Arizona House Bill 2475 - Lane Splitting Experiment

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Further evidence that AZ is governed by the clueless :angry03: .
For those keeping score, AZ HB2475 passed the senate, only to be vetoed by Governor Brewer, claiming concerns with public education and safety. Like she fucking knows.

Governor's Veto Letter
Sorry to read that. Lane sharing is one of the truly great things about riding in California. I couldn't do what JB does every day, but coming up to 6 or 7 cars stopped at a light and filtering to the front out of danger and ahead of the plug in traffic is hard to beat.

Damn, I was looking forward to being able to split and filter again...especially on those hot summer days. Glad I haven't found a place to rent yet, this will affect where I'm looking...

"While the State of California does not specifically prohibit lane-splitting, it is important to not that the state calls it an unsafe practice."

Yet it's law enforcement officers do it daily, at high speed, with less than adequate safety gear (opinion) - WITH ALMOST ZERO INCIDENTS.

Hey Gov Brewer: :finger:

Way to go, Barbie twins on reinforcing those negative perceptions. How many of the viewers caught the statement that the video was speeded up. That wouldn't perhaps make the 'weaving' look more dangerous on the part of those impatient motorcyclists would it?

Barbie 1 admits that she is unaware of her surroundings when driving, by not watching her rearview mirror. She was frequently startled by impatient, weaving riders. Hope she thinks to look before opening her door, on the freeway (which is apparently something she thinks about doing).

Another thought in favor of responsible lane sharing is the heat factor. When riding in places that get toasty, and wearing ATGATT, one can stay relatively comfortable while moving. When stopped, the protective gear causes overheating of the rider. You can't crank up the air, as cagers do. I recall getting nauseous in traffic due to overheating, when unable to move forwards.

Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the trial will not be spoiled by the irresponsible few who practice lane sharing WITHOUT caution.

Here's a couple of rocket scientists from Faux News discussing it (nice to turn down the volume and just watch though)


"Alberto Gutier, the director of the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety expressed concerns about the proposal saying it could create dangers. He says his biggest concern is that it would create confusion for drivers. That he says could make it more dangerous for cyclists."

Doesn't sound like the Gov is going for it. Sure hope it passes though.

Nothing more aggravating than listening to talking heads talk about something they know nothing about. That's why i don't watch the news anymore. It's become infotainment. They repeatedly showed idiots weaving around traffic at high speed. Fox even said "what you were watching was sped up", making it seem even more reckless. Let's scare Grandma and then interview her about how she feels. Fargin ice holes.

Way to go, Barbie twins on reinforcing those negative perceptions. How many of the viewers caught the statement that the video was speeded up. That wouldn't perhaps make the 'weaving' look more dangerous on the part of those impatient motorcyclists would it?
Barbie 1 admits that she is unaware of her surroundings when driving, by not watching her rearview mirror. She was frequently startled by impatient, weaving riders. Hope she thinks to look before opening her door, on the freeway (which is apparently something she thinks about doing).

Another thought in favor of responsible lane sharing is the heat factor. When riding in places that get toasty, and wearing ATGATT, one can stay relatively comfortable while moving. When stopped, the protective gear causes overheating of the rider. You can't crank up the air, as cagers do. I recall getting nauseous in traffic due to overheating, when unable to move forwards.

Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the trial will not be spoiled by the irresponsible few who practice lane sharing WITHOUT caution.
If common sense was common even the Barbies would have it.

I loved how she became totally distracted when the officer sponsoring the bill offered to take her for a ride sometime. She totally lost her place, totally.

Way to go, Barbie twins on reinforcing those negative perceptions. How many of the viewers caught the statement that the video was speeded up. That wouldn't perhaps make the 'weaving' look more dangerous on the part of those impatient motorcyclists would it?
Barbie 1 admits that she is unaware of her surroundings when driving, by not watching her rearview mirror. She was frequently startled by impatient, weaving riders. Hope she thinks to look before opening her door, on the freeway (which is apparently something she thinks about doing).

Another thought in favor of responsible lane sharing is the heat factor. When riding in places that get toasty, and wearing ATGATT, one can stay relatively comfortable while moving. When stopped, the protective gear causes overheating of the rider. You can't crank up the air, as cagers do. I recall getting nauseous in traffic due to overheating, when unable to move forwards.

Hopefully, common sense will prevail and the trial will not be spoiled by the irresponsible few who practice lane sharing WITHOUT caution.
If common sense was common even the Barbies would have it.

I loved how she became totally distracted when the officer sponsoring the bill offered to take her for a ride sometime. She totally lost her place, totally.
Doesn't matter, I would tap both of those Barbies! :rolleyes:

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I loved how she became totally distracted when the officer sponsoring the bill offered to take her for a ride sometime. She totally lost her place, totally.

There are a couple of things about Barbie that make her an excellent choice for a TV reporter. I'm sure that I'm in the minority here, not being interested in her 'most interesting' features. Then again, Busta probably doesn't care either because she doesn't have fleece.
