And the journey begins

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Damn Howie!

You are my NEW HERO! It makes my GONADS curl up back into my abdomen by just looking at that being done. Your "COJONES" are waaay bigger than mine!

Back in the day, when I was young and didn't know better, I did that same thing on many, many sick, broken airplanes. I had the time of my life!!

It's tradition after you do that, for the pilot to make you go up on the first test flight with him/her after the work was done. (Again, young, stupid and No Fear!).

I must have done a good job, cause I'm still alive. Point is, it was always somebody else's airplane. I could not imagine doing that on my own baby that I will

jump on and ride 100mph on a daily basis. It's like a Brain Surgeon who makes majic every day on other people with great success but, would never in a million

years operate on his/her own child. My hat's off to ya buddy! YOU ARE THE MAN!! It is going to be a Great Moment when you turn the key and it purrs like a

kitten. God Speed My Friend! I'll be closely watching your progress. Ice Cold beer is on me when you visit the Gold Coast!! :drinks: :fans: :fan_1:

Jeeze, you guys make it sound like this stuff is hard. Nuts, bolts, wiring plugs, (which, by the way, all have only one mating plug), and a couple of simple things like plug wires and a U-joint. Piece of cake!

Hell, the most confusing part of the whole bike is the battery tray and wiring. The engine is easy-peasy to R&R. Routing all the wires and hoses is a little time consuming, (tip, don't torque the motor mounts until you're sure all the wires plug in where they are supposed to, and route where they don't bind).

You've so got this covered Howie. Steal the missus muffin tin for parts that you can't just re-attach. A sharpie and masking tape are your friend.

Jeeze, you guys make it sound like this stuff is hard. Nuts, bolts, wiring plugs, (which, by the way, all have only one mating plug), and a couple of simple things like plug wires and a U-joint. Piece of cake!
Hell, the most confusing part of the whole bike is the battery tray and wiring. The engine is easy-peasy to R&R. Routing all the wires and hoses is a little time consuming, (tip, don't torque the motor mounts until you're sure all the wires plug in where they are supposed to, and route where they don't bind).

You've so got this covered Howie. Steal the missus muffin tin for parts that you can't just re-attach. A sharpie and masking tape are your friend.
As long as he doesn't kick the tins he's good to go!

I did a fair amount of water skiing on Lake Eloise back in the day. You may have heard of the place ... is it still open?
Did you leave a pertinent piece of info out?

Something like.....

.....You may have heard of the place ... Cypress Gardens ... is it still open?
Yep...still open.

Barely. After the 4 hurricanes that rolled through CenFla in '04, they got the piss knocked out of them, and with the economy suffering the major suckage it is, tourism isn't doing all that great the last 5 years. They've been bought and sold 3 times since '04. New owners are trying hard, but it's a struggle.

Come on down and I'll get ya in fer free! I've got connections. :)

As long as he doesn't kick the tins he's good to go!
Too late for that. :angry2:

Apparently when I removed the FD, I must've booted a piece somwhere thats keeping that collar I mentioned earlier in the thread from fitting correctly.

How 'bout you drag your olf FD down with ya so I can get a better look?


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As long as he doesn't kick the tins he's good to go!
Too late for that. :angry2:

Apparently when I removed the FD, I must've booted a piece somwhere thats keeping that collar I mentioned earlier in the thread from fitting correctly.

How 'bout you drag your olf FD down with ya so I can get a better look?

Snow White and I will be there right after EOM.....promise.

. . . upon the well organized bench.
But . . . . see . . . . . . I mean . . . . . . There isn't one!

My trick is to unfold an ancient card table and steal all the Tupperware from the kitchen.

(Real Tupperware, not slang for bodywork.)

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I have a nice work bench, but it is not well organized. Small parts go in plastic containers with lids that latch so they don't get lost. Too much activity in the garage to trust open containers.

Also, take as many pictures as possible as you go along so that you have a reference for reinstallation.

I did a fair amount of water skiing on Lake Eloise back in the day. You may have heard of the place ... is it still open?
Did you leave a pertinent piece of info out?

Something like.....

.....You may have heard of the place ... Cypress Gardens ... is it still open?
Yep...still open.

Barely. After the 4 hurricanes that rolled through CenFla in '04, they got the piss knocked out of them, and with the economy suffering the major suckage it is, tourism isn't doing all that great the last 5 years. They've been bought and sold 3 times since '04. New owners are trying hard, but it's a struggle.

Come on down and I'll get ya in fer free! I've got connections. :)
Yes, beleive it or not, I have still have connections there too. Some of the guys I skied with I beleive are still there 25 years later ... bless their little hearts. :rolleyes:

The current show Director was a skier way back then. Another guy that skis now was a boat driver back then. My brother got married there a few years ago, before the first closure and I got to see them all and watch a show. Sure brought back some great memories. :D

[SIZE=18pt]DAY FOUR..........yeah, I know it's been a while since an update[/SIZE]

Motor's ready to come out. Putzed around with the throttle bodies today while prepping for final disassembly. Details HERE.

All the wiring is pulled and labeled. Brake calipers removed and hung with wire from frame in preparation of pulling off the front wheel and forks. Motor will be coming out Monday or Tuesday night, depending on how much "real life" interferes. Didn't take any pics of labeling wires, 'cause that's just boring ****. Only thing left to do is pull the motor mount bolts and slide the mother out.

Grumpy will be here a week from Tuesday (9/23) and we'll be pulling HIS motor out then.

And then the REAL fun begins.....putting everything back together!

Stay tuned.....


[SIZE=18pt]DAY FIVE..........half way home!![/SIZE]

And what a day it's been! A VERY good one, actually. Tonight's the night Silver Streak gives up his busted-ass motor.

Here's a recommendation for anyone ever planning to R&R a Feej motor. Pull the front end. Wheel and forks outta the way = joy.


I guess no matter how diligent you are, you're going to forget to detach something. In my case, it was the stator wire from the Rectifier/Regulator on the front left of the frame (circled in above pic). Once I had all the motor mounts disconnected and set aside, and with the motor supported by the jack,I had my son-in-law push down on the rear subframe and POP, the frame lifted right off the motor. Lowered the jack slowly to see if anything was still attached, and there it was...the stator wire. I obviously missed it in the unhooking process. Two seconds to unclip it from the R/R (circled below), thread the wire through the tangle of wires around the R/R and out she comes.

That's my son maneuvering the motor on the jack. Six-foot-six, 235 pounds. 32 years old. Trust me...he can kick any of yer worthless *****! (including mine) :assassin:




You want a naked bike? I GOT YER DAMN NAKED BIKE!!!


And there she all its 1300cc glory.....



Looks like some damn eBay photo, don't it.

And here sits the 'Streak, awaiting his heart, lung, liver, kidney and pancreas transplant.


One week from tonight, I'll be treating Grumpy and Mizz Grumpy to dinner....steaks or seafood? Italian or Mexican? Your choice, buddy......

and then we'll hit it Wednesday morning, pullling HIS motor out of HIS frame.

Then the REAL fun begins...putting it ALL back together.

I'm gettin' closer, you doinks! I'll be visitin' some of ya sooner than you think. Best hide the wimmin' sirenians. :)


Honestly, OM, don't have a clue....or a scale to weigh it. But my big-ass son BARELY got it off the jack to the floor with no help. Thought he was gonna bust pgrhodes1's uterus. :assassin:

Skinny, anorexic bitch. Hardly a keeper.


Hard to believe this hero's journey started with this little hole....

This thread gives me Déjà vu nightmares.

Skinny, anorexic bitch. Hardly a keeper.

Hard to believe this hero's journey started with this little hole....

This thread gives me Déjà vu nightmares.

Ahhhhhh......the memories. :)

Nothing much else to do 'til Grumpy shows up, and everything's out in the open, so I might just pull the head for the helluvit this week to take a look inside.

Any recommendations to prevent head bolt disaster?


Honestly, OM, don't have a clue....or a scale to weigh it. But my big-ass son BARELY got it off the jack to the floor with no help. Thought he was gonna bust pgrhodes1's uterus. :assassin:
See? Didn't I tell ya it's more fun over here, where men are men....and farm animals are afraid?

This thread gives me Déjà vu nightmares.
Ahhhhhh......the memories. :)

...I might just pull the head for the helluvit this week to take a look inside.

Any recommendations to prevent head bolt disaster?
Rookie, remember that I had my original engine in and out THREE times, as well as one POS 'guaranteed good' engine.

All eight of my cylinder head bolts came out without damaging the block threads. Whew!!! But, only seven of the eight bolts came out by the book. The center front bolt had to have the head machined off, the cylinder head removed and then the remaining cylinder head bolt stump pulled. After EOM I can provide bolt hole pictures of what happens when a cylinder head warps and locks a bolt in place.

Once you have the cylinder head removed you are only a few $$$ away from having it repaired and being the owner of a good as new engine. Might be time to contact S76.
