2016 SEOR Details

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Well Bob, if we can't do WVA during the SEOR weekend, then I'm heading that way after the weekend. Since it is on the bucket list, and I'm that close, I'd be a fool to turn around then. If you have time and want to guide/lead/follow/join me, that would be ultra cool! If the weather will allow, I'm camping.
Anyone else is also welcome...
Tempting...I will definitely ponder that. WV has lots of great campgrounds too.

I took Jim down to see the Gorge a couple years back from Marietta. We ran down 16 most of the way. Makes for a fun filled day. Not a bad ride at all
True, but Pocahontas county is a bit more of a stretch.

Hey Bob - could you recommend a few good WV campgrounds for me to drool over while we wait? I prefer to pitch my tent away from the rolling houses. I'm not opposed to a hot shower of course, but what I really need in order of importance is:

A picnic table

Flat spot to pitch the tent

paved road access to the site

Water at the site (or nearby)

Any ideas?

Hey Bob - could you recommend a few good WV campgrounds for me to drool over while we wait? I prefer to pitch my tent away from the rolling houses. I'm not opposed to a hot shower of course, but what I really need in order of importance is:
A picnic table

Flat spot to pitch the tent

paved road access to the site

Water at the site (or nearby)

Any ideas?


A couple of nice places to pitch a tent

Hey Bob - could you recommend a few good WV campgrounds for me to drool over while we wait? I prefer to pitch my tent away from the rolling houses. I'm not opposed to a hot shower of course, but what I really need in order of importance is:
A picnic table

Flat spot to pitch the tent

paved road access to the site

Water at the site (or nearby)

Any ideas?
Joe beat me to it. Those are probably the first two I would list. Watoga is one of my favorites.

The more I thought about it over the weekend the more I convinced myself that I would love to show you around. I will take Monday and Tuesday following SEO to have some more fun. Guess I will be packing a little different now. Sending you a PM

Put my time off request in for Monday and Tuesday! This is going to be awesome and well needed coming off an extended major outage here at work! My ride calendar is looking good for the year!

Way cool Bob!!! Looking forward to my West Virginia adventure post SEOR!!!!

(Pants) "So Dear, remember when I told you I was sharing a hotel room in Ohio with someone I've never met?"

(Wifey) "I'm afraid to dignify that with a response....."

(Pants) "Well, get this. Assuming I get through that without getting raped or worse, I'm taking off to West Virginia with someone else I've never met. We're going camping!"

(Wifey) "You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

(Pants) "Why sure. I'm not getting any younger!!!"

Way cool Bob!!! Looking forward to my West Virginia adventure post SEOR!!!!
(Pants) "So Dear, remember when I told you I was sharing a hotel room in Ohio with someone I've never met?"

(Wifey) "I'm afraid to dignify that with a response....."

(Pants) "Well, get this. Assuming I get through that without getting raped or worse, I'm taking off to West Virginia with someone else I've never met. We're going camping!"

(Wifey) "You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

(Pants) "Why sure. I'm not getting any younger!!!"
Wait until you tell her that my other forum moniker is FYB!

Bob, Joe: Both of those places look like dam fine campgrounds. Joe - are you coming camping with us? That would make us a '14, '15, and a '16. JSNS

Kind of getting excited about the after party!

I can't tell my wife that Intech is called FYB. That might must throw her over the top, man.

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