Another PAIR removal approach, wadyathink?

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Any chance you might have this with a IGS file?
I don't even know what an IGS file is. If you want a copy, you really should ask Joe2Lmaker. They're his measurements after all. If you plan on going into production, you might want to make your own?

My apologies to you both, I have access to a water jet that uses a .IGS file type and thought it would be fun to see how they would come out using it.

I personally wouldn't even know how to run it, I'm a handle turner still in the dark ages of machining doing tooling work the hard way. I'll make mine with transfer punches, scribes, a band saw and belt sanders. Just seeing the picture turned the light on for me as to what I wanted to copy.

The guy down the street that has the water jet that does work for us saw me looking at the pictures of these and I told him what I was going to do and he said to ask for a .IGS file.

I miss read Silent's post. I should have asked Joe2Lmaker my bad. Didn't mean to step on any toes. I'll go back to my hammer and chisels now. :rolleyes:

Didn't mean to step on any toes.
You didn't.

The offer still stands. I'll send you an IGES if you want it.

Let me see if I can explain this. I can appreciate that some people would rather make something for themselves than buy it. I am one of those people. I am a poor or I am cheap (it's open to interpretation). For example I would like to make a set of highway peg/sliders that Moosehead designed. So, because I would like people to share their treasure with me, I figure it's only fair that I share my treasure. On the other hand, just because I give something away for free doesn't mean that it is without value.

Does this make sense?

A water jet could piss these out pretty quick. You would then you have sharp edges to deal with and still have to do the secondary's putting the c/bores in the back side. JMO.

While all this machine work will no doubt be pretty,..Tell me again why you can't just remove the tee's and put in a couple of 3/8 or whatever double barbs in place of them???


Tell me again why you can't just remove the tee's and put in a couple of 3/8 or whatever double barbs in place of them???

You can. It's just some folks would rather do it differently. Different ain't better or worse. It's just..........different.

Not to mention a lot better looking. :)


Stuff your wife's marital aid in there if you want to.

If you want to see art, check this thread in a few days. ;)

Could one of you guys who received a package today do me a favor?

I don't have any decent photos of those PAIR covers and I'm probably not going to have any time in the next few days.

Will one of you please post a photo?

I know you don't owe me

but I wish you would let me

ask one favor from you...

I was going to try to post a pic or two, but my camera was dead... the parts are top notch... I'm very pleased :D


I have no idea if this picutre is attitude correct. I haven't lifted the tank yet to see how they install.

Very Nice Stuff.

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I have no idea if this picutre is attitude correct. I haven't lifted the tank yet to see how they install.

Very Nice Stuff.
Works of art I tell ya. Nice job!

If Joe used the same measurements he sent to me, then they fit perfectly Hal B)

I have no idea if this picutre is attitude correct. I haven't lifted the tank yet to see how they install.
Very Nice Stuff.
Thank's Hal. Niehart also sent me some photos. Thanks Dave.

Well, it's time for me to work on some of my unfinished projects. :rolleyes:

I followed garauld's suggestion and I made sure 08FJR4ME got a copy of the CAD files. If anyone else needs a set, I would recomend buying them from him. I haven't met 08FJR4ME, but I was impressed by how civilized he was with this whole PAIR cover subject. He saw that there was a market for these yet restrained himself and respected that some other people had invested time in this too. I've seen his work and it looks good.

Will there be new pricing since 08FJR4ME will be producing these?
I hope his prices aren't too much higher! ;)

Seriously though I have no idea what he has in mind. I don't know what his hourly shop rate is.

I do know he won't be near a computer until this evening. Oh and I do also know he will be buying me beer (although he probably doesn't know that yet).

Yes Joe I will hoist a few with ya as soon as we can meet up some where. If your going to EOM, I and the SO will see you there. Dam joe you do nice work! There to nice to be sitting under the tank. I will post some pic's on Monday and try to finalize the pricing if anybody is interested in ordering a set. I am also pretty sure I can produce these at a fairly reasonable price. Though they might not shine as nice as Joe2Lmaker's they will function just as well.

Kudo's on your work you are obviously very talented in the machining field. :drinks:

Yes Joe I will hoist a few with ya as soon as we can meet up some where. If your going to EOM, I and the SO will see you there. Dam joe you do nice work! There to nice to be sitting under the tank. I will post some pic's on Monday and try to finalize the pricing if anybody is interested in ordering a set. I am also pretty sure I can produce these at a fairly reasonable price. Though they might not shine as nice as Joe2Lmaker's they will function just as well.
Kudo's on your work you are obviously very talented in the machining field. :drinks:
Great. Now I have a reason to look forward to Monday!

From a home shop machinist- you guys do good work! Looking forward to purchasing a set when they are made.

No hurry- Send me a PM when someone has a set they are will to sell.


These plates are a little more involved to install on the Gen I's then I initially thought. With Webby's tutelage we found that the forward screw on the middle PAIR cover was inaccessible unless you first removed the inter-cooler system plumbing which was more than I wanted to do. Plus WW had his old plug system he had kept after installing Joe's custom plates, so we installed those...a lot simpler. It can be done, just more work involved.

Just thought I'd pass along what we found.

Those are some beautiful covers Joe. B)
