BeemerDonS crashes, is in hospital.

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Don Stanley Daily Home Physical Therapy Regimen - 20 Repetitions Unless Noted.

Right Arm - in Bed on Back:
1-Vertical Thrust to Ceiling - with elbow at 90 degree angle from body.
2-Parallel Motion to Body - at maximum extension possible.
3-Perpendicular Motion to Body - at maximum extension possible.
4-Arm lift from mattress - while laying on left side and maximum extension possible.

Sitting on Bed next to Bedpost with Yellow and Blue Theraband:
5-Scapula Pulls - pinching scapula back as far as possible with blue theraband.
6-Right Arm at side and Elbow at 90 degree angle - pull yellow theraband away to maximum extension.
7-Right Arm at side and Elbow at 90 degree - pull blue band away from bedpost to maximum extension.

Standing next to Counter: Codmans Exercises - bent over at waist as far as possible:
8-Rotate right arm back and forth parallel to body to maximum extension.
9-Rotate right arm back and forth perpendicular to body to maximum extension,
10-Simulate Pulling Start Cord on a Lawnmower-starting low as possible and reaching high as possible.

Standing with Elastic Band Mounted to Wall:
11-Pull Handle to Left as far as possible - right arm tight to side and elbow bent to 90 degree angle.
12-Pull Handle to Right as far as possible - right arm tight to side and elbow bent to 90 degree angle.

Standing Exercises:
13-Finger Wall Climbs / 10 Repetitions
14-Overhead Extensions with 3' Pipe / 20 Repetitions, four times a day.

Exercises while Seated in Barcalounger; FOUR TIMES A DAY, 20 REPETITIONS:
15-Pull Right Arm up to Maximum Extension with Overhead Rope Pulley.
16-Using 3' / 3/4" PVC Pipe - Rotate Right Arm with Elbow on Armrest to Maximum Reach.
17-Using 3' / 3/4" PVC Pipe - Thrust the Right Arm Forward to Maximum Reach.
All that would suck with a good shoulder.

Might try some 12 oz. curls in between reps?

Hang in there buddy....

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We need to start a new thread or renane this one. Every time I see it I think the dam goofy mick has f__ked up again. Feeling the love, Don.

Shoot Don, if you can do half of that, you're making good process. Keep going man. You're getting better every day!!
I am going to call HotRodZilla today, he gives the most inspirational pep talks that I ever receive. With 'Zilla's warm, friendly and heartfelt bedside manner I am always motivated to perform due diligence with my Physical Therapy regimen. JSNS! When AJ phones me, here is what he says:

1. Stop being such a big pussy sucking air and do your PT, who do you think you are: WheatonFJR or odot!

2. Stop being a whiner about your PT, or I will send my 12 year old Daughter over from ABQ to kick your ass!

3. Look on the bright side because you could have been dead, look at a pic of RadioHowie: Now that's DEAD!

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All you guys and yer shots of weminfolk are off the fukin tracks!! You want to motivate the crippled old fuker? You have to use the right stuff!!!




I bet they have to tie his hand to the bed after he see's these.


I am going to call HotRodZilla today, he gives the most inspirational pep talks that I ever receive. With 'Zilla's warm, friendly and heartfelt bedside manner I am always motivated to perform due diligence with my Physical Therapy regimen. JSNS! When AJ phones me, here is what he says:
1. Stop being such a big pussy sucking air and do your PT, who do you think you are: WheatonFJR!

Okay lift your shoulder ten times and give it back to me!

I am going to call HotRodZilla today, he gives the most inspirational pep talks that I ever receive. With 'Zilla's warm, friendly and heartfelt bedside manner I am always motivated to perform due diligence with my Physical Therapy regimen. JSNS! When AJ phones me, here is what he says:
1. Stop being such a big pussy sucking air and do your PT, who do you think you are: WheatonFJR!

Okay lift your shoulder ten times and give it back to me!
You got it Marky-Mark, I have posted this picture to my Stereo/TV Cabinet and this exercise is now #18 on my list! JSNS, ya Chi-Town Hillbilly!

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Each and every day I receive at least one communication from an FJR Forum Member, it really brightens up my day; even when Bokerfork calls me up!

'Zilla calls regularly and addresses me as el Pendejo, Bustanut joker sends me email with animal smut and FJRay plus Bugnatr relate Goldwing Garbage.

Since I can't ride but I'm getting closer every day, I plan out trips by either 2 or 3 or four wheel rides for the Year of 2016; BeemerDonS back to traveling.

A trip back to Ireland is definitely in the planning stages for Miss Donna and I, hopefully with Nephew Mick and his Lovely Lady Laura; maybe even a Dane!

Don, it is great to hear that your rehab is helping you make progress toward regaining your full range of motion. I can understand your impatience with the process,
and I'm sure it is more painful than I can imagine, but it's one of those ******* things that HAS to be done, I suppose.

On the Forum, I was reading your outline of the exercises and regimen you must follow and I wanted to comment on something I saw there -

You mentioned "full extension". I hope that your physical therapist understands that "full extension" on an Irishman is something that can result in women fainting and horses stampeding.

In addition to 5 or 6 quarts of blood, it requires prolonged stimulation by an understanding and well-proportioned "helper".

Is she really equipped to deal with it?

Jus' sayin'.

And no wonder the ******* ancient Danes set off to other lands. Who'd want to stay in Denmark?

Keep on keeping on, Brother Don. You'll be back and better than ever, old man.


On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 9:20 AM, Richard Christensen wrote:

You're probably right about 3.5 hour tour of Denmark... Although the Danish museums are full of plundered items from around the world, there really wasn't much to steal from Ireland. A few sheep, some beer and some ugly red headed wenches. I think the Vikings were smart enough to leave the carved rocks.

As for a ten day tour of the island of leprechauns and ********..,... Might be about a week too long.... Possibility

On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Don Stanley wrote:

Brother Mick, since it 's a beautiful day outside and I 'm only fit enough to walk my Lab Oso: I 've been researching a 10 day trip to Ireland in 2016.

If we were traveling to Denmark, it would only take Donna and I 3.5 hours to see the entire mess. But with Eire's Beauty and Culture: Ten Days!

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Don, if you make the Irish trip don't miss the Dingle Peninsula, the town of Dingle and the World Famous Dingleberry Museum.

A true sheep aficionado like you will certainly be enthralled by the various forms Dingleberry's have been preserved in, Miss Donna and Seth probably not so much

They also have pretty good fish and really good traditional music in the Pubs there.

Don, Here's wishing you many more miles!!! Be careful not to overdevelop one side pleasuring yourself during the recovery phase.

Don, if you make the Irish trip don't miss the Dingle Peninsula, the town of Dingle and the World Famous Dingleberry Museum.

A true sheep aficionado like you will certainly be enthralled by the various forms Dingleberry's have been preserved in, Miss Donna and Seth probably not so much

They also have pretty good fish and really good traditional music in the Pubs there.
El Grande Juan, been there-done that-Seth and I have the T-shirts. Seth and I've toured the Republic of Ireland before, this will be our first trip to Northern Ireland (Ulster). There was a Dingle farm for sale with an incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean, stopped and talked to the Owner and we've never forgotten it!

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Dios Mio y que Lastima, Papa Chuy Viejo is praying for a Miracle. The BMW Mexico Moto Clubs has just announced their 2015 Rally in Riviera Nayarit, one of the few locations in Mexico that I have not ridden una Motocicleta to. Saying the Rosary and PT! Visit Salma Hayek in Veracruz!

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