BeemerDonS crashes, is in hospital.

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Oh for fuks sakes AJ Why don't you just ask him for sex?

I mean you really need to get a room.

It's Stanley your are so enamored with here.. Have you forgot how bad he makes northern rides feel each winter?

Being injured ******* sucks, and I don't think you've dealt with it for years.
Jayzus, A.J., sometimes I wonder about your reading comprehension. Don wasn't "injured *******"; he pitched himself off a motorcycle and broke some leg and shoulder parts.

Don't know about you, Don or other board patrons, but I haven't been injured ******* in a long time either. Summer of 1981 in Tahoe City, IIRC -- took all the skin off both knees on the redwood deck of the private hot tub business one full moon night.

Getting injured *******, you usually don't even know you're hurt until a while later. I think Don knew he ****** himself up pretty much immediately.

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In 2016 i am waiting to see you again around Europe and of course this time i would like to see you to do a journey around Greece and of course i will meet you!

Then,we will drink a loooot of ouzo or everything you like!

And,as the other guys said ''Don't sell any of your bikes yet''!You will see about it in 2016..

My best wishes for a fast recovery!

Cheers my friend!I am waiting..



I don't think that is his cell number....I tried to send him a picture text and it said it was undeliverable.

Spoke with Don this morning.... He is walking the dog and getting around better. Still has limited movement in his right arm. He is taking outpatient physical therapy and working on building strength in his arm and shoulder. He is still down about his situation but is getting help with his outlook. The doctor told him that me may need physical therapy for up to a year. He will probably kick my ass, but here is his cell phone # if you want to call him and cheer him up...480-440-4666. Rich
Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!

Edit: Motherfather...This site can kiss me arse sometimes. Dammit!! Lol

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In 2016 i am waiting to see you again around Europe and of course this time i would like to see you to do a journey around Greece and of course i will meet you!Then,we will drink a loooot of ouzo or everything you like!

And,as the other guys said ''Don't sell any of your bikes yet''!You will see about it in 2016..

My best wishes for a fast recovery!

Cheers my friend!I am waiting..


If Don doesn't show up, I'm sure we could find replacements. If the offer stands.


"I have made the decision off road dirt bike riding is all over for me; I no longer trust my skills."

I never did trust your skills. JSNS.....

I'll never forget watching the buzzards feed off Old Don when he was stuck in that water crossing just outside of Batopilas Mexico.

Now that was damn funny watching Don's GS Beemer sink like the Titanic in 3" of water....


Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!
Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!
He has a cell phone cause it was my old one and I sent it to him.

I recall the first time I was hurt, a broken back. The injury was bad enough, but worse was all the **** to go through to get better. Being the first major injury, I didn't have reference points to evaluate injury magnitude or recovery time. It scared me.

There was a strong possibility of never again doing any 'action' sports, even street riding. I recall that time vividly, and I was 19 years old at the time. It was bleak, mentally. Had moments when I just wanted to do the final give-up. Since then, well, a broken femur, torn Achilles, 8 ribs, multiple shoulder dislocations, broken foot, kidney surgery, knee surgery. At least for those moments I had points of reference, and although the pain factor was more than the broke back, the mental portion was far easier to handle.

Don, I bring this forward in case this is your first major injury. You will get better, it will improve. It takes time, PT, and mental stamina. You've been the bull all your life; it's not easy to not be strong and able to do pretty much what you want when you want. It's a normal feeling, especially for alpha males.

Hang in there... It WILL get better!

Oh well, I guess I'll e-mail those pictures, I didn't call because those pictures wouldn't be nearly as funny if I had to describe them to him over the phone.

Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!
He ain't sell'n nuttin, you guyz are smoking crack balls!

I would take Mihalis up on that offer however, both the foreground and background look mighty inviting!! :)

Then again, I'm a boat whore ;)

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These posts have got to have huge healing qualities for Don's injuries and his state of mind.

Just reading them has helped me tremendously in dealing with this paper cut I just got.

Not having had any major injuries, it's hard for me to fathom what you must be feeling Don.

But as the others have stated, hang in there bud. Hard for me to imagine you saying adios to the feeling of the wind blowing blasting against you or the thrill of taking a curve a lil' too hot.

Persist Amigo.

I recall the first time I was hurt, a broken back. The injury was bad enough, but worse was all the **** to go through to get better. Being the first major injury, I didn't have reference points to evaluate injury magnitude or recovery time. It scared me.
There was a strong possibility of never again doing any 'action' sports, even street riding. I recall that time vividly, and I was 19 years old at the time. It was bleak, mentally. Had moments when I just wanted to do the final give-up. Since then, well, a broken femur, torn Achilles, 8 ribs, multiple shoulder dislocations, broken foot, kidney surgery, knee surgery. At least for those moments I had points of reference, and although the pain factor was more than the broke back, the mental portion was far easier to handle.

Don, I bring this forward in case this is your first major injury. You will get better, it will improve. It takes time, PT, and mental stamina. You've been the bull all your life; it's not easy to not be strong and able to do pretty much what you want when you want. It's a normal feeling, especially for alpha males.

Hang in there... It WILL get better!

Don, I guess what Carver is telling you is look at all of the future injuries you may have in store. Nice guy.

Don, don't make me have to come down there and go all "First Sargent" on your ass!
Seriously, Marla can tell you, I moved from chair to couch to chair, never slept more than 2 hrs. Gained weight and was told by my orthopedic surg. not to lift with my R arm anything heavier than a 12oz soda can until I tell you to! This went on for 5 (five) months.
But finally finally, I was able to begin range of motion exercises, over time got about 98% back. SO HANG IN THERE, YOUR TOUGH, IT TOOK 66 YEARS TO BEAT UP THAT OLD BODY, IT WILL TAKE A WHILE TO FIX IT! PATIENCE IS NOT ONE OF YOUR BETTER VIRTUES!
Besides we gotta do the Mexico ride again, with the whole team and sans rain and mud! Hell we may have to head on down to Tierra del Fuego!

Thanks Brother Barry, I so appreciate great friends like you! Since you were a First Sergeant and I was a Buck Sergeant you outrank me, so Top Kick I will follow your orders! STRAK - OORAH! Sincerely, Don
Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!
Don does not receive text messages. I'm amazed the old coot has a cell phone. He got one of those, but does not text. Baby steps!
Praise the Lord even though my helmet and face shield were scarred up destroying the helmet, at least I didn't suffer a stuttering concussion like 'Zilla did!

Just kidding AJ, I know you are pulling and praying for me as much if not more than anyone. Light a candle and say the Rosary for me at Mass, Gracias!

I'll take a NY Strip and Baked potato, but, you can keep the steak!

Happens all the time
and Don, didn't your K16 get crashed like the first week you owned it? Somehow I have that thought in my mind, maybe I'm wrong?

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