2013 FJR - Product announced!

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...the miles don't all show up on one odo.. :lol: :p
Beat me to it, Pete. I did run off about 30k miles on the other stuff in the same time period but I make no claims to be any kind of mileage monster. Anyway, my '06 has been great and I like it more than my Gen I. I expect the '13 will be great as well.


I have a 10 and for some unknown reason they did not recall those on the spiders. Same gauge wire as the other Gen II, same spiders.
Not saying there's no problem with the '10s and later, but there is at least one difference in the loom.

This is the most-feared connector on the Gen II, front left of the under-tank area.

(Click on image for larger view)

I've no picture of the wires in that on my '06, but as far as I remember all six positions were used, and all the same gauge wire (but I could be wrong on the gauge).

On my '10, that same connector:

You can see that only four of the six possible positions are used, and one of them is a significantly larger gauge than the others, definitely different from the '06. I don't know about the other positions.

So I believe they did make at least some improvement.

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Bunch of chicken littles around here.

Starting in 2010 there is a new part number for the wiring harness and THAT is why none of those bikes were part of the recall and why there has not been ONE SINGLE FAILURE on a 2010+ FJR.


Yamaha does fix the problems they know about, eventually. Question is, what new ones do they NOT know about on the new '13?

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Call us Gen I guys Chicken Littles all you want, but the VAST number of never-ending Gen II issues, problems and potentially life-threatening "design features" has been documented on this forum for 7 freaking years.
"LIFE THREATENING 'design features??'"

That's the biggest load of bullshit I've heard in a long time. Give me a break. Show me a valid instance where one bike was even dropped because of anything "wrong" with a GenII. You can't.

Just like all of today's vehicles, they are complex mechanical and electrical machines. Perfection is a worthy goal, but hard to reach. Seems though that 99% of them have been just fine.

Mine never had a problem, just like most others. You should go sell your snake oil somewhere else...Take your FJR with the replaced engine with you.
The NHTSA does not typically require manufacturers to go through recalls unless they determine that a particular known issue may result in a life threatening situation. The 2nd gen FJRs have had two major recalls and a minor one: The two wiring issues (ignition switch and ground spiders) could result in sudden loss of engine power in traffic, which they must consider potentially life threatening. I'm not sure why the ECU recall went through as it was more of an inconvenience than anything.

In the name of complete disclosure,. the 1st gens did have a recall too, for the TPS, which was also a life threatening situation in traffic. Funny thing about that one is that the TPS issue affects a lot of other makes and models of fuel injected bikes. They all seem to use the same TPS sensors. My V-strom was afflicted by it until I replaced the sensor myself. I'm not aware of any other manufacturers that were recalled besides Yamaha.
So Yamaha "typically" won't issue a recall for a non-life threatening issue except when it does?? You guys are so busy contradicting yourselves, you can't see how full of crap you are.

So, the bike could die "in traffic" and kill the rider...right? You mean like when it runs out of gas? Or if someone accidentally hits the kill switch? Or maybe if the battery is bad and the bike stops running??

Maybe we should issue recalls for all that stuff too. The ECU 'altitude sickness' was nothing more than a bunch of whiners crying about a problem that wouldn't exist if they weren't too stupid to ride a motorcycle.

As always, around here, people are still trying to make things bigger than they really are.

I didn't say Yamaha recalls. I said the NHTSA recalls.

And the ECU recall very well may have been deemed to be a life threatening situation, I don't know for sure. I'm not sure if that was a full NHTSA safety recall,. or a Yamaha goodwill recall. I do know the two electrical recalls were NHTSA and so was the 1st gen TPS.

I'm not trying to make anything bigger than it is. For that, if you think that none of these issues were really safety issues, you would have to blame the NHTSA. I'm pretty sure they try not to recall things frivolously.

To repeat my question from another thread: Just what the hell were we supposed to buy between 2006 and 2012 if not an FJR? Were we supposed to buy Concours 14s? Or perhaps Vespa Scooters? Maybe we were supposed to just wait until some then unknown future date when the Perfect FJR would be released.

I hope the Gen3 is as awesome as it seems to be. I hope it becomes the Gold Standard of Sport Tourers.

The only thing I ever felt threatened my life while riding the Gen 2 was my own stupidity, directly connected to my throttle hand.

And the ECU recall very well may have been deemed to be a life threatening situation, I don't know for sure. I'm not sure if that was a full NHTSA safety recall,. or a Yamaha goodwill recall.
The ECU recall was not even to be performed on all the affected bikes. It was a Yamaha Goodwill recall. Since we live in Swampy Flatlandistan, we did not receive a letter concerning the ECU recall. When we brought the bike to Friendly Yamaha in Baton Rouge for the ignition switch and ground recall, we had not heard of the ECU recall. The Service Manager knew that we took the bike to the mountains on vacation, he told us about the ECU and offered to do it even though we were considered Low Altitude. We had to wait a couple extra days for the part, no big deal.

Also, the thing just got a little sluggish at altitude. It never even tried to die or fall over. The new ECU did not help anyway. A PC-V took care of that issue.

[putting on the serious hat]

Although the NHTSA (and Howie) seem to feel the Gen 2 was a dangerous bike on at least two occasions, I think it is only about as dangerous as any other. Yeah, it has a few weak design points, as do they all. So you fix what you know about and as the old saying goes: "You buy your ticket and you take your chances."

Perhaps we should put it this way: There are no bad FJRs.

Although I like my trusty 1st gen just fine, I think we are all in agreement that the second gen FJR is also a fine bike, and anyone who owns one should be darned proud to ride it. It's a great bike that can be made even greater by a few little fixes that were pioneered by some of the good folks who own them right here on this forum.

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be fun to tease each other about which is superior. That's just good clean fun. If you find yourself getting peeved by the Manatee Molester's incessant diatribe against 2nd gens, well maybe you should just loosen your shorts a notch or two? :p

PS - thanks for setting the record straight on the ECU recall. I had a feeling that was the case.

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Perhaps we should put it this way: There are no bad FJRs.

Although I like my trusty 1st gen just fine, I think we are all in agreement that the second gen FJR is also a fine bike, and anyone who owns one should be darned proud to ride it. It's a great bike that can be made even greater by a few little fixes that were pioneered by some of the good folks who own them right here on this forum.

If you find yourself getting peeved by the Manatee Molester's incessant diatribe against 2nd gens, well maybe you should just loosen your shorts a notch or two? :p

PS - thanks for setting the record straight on the ECU recall. I had a feeling that was the case.
I agree, no bad FJRs.

I have enjoyed Dad riding his to places we never thought we would go. It has helped make memories and generate happiness far beyond the limits of its engineering and materials

Peeved? No. If he has the right to go on and on and on... We have the right to answer do we not?

How do you know I did not make that up about the ECU? SkooterG has accused you of being a pimply faced 13 year old with the gift of gab, perhaps I fit that category as well. But, you are welcome. The thought that I provided you with information is faintly amusing.

I am 13, actually but I have a magnificent complexion.

But, I mean, really? That last bit? :glare: What do you think I am? Some kind of a know it all? :p

But, I mean, really? That last bit? :glare: What do you think I am? Some kind of a know it all? :p
Know it ALL? Perhaps not. But, you are one of the definitive sources of FJR knowledge. I give you the respect you deserve.

Now, leave me alone. This is a thread about the 2013 FJR. Not how smart you think you are. ;)

And my wife thinks I waste a lot of time here. This is some of the best entertainment going.

:jerry: :drinks:

Back on topic: I do have to keep up with the new 2013 changes at least.


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It finally stopped raining in Eastern Washington and I took advantage of the balmy (actually foggy) 45 degree temperatures to ride to Moses Lake and check out the 2013 FJR1300 on their floor. I was surprised to find they also had a brand new 2012 sitting next to the 2013 so it made it easy to compare models. The salesman said that the 2013s were supposed to be dealer demos but someone at Yamaha failed to complete the necessary paperwork so the dealers were free to sell them...which kind of made up for the misleading information Yamaha gave the dealers at the September dealer show in order to unload their remaining 2012 models. The dealers were told that there were no 2013 models so if they wanted an FJR on their showroom they had to buy a 2012...at the regular dealer price (I am just repeating what I was told, I don't have any way of verifying what actually happened but why else would a dealer buy a 2012 model at that time).

I'm not a big fan of grey motorcycles but the 2013 looked pretty sharp, the rear end was almost the same but the front faring, dash, and front lights were much more stylish than the Gen IIs. Same old forks except for the lack of adjustment on the left side but the brakes are now black. The dark front fender is the same color as the faring vent panels and a small piece under the windshield. It makes for an attractive two-tone from the front. The main faring seems to be the same width as the GEN IIs, it just seems wider because it covers the frame. I didn't see much foot protection, I think you are going to have to buy the accessory foot panels to keep your boots dry.

From a technical perspective, the only thing that I noticed that has not been covered by Fairliner or Warchild is that the shock has what appears to be a much heavier lower spring (couldn't see the upper spring). The salesman measured the springs thickness at 14.5 mm whereas the 2012's spring's thickness was 12.75 mm. When we gave the shock a showroom bounce test, both of us felt that the 2013's soft setting had about the same response as the hard setting on the 2012 model. I'm guessing that the soft setting is about a 650-675 pound rate and the hard setting is in the 800-850 pound range. I might be way off but there definitely is a significant change in the shock's spring rate. The fork springs also seemed to be firmer but not as much. I would guess they are about .90 KG.

Overall, I was impressed, if showroom appearance sells bikes than this should be a winner, the 2012 model just seems dated when sitting next to the 2013 model. Would I buy one? Probably not at this time because I still have some questions about the suspension and at this point I think I have two sport touring bikes with better suspension than a OEM 2013....but this could change if Yamaha finishes the deal with an inverted fork. I think for anyone in the market for a new FJR, the 2013 gives a lot more value over a 2012 considering the upgrades but the 2012 models are going to be selling at some pretty deep discounts to find any buyers. The 2012 I sat on today is discounted $1400 from MSRP with no freight or setup charges.

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From a technical perspective, the only thing that I noticed that has not been covered by Fairliner or Warchild is....
These two characters are responsible for pushing me over the edge with their recent write ups. I rode to Mid Ohio this morning and put a deposit down on their first one. I got a few weeks to de-farkle my '06.

Ahhhh.....we love having easily manipulated folks here. Hey, I've got a great cure for hiccups.....er, hiccoughs...um....any way you stand on your head...

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be fun to tease each other about which is superior. That's just good clean fun. If you find yourself getting peeved by the Manatee Molester's incessant diatribe against 2nd gens, well maybe you should just loosen your shorts a notch or two? :p
FWIW, I'm not peeved either. I just don't like Howie. I mean, really, who does?? You just got caught up in the whole "guilt by association" deal. Although, your arguments actually make sense.

And, maybe I like Howie a little bit, but don't tell him that. His big ugly head will get even bigger...That'll be way too much ugly for your normal Floridian!

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be fun to tease each other about which is superior. That's just good clean fun. If you find yourself getting peeved by the Manatee Molester's incessant diatribe against 2nd gens, well maybe you should just loosen your shorts a notch or two? :p
FWIW, I'm not peeved either. I just don't like Howie. I mean, really, who does?? You just got caught up in the whole "guilt by association" deal. Although, your arguments actually make sense.

And, maybe I like Howie a little bit, but don't tell him that. His big ugly head will get even bigger...That'll be way too much ugly for your normal Floridian!
Pot versus Kettle, or, Ugly versus Way Uglier!:


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