A Note from Tyler

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OM, don't take any crap from those old farts :glare: Be proud of your transvestite leanings, and show us how color coordinated and stylish you can be!
Shiney, ever been smacked with an FMP? :D



It's comin'.
Almost. When I got tipsy at a grad school party and kissed my Nutrition teacher. She always wore FMP's and sat on the edge of the desk swinging her legs. GOD! She was hot. Almost didn't pass that course I was so distracted. But it'll cost ya a beer to hear what happened next. ;) ...

Tyler, keep going. We need you back. You're funnier than these guys... :rolleyes:

When I got tipsy at a grad school party and kissed my Nutrition teacher.... But it'll cost ya a beer to hear what happened next ...
He slapped the **** out of you, and called security?

Tyler, now that you're getting mobile, I reckon you'll be wandering the hospital, annoying people.

They'll love it.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:54 PM, PDT

“It’s the little things,” Tyler said this morning, explaining how wonderful it is to have the feeding tube finally gone, “It felt so good to actually blow my nose!” Something each and every one of us should remember: don’t take your everyday life for granted.

With the diet restrictions lifted a little, Tyler was able to dig into the egg scramble with mushrooms and avocado (a forbidden food on her previous diet) that we brought this morning, as well as the yogurt-fruit-granola parfait. Yum! She’s starting to have an appetite again, and she’s really enjoying the yummy healthy foods that she can have on her low-sodium diet. Oh, and the occasional cup of her new favorite ice cream flavor: Ben and Jerry’s “Imagine Whirled Peace”. Tyler: “When the nurse brought it to me, I wondered if I should be eating this on my new diet, and then I just said “Oh, to hell with it.” OK, I’m paraphrasing… ;-)

Today was a good-news day all around. Tyler’s mom, Vanna, and Ed arrived in time to take their girl for a stroll around the hospital grounds, where Tyler soaked up some of the sunshine. When she told her cute doctor—where do they get all these lookers?—that she’s been out in the wheelchair several days in a row now, he joked that he figured something was up since she looked so tanned! Doc said they’re targeting the end of this week for some first weight-bearing activities. That’s excellent news. Until now Tyler has not been allowed to stand up or otherwise put weight on her legs, due to her pelvic fracture.

And while Tyler may miss the occasional induced fantasy that the morphine provided in the past, her pain level is so reduced now that they’ve actually removed the on-demand pain-med-delivery button she used to have. “They told me I didn’t use it enough!” she said today with a big grin. If I were Tyler, I don’t know if I’d want to spend anymore time in La La Land either; not with all of these cute nurses and physical therapists around! Although Hot Ron was not there today, Equally Hot Daniel was, along with his cute accent (was that French?).

I leave you with a photo of Tyler’s outing with her mom and Ed. Look at that beautiful smile!

Team Tyler

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009 9:26 AM, MDT

Hello All,

My visit with Tyler was, okay the only word I can think of is inspirational! She is truly an amazing person to be so strong after all she has been through and still has to face!

The nursing team was running a bit behind schedule and I arrived during herselfs ablutoins, so we had a late dinner of Penne Pesto with chicken, salad with Lemon Basil dressing and bread sticks, she LOVED it! Ate every bit of the pesto & salad! She needs to keep her calories up so her body can heal! It might seem silly to post up what she had for dinner but now it is the little joys & triumphs that are so important!

We chatted for a while, catching up on her friends in the outside world. She is happy to be getting outside and looking forward to the next steps in her recovery.

That is all for now!

Tyler's Team!



Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:52 PM, MDT


Well as the post stated yesterday -- I have to say the same -- Tyler "YOU" are an amazing person. Going through so much and welcoming the next adventure in the recovery process.

We too had a late dinner due to Tyler's activities during the day, which had obviously tuckered her out. When I arrived Tyler was sleeping soundly. I was told by Dennis (Big D) to wait in the lobby and not wake Tyler -- I politely said I wouldn't dare wake our Tyler and insisted on waiting in her room while she slept. I kept quiet -- tip toed in and waited -- Tyler woke about an hour and half later.

I have to say it was one of the best visits by far -- we chatted and caught up for another hour and half. It was great to hear Tyler talk about the next steps and anxious to move on. She got to visit the rehab facility and talk to folks there -- both physical therapists and patients -- she was very impressed as to how positive, encouraging and helpful all were and described the facility as bright, positive and cheery.

As I left Tyler tonight -- it is indeed the small stuff. I know for myself I look at everyday life in a very different light!

Onward and forward Tyler -- on to the next chapter in your book!

Team Tyler



Monday, September 21, 2009 2:00 PM, PDT

Happy Monday all!

It's been another banner period for Tyler this past few days! As promised, she did indeed start the weight bearing physical therapy last Thursday; like everything else to date, she's giving it her all ;-)

I was fortunate enough to be there with her Friday morning and was able to witness the whole process first hand...and what a process it is! Basically, there's a "rotating" table with a ledge at the bottom - picture the kind of thing they show in illusionist acts whereby someone is strapped to a board and having sharp objects thrown at them...that's kind of what it looks like! They roll it up next to the bed, and (with the help of the PT's and the trapeze bar) she scootches herself on to the table. This is not as easy as it sounds.

Now, like with everything else, we don't even get this far without a comedic moment. As the PT's are transfering her to the board, they're "encouraging" her to use her legs and lower body to move herself. Knowing her love of theatre, someone yells "come on Tyler, move your bloomin' arse!" A line from the classic movie "My Fair Lady", whereby Audrey Hepburn, trying to act as a refind lady, shouts that at a horse race and everyone around her looks shocked and appalled. It was a moment for sure and we were all laughing :) Then, we were laughing again as when she did make it over to the table, it make a loud scraping noise as any vinyl surface does, followed by a "poof" sound of escaping air. Need I say more? 'Cause really, are we ever too old and mature to not enjoy a good flatulence joke?? I think not ;-)

So anyways, once she's on the table (horizontal at this point) the PT gradually inclines it so that eventually her feet come to rest on the shelf at the bottom...thus, she is bearing her own weight to some extent :) Thursday, her very first day, she made it to almost 45 degrees. Friday, she had them up it to 50 and was doing great! Even the PT said she wouldn't have guessed she'd be able to increase it that much in one day. Besides the obvious physical challenge, the other challenge is that because she's been off her feet for an extended period, being upright again almost creates a vertigo-like sensation. So she's not only battling pain but also queasiness as well as her world is slowly righted again. But she soldiered through it made her PTs very happy with her :)

They also mentioned that going forward, they were going to be increasing not only the number of her sessions (3 a day I think they said) but also the intensity and duration. So Tyler's going to have some very busy and exhausting days ahead! I'm guessing lots of new cards and inspirational notes would go a long way in keeping her motivated! Can we do it? YES WE CAN!!

Toodles for now,

Team Tyler


Monday, September 21, 2009 1:36 PM, PDT

Monday 1:30PM

Greetings All,

I spent another lovely morning with Tyler. Four days have past since my last visit and I saw a big improvement in her strength and ability to move about under her own steam.

Her doctors are on a mission to get Tyler moved into rehab. To do so they must get her bandage changes reduced to once a day and increase her P.T. to three hours per day. Today, Tyler will have P.T. twice. Though a bit uneasy with the additional physical requirements, our girl took the challenge in her usual determined stride.

This morning, with little aid from her P. T. team, Tyler moved from her bed to the wheelchair with two instead of three scoots. She easily used the trapeze to pull herself up and rolled onto her side totally unaided. Those of us who have been where Tyler is, know what a huge accomplishment what appear to be small things really are.

And today, under her own steam, she motored about in the wheel chair. We traveled about half way to our destination “the big concrete balls” before she asked me to push. She did well and with a bit more coaching and practice, she’ll be hauling butt around the hospital corridors.

As I was leaving she was drifting off to a well-earned snooze. Rest up my friend I told her, your double sessions have started.


Hi Guys :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:51 AM, PDT

Hello My Beloved Friends and Family!

What a few weeks it's been,,, a bit of a roller coaster for me... some ups, some downs, and coming to terms with the fact that I am not Super Woman (or at least my cape needs some repairs. And man do donor skin patches itch like hell when they are healing.... I feel like I want to be ono of those bears that rub their backs up and down on the trees! lol

I cannot tell you how much your musings and postings, as well as cards and pictures, have helped to keep my spirits up. Knowing that you are all out there and feeling you energy is a godsend. I had an interesting conversation day before yesterday. There was a male RN that greeted me as I went by in my wheelchair. He mentioned that he had been in the ICU when I first arrived and go to do the first dressing change on my legs, which he said was one of the scariest things he'd ever had to do and he wondered if I'd make it.

Fast forward a few weeks and he said he saw my legs and said he was amazed at the amount of change in my wounds.. I said I was blessed with a lot of love, spirit, and good ju ju around me. He said I had some pretty special ju ju alright cause he had never seen such healing before. So whatever you guys are doing, keep it up!

Rumor has it that I will be moving to rehab on Thursday although I'm not holding my breath as I've heard this before. But when the move happens, the real work will begin. I have lost lots of strength and flexibility so we'll focus on building that back up so I can start to walk again. It is very frustrating and patience is not one of my virtues so this new few weeks will be a challenge and a half for me! But, as I remind my self, that I am even here is a miracle so I will focus on the additional chance that the power that be have given me to do what it is I have been sent back to do.

I wanted to send a quick note since it's been awhile and I will try to keep things updated more frequently. I also wanted to send my heartfelt love to each of you for your thoughts, prayers, spirit, and energy. I could not do this without each of you. :)

Much love always,


friggin screen is on the fritz...blurry for over 5 minutes

right back at ya darlin'...


in "you know where, Tyler...yeah, there"

:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

This is the best news I have seen all week! Tyler, thanks for brightening my day with this good report. We will continue to pray for your full recovery.

Amazing!!!! More ju-ju on the way!!!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo:

You go girl... Rehab will be a lot easier than chasing Old Michael with a stick... We are all holding our breath until you are back with all of us loonies... We miss you...Rich

Awesome news Tyler. It's great to see you back on the forum, in person. Keep up the good work, with the healing. And in your spare time you can post up some stuff to entertain us all.

