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I haven't read all 12 pages of this thread so if my question is answered somewhere else let me know.
Can someone give me an example of why you would need to carry? Just a situation that you think may come up? Because I just can't think of any. At least none I would put myself in on purpose.

Before you go on the offensive, I currently live in one of the worst parts of Cincinnati. I own several handguns and rifles including my beloved tack driving Bushmaster scoped flat top AR-15 clone with a 24" shaved fluted barrel and tubular hand guard, two Glocks, a 17 and a 22 with an extra 24 slide with an Aimpoint red dot sight, an AMT Hardballer longslide and others( plus many others I no longer own). I'm an NRA member. (the local sherrif came to my elementary school when I was in 4th grade to give us the Jr. safety course and I've been shooting ever since). I shoot regularly, have been trying to find the time for my CCP, but I just have not been able to justify the need for it.

When I ride, I like to think I'm riding AWAY from trouble, but as many of you guy's are carrying, maybe I missed something.
I stop at a mall or an attraction while traveling and a disturbed person trying to get his name on the news decides to start shooting up the place.......Not a situation that I had any intention of putting myself in, but those are the times we live in. Last year on my annual trip to SD, I stopped at a motel for the night. This was a single story building with maybe 2-3 dozen rooms. I have trouble sleeping in motels some time, so I woke up to hear doors being beat on and some guy yelling "Hello, hey, etc, ect". I listened to him do this down the whole line of rooms. My room was locked, but what if he were able to break a window and enter.....that I why I feel it is necessary to carry. Even though I carry I do not put myself in in dangerous situations, just as proper riding gear does make it ok to ride recklessly. IMHO.

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My advice as a LEO is when you plan a multi-state trip contact the state law enforcement division or highway patrol for each state. Most long trips are planned in advance and you can with only a little effort on your part get the answers you need. Always ask for the officer's name who gives you the carry info, the date and time you were told the info(nearly all HP and State LE offices record all phone calls), and keep it for future use. It's my opinion as a LEO that you should ALWAYS tell the officer if you have a weapon and are legal to carry it.

As for open carry. In South Carolina you can carry in the open ONLY with a valid hunting license, during hunting season, in proper attire, and on your way to or from your hunting site. PLEASE, don't try to strap on a thigh rig and then cry Second amendment, unless you have good legal council, time to sit in jail until he can get you released, and months of time and money for the trial that you quite probably will lose.

In South Carolina anyone over 21 with a clean criminal history can carry a loaded pistol in their center console or glove box ( a Keltec .380 fits nicely in the glove box on the FJR).

PM me if you have other questions about SC laws, but, I can't speak for the laws of other states.

Finally, if you're in South Carolina come take a ride with me, but, leave your fears of law enforcemnet behind(you can even bring your gun as long as you do it legally :rolleyes: ).

Even though it is legal for me to carry now in any state...
I'm assuming this is because you're a LEO, correct? For us mere mortals, our Oregon CHL is honored in only 13 states (Washington not among them...).
All the more reason to have one in both states. I lucked out and got my Oregon one first, then got a WA one when I moved across the river. When it came time to renew the OR (Multnomah Co.) one I simply said I do business in both places, and they let me keep it.

Looks like I'll be picking up a Kahr PM9 this weekend, perfect for concealed motorcycle carry.

Looks like I'll be picking up a Kahr PM9 this weekend, perfect for concealed motorcycle carry.
I really like the Kahr PM9 having spent an afternoon at the range with a friend's black 3" last fall. Nice gun. For my daily driver (so to speak), I carry a NAA 380 ACP Guardian which, many are not aware, is made by Kahr for NAA. I like it for it's concealability, though it's no real joy to put more than a dozen rounds through at the range once or twice a month (as is the case with most small-frame handguns).

Looks like I'll be picking up a Kahr PM9 this weekend, perfect for concealed motorcycle carry.
I really like the Kahr PM9 having spent an afternoon at the range with a friend's black 3" last fall. Nice gun. For my daily driver (so to speak), I carry a NAA 380 ACP Guardian which, many are not aware, is made by Kahr for NAA. I like it for it's concealability, though it's no real joy to put more than a dozen rounds through at the range once or twice a month (as is the case with most small-frame handguns).
The Keltec p3at is a locked breech design, so it is suprisingly gentle. It is, if I remember, lighter and thinner than the guardian. Ruger has a .380 in the offering that looks very similar to the Keltec, but with an external slide lock.

.... though it's no real joy to put more than a dozen rounds through at the range once or twice a month (as is the case with most small-frame handguns).

Guessing it is a straight blow back design. Find one of these:

It is a "delayed blowback" much like the larger 1911 system and thus the felt recoil is almost pleasant.

I made the mistake of selling mine awhile back, but you can on occasion find someone willing to part with one. If you favor the 1911 Colt or clones, this little pistol is a joy to own.


.... though it's no real joy to put more than a dozen rounds through at the range once or twice a month (as is the case with most small-frame handguns).

Guessing it is a straight blow back design. Find one of these:

It is a "delayed blowback" much like the larger 1911 system and thus the felt recoil is almost pleasant.

I made the mistake of selling mine awhile back, but you can on occasion find someone willing to part with one. If you favor the 1911 Colt or clones, this little pistol is a joy to own.

Those are supposed to be a good find. I mentioned that I have a PPK that I carry on occasion--blow back design--stings, but fun to own.

I haven't read all 12 pages of this thread so if my question is answered somewhere else let me know.
Can someone give me an example of why you would need to carry? Just a situation that you think may come up? Because I just can't think of any. At least none I would put myself in on purpose.

Before you go on the offensive, I currently live in one of the worst parts of Cincinnati. I own several handguns and rifles including my beloved tack driving Bushmaster scoped flat top AR-15 clone with a 24" shaved fluted barrel and tubular hand guard, two Glocks, a 17 and a 22 with an extra 24 slide with an Aimpoint red dot sight, an AMT Hardballer longslide and others( plus many others I no longer own). I'm an NRA member. (the local sherrif came to my elementary school when I was in 4th grade to give us the Jr. safety course and I've been shooting ever since). I shoot regularly, have been trying to find the time for my CCP, but I just have not been able to justify the need for it.

When I ride, I like to think I'm riding AWAY from trouble, but as many of you guy's are carrying, maybe I missed something.
A few years before I retired, I stopped at a Stop&Rob (C-store) on the way home from doing some undercover stuff at the other end of the state. It was about 11pm, and before I went in for a cup of coffee, I scoped out the premises/parking lot/nearby road for anything out of place. Spidy sense. Then I went in. This was a place known to me, as I stopped there often-- still do. This was a small town on a US highway across from an all night truck stop. Got my coffee and left. Within an hour a guy driving from MN to St. Louis needed money, so he robbed the place a gun point, and shot the clerk in the head after she gave him the money, for the hell of it. She's dead, and I missed a chance to be a hero.

Car jackings are up, local MacDonald was robbed at gun point in day light, even the schools in this little town practice lock downs with the local law. I live outside a town that, last year, had a higher crime rate per capita than New York City. Hannibal, Mo: America's Hometown. Other city near me had Crips and Bloods and the drug thing and attendant crime is cranking up.

With my gray hair I look like a soft target. Little do they know I am brave and pure of heart. I also carry more than I ever did before I retired-- but the world has changed since then. I no longer expect a police officer to protect me and mine: if I/we can't get out of harm's way, and I have to take care of business because there is no other option, I hope the last words the bad guy hears is me saying, " Surprise, asshole." Sometimes one doesn't have time to reason with/hold hands and make friends/wait for the good guys to show up.

Have a nice day.


.... though it's no real joy to put more than a dozen rounds through at the range once or twice a month (as is the case with most small-frame handguns).

Guessing it is a straight blow back design. Find one of these:

It is a "delayed blowback" much like the larger 1911 system and thus the felt recoil is almost pleasant.

I made the mistake of selling mine awhile back, but you can on occasion find someone willing to part with one. If you favor the 1911 Colt or clones, this little pistol is a joy to own.

I'm kicking myself for not buying one of these little Colts in the mid-80s as advised by this (really hot) Air Force LEO I was dating at the time. (Way off topic: remember the line from the movie "The Whole Nine Yards" where the guy says, "...there's nothing finer than a fine naked woman holding a gun"? Well, he'd be right about that...!)

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This was merged with an old thread, Warchild has hair for God's sake. So, do I carry? Of course not, my paroll officer would have a fit. And besides I'd be a real nerd to admit it if I did......PM. <>< :gun:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing anyone for choosing to carry. I've been working from home for the last 2 years and I have not been riding as much as I should. I plan on correcting that this year. If you guys are running into situations where carrying worked in your favor I want to know. I've been on the fence about getting my CCP, maybe that will get me off of it.

when you plan a multi-state trip contact the state law enforcement division or highway patrol for each state.
my advice is never to consult an enforcement officer about legal questions. that's not their job nor their area of expertise. many legal advisers recommend avoiding such practices because those sources have been known to give inaccurate advice (some intentionally, mostly unintentionally). yet, if you run aground based on that advice you have no recourse going back to them. one place to check for a cursory idea is:

Also spend time reading their FAQ. there is a lot of good info there and they point you to sources for substantive legal advice.

of interest are:


Sorry about the hijack. Still leaning the rules here. I will try not to let it happen again. As for carrying a concealed weapon I am still looking and debating if its worth it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing anyone for choosing to carry. I've been working from home for the last 2 years and I have not been riding as much as I should. I plan on correcting that this year. If you guys are running into situations where carrying worked in your favor I want to know. I've been on the fence about getting my CCP, maybe that will get me off of it.
My only experience may not fit your question. I rent my shop space and unfortunatly am in a lousy neighborhood. My landlord is a 70 some year old fellow who deals in wholesale flea market crap. Last week, I looked out of my dock door and saw two young guys talking to Doug and I watched him turn suddenly and walk off. They followed and the look on his face and the way he was acting was strange. Virginia allows open carry without a permit, so I put on my side arm and walked over to 'chat' with my landlord. "How you doing Doug? Do you have any deals today?" The two looked at each other and left post haste. Doug explained that they were asking him strange, confusing questions and trying to follow him everywhere. He had been trying to get rid of them for about 20 minutes before I came over. He thanked me and I went back to work. I do not believe that one should rely on the often bogus statement that the sight of a gun will deter---don't count on it. I judged that these two were looking for a quick snatch and run and it did not appear that they would not be any type of real threat--but you never know.

Will you ever need a gun to protect youself or family? Let's hope not. But I have heard it said that carring a firearm for protection is like having a condom: better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. B) If it is right for you go ahead and do it. Get training so you can carry safely and competently.

Sorry about the hijack. Still leaning the rules here. I will try not to let it happen again. As for carrying a concealed weapon I am still looking and debating if its worth it.
If for nothing else, I now have a card in my wallet that identifies me as one of the good guys and in the highest percentage of law abiding citizens in Virginia.

For sure it is not for everybody, but I believe that it is the responsible thing to do. You have a fire extinguisher in your home--for 'just in case' why not apply the same logic elsewhere.

Congraulations and good for you for thinking about it.

Cross country, I carry. In and around town, usually not. I am CCW authorized like lots of folks are anymore. I carry a S&W Model 642 Airweight hammerless revolver in .38 Special +P with jacketed hollow points. I used to have a Kel Tec P3AT but lost confidence in it. The reasons for carrying, walking, driving or riding, are obvious to me. You must obey all state laws of course but a federal law authorizes the transportation of a firearm over state lines in a formulation of the so-called Peaceable Journey Doctrine. 18 USC Section 926A. An interesting link on this point is Biker Law Blog
