

If there is anyone who would be willing to split a room on Friday night, please PM me and I'll get you in touch with the nerd.
Is he riding with you on Saturday?

Does he play well with others...I hope? :)

Ramble gdb files emailed.
I gave them a good looking over last night and sent them to my Garmin. I was so glad to see Stanleysville Rd on there. I've been drooling over that pic in this thread since it was first posted.

2 things though. You have them both labeled as the east route, and, you used lots of waypoints (good) in the east route, but instead switched to viapoints on the west route. That makes it REALLY hard to check!

Truth be told, I only check to see that the waypoints are AFTER the turns, not ON the turns.

Tip, when labeling way points, number them as you did, but pad them with a few leading zeros. This keeps them in order and, if you space out the numbering, you can insert between two points easily. So you end up with something that looks like '000-Start' .. '0050-Left on Main' .. '0100 Left on Elm'... etc.

Then again, should you take suggestions from Captain Uturn?


I can't remember when or where but I remember I was trying to follow a route (tuff at the best of times with me) and the GPS wouldn't announce a turn until AFTER you had made the wrong one. You did good Wheatness!

well...I ain't perfect...and things have been a little hectic...so I did mislabel the file somehow...but identified that in a followup email I thought. Regarding waypoints and via points...that may be my screwup as well. But really, I am a gps newbie and quite frankly still use the turnsheets at the Ramble like I have done since 2007. I do use the gps, but I don't trust it fully yet...as I have followed many gpser's that have had to turn around because of incorrect settings, etc. I'm a map and turnsheet guy.

But thanks for the commendation, hope you enjoy the roads. They will rock!

Regarding waypoints and via points...that may be my screwup as well. But really, I am a gps newbie and quite frankly still use the turnsheets at the Ramble like I have done since 2007.

But thanks for the commendation, hope you enjoy the roads. They will rock!
To tell you the truth, I have no clue how to do viapoints.

I'm sure the roads will rock, after spending a single morning there on our way down to EOM11 I just knew I'd have to come back. It's not hard to love a place when in a single morning, you ride 26, 537 and 260.

New PR3's got spooned on yesterday. I've got a replacement AVCC to go in on Sat., Just need to check my stash of U.S. bucks to make sure I have enough, snag some out of country medical, re-enable my stalk-tracker, get packed and get a new air compressor... and holy crap! I'd better get a move on!

Next weekend can't get here soon enough.

...you used lots of waypoints (good) in the east route, but instead switched to viapoints on the west route. That makes it REALLY hard to check!
I would recommend that you insert waypoints right over the via points then, delete the viapoints and recalculate. That way you will have some hard way points to check from.

..or ask someone from the group to send you their file if they've already done that.

You do not want to miss the good stuff on the second day's route. :yahoo:

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Ramble gdb files emailed.
I gave them a good looking over last night and sent them to my Garmin. I was so glad to see Stanleysville Rd on there. I've been drooling over that pic in this thread since it was first posted.

2 things though. You have them both labeled as the east route, and, you used lots of waypoints (good) in the east route, but instead switched to viapoints on the west route. That makes it REALLY hard to check!

Truth be told, I only check to see that the waypoints are AFTER the turns, not ON the turns.

Tip, when labeling way points, number them as you did, but pad them with a few leading zeros. This keeps them in order and, if you space out the numbering, you can insert between two points easily. So you end up with something that looks like '000-Start' .. '0050-Left on Main' .. '0100 Left on Elm'... etc.

Then again, should you take suggestions from Captain Uturn?


I can't remember when or where but I remember I was trying to follow a route (tuff at the best of times with me) and the GPS wouldn't announce a turn until AFTER you had made the wrong one. You did good Wheatness!
Did you check to see if your Sunday route entered the GPS correctly? I got Saturday's 317 mile route entered but the other one marked Saturday and 300 miles doesn't show up in mapsource or the GPS correctly. I thought Sundays route was supposed to be 347 miles. I think I have something wrong going on here.

Good news is I did get Saturdays maps and routes moved into my GPS. :yahoo:

FYI: I have not loaded.the west loop into my gps yet. If someone has an issue with the west loop, or if I have accidently sent out the wrong west loop file, someone else please make that gps file using the turn sheets and send it out please.

Just loaded up the west route in Mapsucks. Says 346 miles. Not that it matters, I only have to keep Griff in sight for the two days :D

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