Armed Riders

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I guess my next 2 cents of this story is. . . be smart about it. I can legal carry in VA and the states that accept VA CCW. MD is not and will never be one of those. But it doesn't not prevent you from having one properly secured while in the state. I am pretty confident that having a firearm locked in my saddle bag which needs a key to open it, which is in the ignition. Is a rather secure place and not accessible to me or anyone else. Plus it is only a misdemeanor if you are ever found guilty, I am willing to take that risk over the risk of driving through P.G. County without one.
Aviator has now stepped off the soap box.
I would only add two points. If you're going to drive through Maryland with a handgun in the trunk keep the phone number of a bail bondsman handy. :lol:

If you're going to drive through P.G. County something in the nature of a fully automatic is called for. ;) :eek:

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OK SecuLaw. . . where you from to know P.G. County?
From.........P.G. County. :D Only don't call it P.G. County when you're in P.G. County as they get all upset now. :rolleyes: You have to call it Prince George's County. The former county executive attempted to lecture me about that, I told him that putting a dress on a pig doesn't make it any less a pig. :eek: :lol:

(P.S.: No longer in P.G. County got out as soon as I could.)

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Do you ride down the BW Pkwy somewhat regularly? I often see an FJR over that way.

Hit me up if you ever wanna go for a ride sometime. I live in Crystal City for now and I am up that way all the time heading to Ellicott City to see/pick up my kids. Check out the EOM in September too.

Do you ride down the BW Pkwy somewhat regularly? I often see an FJR over that way.
Hit me up if you ever wanna go for a ride sometime. I live in Crystal City for now and I am up that way all the time heading to Ellicott City to see/pick up my kids. Check out the EOM in September too.

Sorry for the delay in responding. Nope never been on the B/W Parkway, at least not on my FJR. There is another member here that lives in Damascus and rides to downtown DC every day (brave soul). Can't make EOM but we could meet up for a ride, maybe head out to Harper's Ferry or something.

Yeah would love to ride.

No Bob in Damascus doesnt do that ride. He rides on the other side of DC. Must be someone else.

Yeah would love to ride.
No Bob in Damascus doesnt do that ride. He rides on the other side of DC. Must be someone else.

I got out of PG County back in 1992. I grew up in Laurel but left for the Army in Oct 92. I have not been back and never will go back. I now live in AZ and love it.

A few years ago I had a deputy-dog pull me over while I was in a cage because of a burned out headlight. Next thing I know he is asking me if I had a weapon in the car (my Glock 19 was in a fanny pack on the seat next to me.) Definitely wanted to ask him if he had "probable cause" but fortunately had the sense not to. Replied that I did and that I also had a CWP. He also asked if the weapon was loaded and I almost said, "wouldn't do any good if it wasn't" but again, had the sense not to! Just said that the magazine was full but no round in the chamber. He had my license and permit for another 5 minutes then sent me on my way with a "warning"--no fix it ticket. :yahoo:

Later I asked a retired deputy friend what it was all about and said that the guy did not have probable cause, he certainly was fishing-- and if I had been a smart ass he would have kept me on the side of the road for a long time--probably until he could really find something to cite me for! :dribble:

Lesson is: obey the rules and don't hassle The Man. Since I am WASP I definately do not qualify for free legal help. 'nough said.

Most of the time I carry my Kimber 45 in my soft brief case. Used to carry my Glock 19 in a fanny pack until I got the Kimber. Also have a Colt .380 that I stick in a pocket when the weather is warm.

Rev Ed

Florida's Castle Doctrine also now applies to vehicles and no permit is required in the vehicle. Either a Walther PPK, a .32 Smith, or a .38 Smith, in a holster, in the tank or tail bag.


The following position will not help you get just a warning.

A request for permission to search or "mind if I take a look" will be denied, very politely. I will not be intimidated by "I can hold you till the dog gets here". I can explain Chapter 790 of the Florida Statutes and the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constution to the nice officer and his sergeant when he shows up. I'm an ex-cop, no longer qualified to carry under the Federal statutes. I know the law and the techniques taught in the academies. The law requires you to produce identification and required vehicle documentation. It does not require you to give the cops any answers to self incriminating questions like "have you been drinking" or "do you have any weapons". There are few issues that, as a civilian, I feel as strongly about as this. Arm yourself with knowledge.


1. In case your roadside encounter is not going well and a cop reads you your rights - SHUT UP!!!

Any thing you say after that will definitely hurt you.

2. Don't hassle the cops, they are really just trying to do their jobs, but you don't have to help them take you down

3. Watch any two episodes of "Cops" where they are doing traffic stops and you will see three guys go to jail because they did not understand that they have the right to refuse permission to search.

Rant Over!

For those with the appropriate concealed carry permits, how and where do you carry your firearm. Also throw in the make and calibre if you so desire. Don't laugh but I have a little Bersa Thunder 380 but haven't decided the best was to pack the piece ?

Springfield XD 40 S&W in the Tank Bag while riding. Inside the waist band holster while not.

1. In case your roadside encounter is not going well and a cop reads you your rights - SHUT UP!!! Any thing you say after that will definitely hurt you.

Rant Over!

Back in the day I had an LEO tell me over the phone that if I didn't bring my client in so he could interview her he was going to charge me with obstruction of justice. :lol: That cause me to giggle for days. ;)

I'm an ex-cop, no longer qualified to carry under the Federal statutes.

why not? you can still be, despite being retired?

A few years ago I had a deputy-dog pull me over while I was in a cage because of a burned out headlight. Next thing I know he is asking me if I had a weapon in the car (my Glock 19 was in a fanny pack on the seat next to me.) Definitely wanted to ask him if he had "probable cause" but fortunately had the sense not to. Replied that I did and that I also had a CWP. He also asked if the weapon was loaded and I almost said, "wouldn't do any good if it wasn't" but again, had the sense not to! Just said that the magazine was full but no round in the chamber. He had my license and permit for another 5 minutes then sent me on my way with a "warning"--no fix it ticket. :yahoo:
Later I asked a retired deputy friend what it was all about and said that the guy did not have probable cause, he certainly was fishing-- and if I had been a smart ass he would have kept me on the side of the road for a long time--probably until he could really find something to cite me for! :dribble:

Lesson is: obey the rules and don't hassle The Man. Since I am WASP I definately do not qualify for free legal help. 'nough said.

Most of the time I carry my Kimber 45 in my soft brief case. Used to carry my Glock 19 in a fanny pack until I got the Kimber. Also have a Colt .380 that I stick in a pocket when the weather is warm.

Rev Ed
there was a discussion, either here or another board i visit, about the CCW permits. as i recall, at least in ohio, if you have a ccw permit, if you get pulled over and they run your tag, a big red flag will pop up on the mdt indicating that the person in question has a CCW. if that was the case in your situation, seems the officer has reasonable cause to ask, for his own safety. but that's just my opinion, i'm not a lawyer, i just play one on t.v.

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VA has that same system. I have tested both situations, my first time I did not let the officer know I had a CWP. It wasn't till after he went back to his car that I thought about it. I was not carrying that day so I didn't even think about it. He stepped back up to my window and that was the first question he asked me, "Are you carrying your weapon?" We later had a candid conversation about it. I asked for his recommendation and he said that I should advise the officer that either I am carrying or not. He reason was because the system in the car let's off a squelch and at first scares them. (geezz wouldn't want to scare you and spill your coffee, haha). However, I fully understood and thought it would just make things easier.

So for some reason about 2 months later I was being an idiot and did not come to a complete stop at one of those red signs (I tend to just sloooow down). The officer saw me and pulled me over. This time I advised the officer that I had a permit and was not carrying. He first paused I guess to let the information sink in and then thanked me for letting him know right away.

Considering I did not get a ticket, I plan on letting them know all the time, at least in VA.

I'm an ex-cop, no longer qualified to carry under the Federal statutes.

why not? you can still be, despite being retired?

A few years ago I had a deputy-dog pull me over while I was in a cage because of a burned out headlight. Next thing I know he is asking me if I had a weapon in the car (my Glock 19 was in a fanny pack on the seat next to me.) Definitely wanted to ask him if he had "probable cause" but fortunately had the sense not to. Replied that I did and that I also had a CWP. He also asked if the weapon was loaded and I almost said, "wouldn't do any good if it wasn't" but again, had the sense not to! Just said that the magazine was full but no round in the chamber. He had my license and permit for another 5 minutes then sent me on my way with a "warning"--no fix it ticket. :yahoo:
Later I asked a retired deputy friend what it was all about and said that the guy did not have probable cause, he certainly was fishing-- and if I had been a smart ass he would have kept me on the side of the road for a long time--probably until he could really find something to cite me for! :dribble:

Lesson is: obey the rules and don't hassle The Man. Since I am WASP I definately do not qualify for free legal help. 'nough said.

Most of the time I carry my Kimber 45 in my soft brief case. Used to carry my Glock 19 in a fanny pack until I got the Kimber. Also have a Colt .380 that I stick in a pocket when the weather is warm.

Rev Ed
there was a discussion, either here or another board i visit, about the CCW permits. as i recall, at least in ohio, if you have a ccw permit, if you get pulled over and they run your tag, a big red flag will pop up on the mdt indicating that the person in question has a CCW. if that was the case in your situation, seems the officer has reasonable cause to ask, for his own safety. but that's just my opinion, i'm not a lawyer, i just play one on t.v.
All mine was military and the privilege was not extended to us despite all the training over all those years.

I carry a Desert Eagle .50AE in my tank bag, Wife has a Springfield Armory XD .45 in hers. We only carry if we are going on trips that we will be camping on. If is a planned trip staying in a hotel or a friends house we don't carry. The reason we only carry on camping trips is because of the area we are in. In the Mojave desert their are a lot of mountain lions, wild boar, coyote/wolves and other pack animals.

I was just wondering how some of you protect yourselves while on trips to far away places, or when the occasion may arise. I personally like the idea of an immediate equalizer.

The only draw i have is that some states are not Compact states! Illinois is one of the worst ones thats anti gun

The good new for me is that all other surrounding states are legal for me to carry.

She stepped into the alley with a single shot .410

The road goes on forever and the party never ends
