2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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It's behaving more-or-less okay for me... posting seems to take longer than usual, but the rendering of thread pages seems decent enough.


This is from JP Mountain> I had a small tear in my normal boots month prior to IBR so I bought a pair of> Tourmaster Gortex boots from someone on LDRider and tested them in rain on> Mason Dixon.>> Well after only about 4 hrs (out of 40) : squish squish>> My skin was just starting to break on right foot from being submerged for two> days. I was able to work the plastic bag trick to get some relief. Lucky to> not have cellulitis.>> Anyways, the feet are fine but wondering if anyone can help me out at> Checkpoint 1>> I need waterproof touring boots no higher than half calf in size 10 or 44 in> Pitt.. Please catch me after scoring or leave with staff if you can help. I am> not too picky and will not be checking replies for suggestions, etc._______________________________________________
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I see on Spotwalla, rider number 110 is only about 15-20 minutes from my house! I've been to this particular location several times. Pretty cool to know where one of the boni are located and that it's right in my backyard!

It's behaving more-or-less okay for me... posting seems to take longer than usual, but the rendering of thread pages seems decent enough.
I'm sitting in the same room with it and it seems a tad slow to me, but no slower than it's been at other high usage times...

The new software puts a real load on my sun box at times:


load averages: 9.85, 9.77, 8.21
132 processes: 117 sleeping, 11 running, 2 zombie, 2 on cpu
CPU states: 0.0% idle, 93.7% user, 6.3% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 8192M real, 481M free, 2468M swap in use, 11G swap free

I see rider numbers have changed again this morning...

The video of the entire rally's spot locations should be awesome.

I find the load times for just viewing the threads, much faster than they were in 2011, if anyone cares.


I see that one rider, currently #168, south of Jacksonville on the way up from key West, has put a link to his spot history in his tab.

It doesn't go all the way back, though; maybe 24 hours?

I see that one rider, currently #168, south of Jacksonville on the way up from key West, has put a link to his spot history in his tab.
It doesn't go all the way back, though; maybe 24 hours?
I chose 3-Days from the drop down, clicked go, and it looked like it started in Pgh, PA. to me.


This is from JP Mountain> Anyways, the feet are fine but wondering if anyone can help me out at> Checkpoint 1>> I need waterproof touring boots no higher than half calf in size 10 or 44 in> Pitt.. Please catch me after scoring or leave with staff if you can help. I am> not too picky and will not be checking replies for suggestions, etc._______________________________________________
I don't have anything that would fit or meet the half calf height requirement. Would any of the Harley dealerships local to Cranberry Twp, PA have a waterproof boot that would fit those requirements? Would hate to send him on a wild goose chase...


I see that one rider, currently #168, south of Jacksonville on the way up from key West, has put a link to his spot history in his tab.
It doesn't go all the way back, though; maybe 24 hours?
I chose 3-Days from the drop down, clicked go, and it looked like it started in Pgh, PA. to me.

Yep, we are aware Jerry left an open link. He'll fix it up at Checkpoint One...

And Jerry's tag number has changed again on the Spotwalla tracking. Once he gets back into the cluster of spot tags it will be hard to identify him.

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This is from JP Mountain> Anyways, the feet are fine but wondering if anyone can help me out at> Checkpoint 1>> I need waterproof touring boots no higher than half calf in size 10 or 44 in> Pitt.. Please catch me after scoring or leave with staff if you can help. I am> not too picky and will not be checking replies for suggestions, etc._______________________________________________
I don't have anything that would fit or meet the half calf height requirement. Would any of the Harley dealerships local to Cranberry Twp, PA have a waterproof boot that would fit those requirements? Would hate to send him on a wild goose chase...

That or an import dealer may have something? Heck, even getting something from a place like motorcyclegear.com shipped to the checkpoint might work? If you called them directly? #no affiliation

I'd offer up my Oxtar's but they're size 43 and during one torrential downpour water seeped in. It was probably my fault somehow tho.

"The best thing about Bowmanville was I caught up with Rick Martin at the Esso Highway station there in 2005,. We got to sleep together later that night."

And as soon as we checked in at the check point Billy ran off with some floozy! WTF!

"That Martin gets around, I slept next to him in Jacksonville earlier this year.... I'd be more demure about this, but he's already told so many people, there's no point in me pretending it didn't happen any longer".

No comment

Yeah, let's stalk the bonus and make smores
Don't even think of stalking bonus locations. In years past, bonus lists were shared in advance. There ended up being such stalkers at Dollywood that resulted in the security staff trying to run off actual riders when they later appeared. That's what lead to bonuses being held until after each leg was finished. Leave the riders to ride. Also they should be riding their own rides (without "teams" helping them from the comfort of their easy chairs back home).

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Got a msg from a friend, Alex Ciurszak last night (this is his first IBR)...he's doing well so far... had a couple of near fiascos coupled with some extremely good luck and good people... lost his camera without even knowing it... another rider found it and got it back to him before he even realized he'd lost it... almost lost his rally flag when he forgot to stow it after taking a photo and took off - somehow it stayed on and he was able to retrieve after 50 miles... either of those things could have cost him some big points... and then a "serious brake failure" alarm turned out to be a mis-routed ABS sensor cable causing a short... with the help of a fellow IBR rider and checkpoint mechanic (wazzat you, Dale?), he was able to get it taken care of remotely... one of the nice things about this event is that while the participants are competing against each other, they still look out for and take care of one another... pretty dang awesome if you ask me!

It's too bad that they aren't hitting any bonus locations in Texas this week. We've had unusually cool temperatures, in fact you have to go back to 1923 to match it. Hardly know it's July here. I'm sure they'll be headed this way on one of the next two legs and it looks like the temps are going to hold for the most part, but with added rain early next week. Certainly way better than when they came through in 2011 and we went 1 day shy of hitting the record for consecutive days over 100F.
Heck, five degrees colder this morning and I'd have tossed in the quilted liner!
It's been great. That's why I was able to wrap my latest project at least a week early. https://www.fjr-tips.org/misc/pics/patio/patio.html

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I have a pair of TCX supposedly waterproof boots I could bring out, but they're size 45. And I am not 100% sold on how "waterproof" they really are.

However, the Iron Pony is in my back yard. If he has a brand, style & size that he prefers (I would assume something NOT TourMaster), I'd be willing to swing over there this afternoon (they close at 5:00 today but I'll get off work around 3:00, and they are closed tomorrow), grab 'em, and run 'em over tomorrow. I'm only about 2 1/2 hours away.

Or, depending on the second leg routing, he could swing through the Pony on Friday and get what he needs.

Dale - if you can find out what he needs / wants by 4:00 or 4:30 or so today, send me a PM with the info.

As it turns out, the rider will have multiple boots to select from when he returns to Checkpoint I..... appreciate all the assist; he appears to be hooked up now.

As it turns out, the rider will have multiple boots to select from when he returns to Checkpoint I..... appreciate all the assist; he appears to be hooked up now.
Good to hear.

I love it when a plan comes together.

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