2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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The fact that so few have apparently gone south right out of the gate may suggest this isn't the plan for who intend to stand atop the podium come July 12...
I believe it was this early on last time that folks said this about Hyder. Didn't at least one of them land on the podium?
Roger Sinclair, Ken Meese and I went to Hyder.

Roger finished 4th

I got 8th

Ken didn't finish the last leg.

FWIW it was "Frog Chokin'" from Cleveland to just south of Detroit. I went down to watch the start.

Then lost my key.....

WC - "Yes, we have it."

Me - "Do I owe you pushups? Flutterkicks??"

WC - "Lisa has it."

Me - ..........

Noob questions:

1.) Spotwalla satellite tracking is not required by IBR rules. Why is that and why aren’t the existing satellite markers clearly labeled so that spectators can check where their favorites are? Anybody know which marker is Matt Watkins, Ken Meese or Paul Peloquin? Just some of the names I have become familiar with lately.

2.) When are the bonus locations published?

Noob questions:
1.) Spotwalla satellite tracking is not required by IBR rules. Why is that and why aren’t the existing satellite markers clearly labeled so that spectators can check where their favorites are? Anybody know which marker is Matt Watkins, Ken Meese or Paul Peloquin? Just some of the names I have become familiar with lately.

2.) When are the bonus locations published?
I have a good guess which they are, but it's kinda a no-no to share, especially on a public forum. :)

Noob questions:
1.) Spotwalla satellite tracking is not required by IBR rules. Why is that and why aren’t the existing satellite markers clearly labeled so that spectators can check where their favorites are? Anybody know which marker is Matt Watkins, Ken Meese or Paul Peloquin? Just some of the names I have become familiar with lately.

2.) When are the bonus locations published?
If you read from the start you may see that the spot page will remain public unless people start tying names to ID's.

I was also wondering about that on myself but it would be a great blues song.
"Just east of Memphis" ......

"My GSA broke down" ......

"Ooooh its the final drive"......

"Now I feel like a clown"....
Myke gave me this idea for a blues song, sung to John Lee Hookers "Boom Boom". It's all in good fun, and no bashing implied. I can't link it to Utube, so here's the words.

The IBR Blues

Just east of Memphis

My GSA's broke down

Ooooh it's the final drive

Now I feel like a clown

Gost a back up at home

It's on a FED X truck

Hope I get it runnin

With some help and some luck

Lot's of miles to go

Lot's of country to see

Where's Lisa gonna send us

But on the beemer I'll be

It could be anywhere

From Hyder to Mobile

Like the poster shows

It's trains, planes, automobiles

Iggy's hair won the contest

He's first out of the gate

Hope ya all sleep like babies

Warchild screams "Don't be late"

See you in 11 days

With Gods grace and good luck

Hope I'm ridin the beemer

And not in the back of a truck

From Pittsburgh to L.A.

Seattle to the Keys

From a fancy motel

To sleepin under a tree

Hope you all get around

With no troubles at all

See you back in Pittsburgh

For the Finishers Ball

Noob questions:
1.) Spotwalla satellite tracking is not required by IBR rules. Why is that and why aren’t the existing satellite markers clearly labeled so that spectators can check where their favorites are? Anybody know which marker is Matt Watkins, Ken Meese or Paul Peloquin? Just some of the names I have become familiar with lately.

2.) When are the bonus locations published?
1) PUBLIC Spotwalla tracking isn't required. Mike Kneebone mailed out the Spotwalla link and described it as "riders that opted in to be tracked during the 2013 IBR.." Some riders don't want to be publicly tracked, even with obfuscated IDs. Some possible reasons for this include insurance and legal issues, and at least one previous rally included one rider's friends at home tracking a rival's GPS position and suggesting ways to revamp their friend's ride plans in order to compensate. Some riders have passed along their private tracking link to trusted friends and family.

2) Usually at the end of the leg, the bonus listing for the previous leg will be published. That way the riders avoid the hassle of dealing with folks who show up to a bonus location during a specific time window. A long time ago, we armchair rallyists got the bonus listing during the leg and could follow along in closer to realtime, but this way is definitely safer and cleaner for the rally riders.

Welcome to the insanity!

The Riders are all encouraged to carry SPOT. To make this beneficial, those with more than 7 gallons of fuel do not have to keep a fuel log if they have SPOT. This is straight from the IBR Rules publishe on the Rally site.

Not all have joined the public page that we can see, but you can bet your ass they are on the private (staff) page!

Looks like the spots have been scrambled to random numbers now.

Just spotted a bike N/B coming over the bridge. Couldn't tell make model or anything about it other than it had panniers.

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