Accident Scene Management Class and CPR

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2006
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Seattle, WA
Following Larry's (Zzkenoman) accident, that group of riders discussed things that were done right (an off duty EMT being first on the scene-lucky) and things that were done wrong (did not get witnesses names, ect). Many of us felt helpless wondering if there was something we could have done to help Larry, but we did not know. WHY WONDER? Larry and I have contacted Joy Medved, a registered RN and MSF instructor. She teaches Accident Scene Management ASM to the local MSF instructors. She was referred to us by California MSF at the Long Beach Motorcycle show. This class will take place in Orange County, CA.

We have tentatively reserved Joy for Sunday, Jan. 28. This 8 hour class will include 2 instructors and provide ASM and CPR certification. We will be provided with numerous materials and resources, not the least is a wallet card with all the important points summarized on it. The cost of the class will be $95 per person with a class size of 25-30.

I would like to know by reply, who is going to take this with us. In addition we need access to a facility (probably a work conference room) of adequate size and a projector to connect with Joy's laptop.

Put me down as well.

Very important to know this stuff.

What is the maximum number of students, and what size of classroom is needed?

Put me down as well.
Very important to know this stuff.

What is the maximum number of students, and what size of classroom is needed?

Class size will be 25 persons mininum to 30 max. Thus, if you can supply a classroom that has sitting for up 30 people plus some room for the CPR dummies, then that would be great.

Would the Admins consider making this sticky for a month? I promise that I will send an unsticky reminder!!

Great idea. For those not lucky enough to be able to attend, maybe ya'll can post an Accident Scene Checklist of some sort. If you would, please check with the instructor to see if this is available elsewhere.

Great idea for a class.



Great idea. For those not lucky enough to be able to attend, maybe ya'll can post an Accident Scene Checklist of some sort. If you would, please check with the instructor to see if this is available elsewhere.Great idea for a class.



I would be glad to do this. Maybe we could even get some extra wallet sized ones from Joy and pass (send) them out.


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I can't make it to SoCal for this, but after you guys report back, maybe some of us in NorCal can find a way to get one organized north of Monterey somewhere. I would love to attend something like this.

Not sure whether this will be viewed as helpful or not, but the following information was provided to individuals that had been trained as road captains in a riding group I'd once been associated with:

Accident Scene Managament

I've seen this same info quoted and referred to in many places on the Web, so it seems to have been disseminated by quite a few folks. But, I don't have a medical or EMT background so -- for those that do -- please feel free to point out any errors or items that need correction.

I used to carry a copy of this in my side-bags whenever I went out, but for some reason stopped doing that when I made the switch to the FJR. Having something more on the lines of an easy to use checklist as discussed by Jim and Barabus would be great.

Respectfully submitted,


Fingers crossed on the work schedule - I'll know for sure in a week or so. Count me in, and a friend if there's room.

I'm willing to take notes and share them with the poor unfortunates who aren't in the So. Cal area. (If that's OK with the instructors).


List of persons who have RSVP'ed for the ASM class so far:

1. Rob ("FZ1 Guy")

2. Mike York ("Mike York")

3. ("TC FJR")

4. Hal Riser ("Kaits Dad")

5. ("Rogue")

6. Jill ("Silver Penguin")

7. Friend of Silver Penguin

8. Friend of Silver Penguin

9. Jean Stolzman

10. Lanny ("Santa Fe Dreamin")

11. Tim Ramirez ("Imcav8r")

12. Barry Stolzman ("Barabus")

13. Larry Crystal ("Zzkenoman")

Sorry for any mispellings. Rob will post the meeting address set for Sunday January 28th. I think we cannot handle too many more people, so if you know someone then please submit ASAP. Payment info to follow later this week.

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I can't make it to SoCal for this, but after you guys report back, maybe some of us in NorCal can find a way to get one organized north of Monterey somewhere. I would love to attend something like this.
+1! I want to do this in Northern California before my two buddies and I embark on our California-to-New York cross-country jaunt in mid-June.


Thanks for organizing this. The two friends coming with me are Stephanie Townsend and Krystin Proctor. If there is space available, Krys' husband would like to sign up too.


Thanks for organizing this. The two friends coming with me are Stephanie Townsend and Krystin Proctor. If there is space available, Krys' husband would like to sign up too.

I think we are going to have a great turnout, the class is already 1/2 sold out in 24 hours! Hope to see you guys there!

Hello, yea I am from Northern Ca. just a suggestion for a meeting place. If anyone of you knows a teacher that teaches locally at a school you may want to approach them on using one of the class rooms. Or you can go directly to a high school and try to incorprate your class and get some students that ride involved and get a class room that way .

Just a couple of ideas just make it educational and that helps. Hopes it helps for now and in the future for other classes when offered. Great idea you have there thanks : :D

weekend rider :D
