2016 SEOR Details

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Hey Joe,
Where are the pic's? AND

Who were those two guys that were with us ? One was on the 1000 BMW, the other was on the 14 FJR.

Both of those guys could really fly.
I met Johnathon on the second ramble.He is a friend of Bart Black (I think that is his name) who is a friend of Mike Carpenter who started the ramble around 2004.All of those guys can fly!I knew very early on in that ramble that I was WAY out of my league.I just layed back and let them do their thing.They amazed me with what a FJR could do in the right hands.
When Jonathon showed up for our ride Sunday I knew my pace would probably bore him.I let him know that he sure wouldn't hurt my feelings if he wanted to take off on some of the roads where he could meet us at the turn off for the next road.He knows SEO roads every bit as good as I do,if not better,so he knew where to hold up and wait for us.

I would love to have a video of Ray,Jonathon and Brad slaying 658 after we made the turn around at the church.They just disappeared!

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Are we gonna all hook up and head over Cav? I am down to meet and ride.
It has to be Friday when we head over. I have a college class on Thursday night. So first thing Friday I am ready to go. The tentative plan right now is to ride to the Bloomington In area and pick up a southern traveler. If that works for you too, by all means, let's get our SEO RAMBLE ON!!

(Humbly standing....)

Hi I'm Pants, and I'm a Southern Traveler!

I'll be staying in Louisville with a friend on Thursday night. From there, it's an easy jaunt to Bloomington in the morning Friday to meet my Illinois brutha from anotha mutha.....

..... and anyone else who cares to join us.

(Humbly standing....)
Hi I'm Pants, and I'm a Southern Traveler!

I'll be staying in Louisville with a friend on Thursday night. From there, it's an easy jaunt to Bloomington in the morning Friday to meet my Illinois brutha from anotha mutha.....

..... and anyone else who cares to join us.
I'd start packing if I were you! :)

...seriously, it sounds like a fun full trip ahead for you. I can seriously feel your excitement... and it's not a bad thang!


After we turned around on 658

I managed to keep those two guys behind me all the way down 658 until we hit to 209, and again most of the way down 555. We were going thru a 35 MPH left hander when I put my left peg on the ground. It startled me, (because since I ungraded the front and rear suspension, I have yet to drag a peg) anyways I let off the throttle for a second and they both passed me on the inside. I followed them for a mile or so, down 555, Jonathon was dragging hard parts thru just about every turn, and Bart (the guy on the 1000 BMW) was right on his rear wheel. I'm talking racetrack close. After about a mile or so my common sense kicked in and I just let then go.

" A man's got to know his limitations"

Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry

Yeah Ray gives you your money's worth. Those other 2 guys could fly. They really enjoy the high speed stuff. I'll leave those antics up to them. Certainly above my riding skills. Fun to watch as long as it ends up well.

Must be the roads are pretty clean down there! And Yuup!, I had Ray following me going down the EOM last year, def no slouch.

I guess I have to spin on some new rubber prior to SEO. I had a tough time obtaining my rear PR2 (190/55) so I went back to the PR4. Still some front PR2's out there (120/70) so I will be mixed-matched now I guess ;)

[dummy me] I had a brand new Weaver tire changer sitting next to my tractor... that I bumped everytime I came back from mowing. Sold it to a friend in Jan. and I really didn't want to, he offered me $50 more than I paid for it del'd, so now it looks like a visit over to him. Note to self; pickup a case of Heineken for Jarred

I leave home 3 weeks from yesterday. This one is really shaping up nicely for me. There will be several days of alone time. And over the rest of the trip, I will be meeting and riding with different people. There will be some camping and some moteling. I will be exploring a lot of uncharted water, especially in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia.

Update. Booked a room through the Microtel website. Looks like I got the last double. Their are only a couple of Single rooms and Suite left for that weekend. Better book'em!

Still not sure if I'm in or out, but I can cancel without penalty if I have to.

Update. Booked a room through the Microtel website. Looks like I got the last double. Their are only a couple of Single rooms and Suite left for that weekend. Better book'em!
Still not sure if I'm in or out, but I can cancel without penalty if I have to.
Figure out a way to make it happen! See you in Marietta, OH unless you make it to Hamilton Wednesday night we can meet up Thursday morning for thew ride down.

Update. Booked a room through the Microtel website. Looks like I got the last double. Their are only a couple of Single rooms and Suite left for that weekend. Better book'em!
Still not sure if I'm in or out, but I can cancel without penalty if I have to.
Figure out a way to make it happen! See you in Marietta, OH unless you make it to Hamilton Wednesday night we can meet up Thursday morning for thew ride down.
I'll likely doing a one shot deal down on Friday. Same thing for the return trip on Monday. I can feel the ache already.

Excerpt from the "Pants get ready for SEOR" list:

..... ......

..... ......

Pick up Tequila.....................................................................Check

Pick up Rye Firewater.......................................................... Check

Try not to drink Tequila and Firewater before SEOR.......... fingers crossed....

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