I would be interested in making some of these up also. If you could send me some info PM me. I can take igs dxf dwg or solid works viewer.
I sent a PM to CMB and tried to PM ELP_JC, but the PM to ELP_JC returned this message:
"This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger."
I figured is was the polite thing to do :dntknw: It seemed to me that they were the first ones making these things. Maybe they are interested in making more.
08FJR4ME, If someone on the forum has an idea for a custom part, but lacks the tools/skill to make it themselves there were typically two vendors that they thought of. garauld is the only one of those two remaining. I don't know how garauld can provide such high quality parts and service to forum members for the price that he does. It's out of respect for what he's done that I made my offer.
I've gotta go. Webby's got the parts waiting for me. (I hope he has beer too)
edit: Holy ****! I type slow! can you believe I started composing this post right after 08FJR4ME's post (post #29)?
(Well, I did have two PMs to send too)