I wish to share with everyone attending red lodge and even though's who can't. I wish everyone a safe and fun ride.
Dear Lord, as I get ready to get on this FJR and prepare to ride,
Just let me feel your presence with me riding side by side.
Let us feel the wind together blowing across our face,
Don't let me fail to see and smell the nature around me as I ride from
place to place.
Dear Lord, keep me safe from harm and let the other drivers see me as I ride by,
And every once in awhile even though I'm a biker let them say, "Hi".
Keep me alert and always watching for others,
Don't let me ever fail to stop and help out one of my sisters or brothers.
And when my time on earth is up and it's time for me to take that ride in the sky,
Just give me a chance to tell everyone I love them and don't forget me when I die.
Lord, Thank You for letting me be a biker and doing what I loved the best,
For the many miles I traveled, places I got to go and see before I finally came to rest.