Cal-Sci vs. Vstream Comparo

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Grapevine, TX
I've been riding with my Cal-Sci for a few thousand miles now. On my recent long haul back from Big Bend, I determined that while MUCHO better than stock, the Cal-Sci could be a bit cleaner with respect to helmet buffeting. I decided to give the Vstream a try to se which I like better.

The contestants (Note that the V is actually taller than the Cal-Sci by about an inch, it just doesn't show well here:


Note - Both will be tested back to back using two different helmets - Schuberth C2 and Arai Signet GTR as I've found helmet choice has as much to do with noise and comfort as the shield itself.

More to follow...

It will be interesting to read your results. Would you add one more testing paradigm: A pillion. Some pillions have complained about an increase in buffeting/turbulence with the V-Stream.

I've been riding with my Cal-Sci for a few thousand miles now. On my recent long haul back from Big Bend, I determined that while MUCHO better than stock, the Cal-Sci could be a bit cleaner with respect to helmet buffeting. I decided to give the Vstream a try to se which I like better.
The contestants (Note that the V is actually taller than the Cal-Sci by about an inch, it just doesn't show well here:


Note - Both will be tested back to back using two different helmets - Schuberth C2 and Arai Signet GTR as I've found helmet choice has as much to do with noise and comfort as the shield itself.

More to follow...
been waiting for this-I just sent my 06 vstream back because of 2 pin head size flaws-I did mount and take a short drive to test it and have been wondering about the Cal Sci. They are sending a new vstream which I may sell unused if I decide on something else-it sure seemed big on bike and blocked a lot of air

I have a Sci Cal (med) and pretty much pleased with it. It was between it and the Vstream. Looking forward to seeing this comparo. I bought the Sci Cal because the shape looks at home on the FJR. I am very happy with it so far. Big improvement on the stock one. No turbulance reported however, I am vertically challenged (5'4) which affects things a bunch. I look over the screen until about half way up. After that, I have to look through it. I'm not fond of looking through screens so it hardly ever gets raised unless I am getting rained on.

It will be interesting to read your results. Would you add one more testing paradigm: A pillion. Some pillions have complained about an increase in buffeting/turbulence with the V-Stream.
I'll see what I can do. My wife doesn't ride very often but I could get my 13 yr old. He's nearly as tall.

To clarify, I'd rate the Cal-Sci an 8 out of 10 which is darn good. The V will have to be really impressive for it to win out on my bike.

One thing I will say is that the Vstream looks to be of superior quality when placed side by side with the Cal-Sci. The edges of the V are finished properly as you'd expect.

Hole placement on both is spot on.

If I keep the V, I will miss the fact that the Cal-Sci is made out of that same cool stuff Aeroflow uses that turns blue below 50F. I always liked that ;-)

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I tried a Cal Sci Tall on my '05. It was the fourth one I tried.....first I tried two stockers and a Cee Bailey. The Cal Sci was a big improvement over the others but it still was not totally satisfactory......had a little more buffeting than I wanted to put up with. I got the V-Stream and it has proven to be the best for me. After adding Skyway's spacers, it got even better. The helmet you wear ( I use a Schuberth C-2 ) and your riding position are just as important as the shield is in searching for that perfect answer. It is probably one of the most subjective considerations there is in trying to reach an ideal comfort zone. It is a shame we have to go through the process of buying all these elements....wish there was a place to just go try everything first.

....wish there was a place to just go try everything first.
Wouldn't it be great if this could happen at the larger meetings? HELLO, WFO attendees.....(or CFO or SFO or any other ?FO). Maybe even on a refional group ride.....

I concur that windshields are the most subjective for many reasons. Some of us who are the same height are longer legged or longer bodied. Others (like yours truly) have a seat that raises us 1" or more. Add to the mix your helmet, any risers(?), etc., and the slight changes suddenly loom large in the equation leading to "Windshield Nirvana".

Look forward to your comparo. I have the Cal Sci tall and also experience some buffeting. I am 5'11" and have a Shoei RF900 helmet. The Cal Sci is better than stock but still not where I would like to be in the noise and buffeting arena. Thanks for your efforts.

At 6'2 I hated the cal-sci tall (+4) The stock was better. For me the winner is the V even with its probs.

What size is your Cal-Sci-Thanks for comparing shields looking forward to your impressions of the two
It's the "standard" size for 06+ which I've seen referred to as both "Medium" and "Tall"
How long we gotta wait for this comparo BMWHD? :unsure:

Sorry, I intended to run tests yesterday but my CC install has bogged down waiting on my control mount (my fault) AND because my garage is blocked by a construction related mud slide precipitated by two days of flooding. Blah Blah Blah. I'll get some miles on them both tomorrow God willing.

In the mean time, here's the first part for those still running OEM shields and looking for data:

The Cal-Sci is covered in detail in other posts. Short version is that it is a vast improvement over stock with respect to noise and wind reduction. In fact, it may block to much wind from the arms in hot weather.

It installs easily, doesn't whistle, doesn't flap around, and actually looks kinda good on the bike (in a GL1500 kinda way). However, because the top of the shield is narrow and because it stands slightly more upright than the OEM shield, there's some slight buffeting of the helmet at speed. It is this that I'm most interested in comparing to the Vstream which is almost the complete opposite in terms of frontal profile.

When running 70-75 mph actual with the OEM shield, I can't hear the engine or my 'Tunes when I have ear plugs in. This is true irrespective of how high it's raised. With the Cal-Sci, I can hear all the wonderful music even with the shield all the way down. There is very little back pressure with the Cal-Sci at any angle and when all the way up, the ride is very quiet. However, it get's even better if you lean way forward over the tank which is another reason I belive the V may shine. It sits slightly farther back toward the rider than the Cal-Sci. This plus the much greater width at the top should push some of that buffeting farther out and around my head.

More ASAP.

I'm waiting too ;) I have the CalSci now and all in all I think I've grown to accept it for what it is. Not perfect but for now I'd give it a 7 out of 10. I'd certainly rather have a 9 out of 10. 10 of course is not really obtainable.


I'm waiting too ;) I have the CalSci now and all in all I think I've grown to accept it for what it is. Not perfect but for now I'd give it a 7 out of 10. I'd certainly rather have a 9 out of 10. 10 of course is not really obtainable.
I think the 9 is the screen when you rest your chest on your tank bag

I just ordered a V-Stream and am hoping that's the answer- I've tried the Yami tall, the Flip, the lip heck i've tried them all....... I love this bike and I hate the windscreen, please let us know how the comparo works out....


I just ordered a V-Stream and am hoping that's the answer- I've tried the Yami tall, the Flip, the lip heck i've tried them all....... I love this bike and I hate the windscreen, please let us know how the comparo works out....
i've been playing around with my V-stream for the past couple of days and really like it. but i'm really short, and wanted a screen that i could leave all the way down (or close to all the way down) since that seems to be where the least heat gets to the rider. Wind noise is greatly reduced also. I gotta say that i have been gettting a kick out of running this shield up high and looking through it when highway riding. its just dead quiet. I'm not a big fan of looking through a shield, but i could get use to that on a long highway stint. Rider fatigue would be cut in half.

C'mon BMWHD.....let me help you out:

1. get keys

2. put them in the bike

3. start bike and pull out of garage

4. yada yada yada

BTW BMWHD: the combination of the fred shim and the g2 did decrease my "herky-jerky" considerably. Not fixed!! but much better.


I just ordered a V-Stream and am hoping that's the answer- I've tried the Yami tall, the Flip, the lip heck i've tried them all....... I love this bike and I hate the windscreen, please let us know how the comparo works out....

It's that ultra cool retro helmet that's the problem. When you're sportin' one of those bad boys you need to take the shield off completely. :rolleyes:

OK, I was able to a) finish my CC install (works perfect, BTW) and B) hose enough mud away from the garage to get the bike out safely.

FWIW, I'm 6'0", 32" inseam. Todays test wearing my Arai Signet GTR helmet.

I spent about an hour on the highway with the Vstream this morning running it up and down at various speeds (65-75mph). My impressions vs. the Cal-Sci:

The Good

1) It produces a much cleaner air stream at speed when all the way down.

2) It reduces buffeting to the side of the head even further. Almost perfect

3) It allows more air to reach my arms - A plus in summer, a minus in winter

4) It handles crosswinds and 18-wheeler turbulence much better

5) It reduces noise even further. Very quiet

The Bad

1) It's not as optically pure to look through due to the bubble shape (not the quality)

2) At full up there is slightly more back pressure than the Cal-Sci (still less than stock)

3) May have very slightly more buffeting on the top of the helmet. This needs to be verified when I switch back to the Cal-Sci

Initial Conclusion - I'm keeping it as it seems to have addressed the one area I was hoping for the most - side of the head buffeting. As you would expect, by being so much wider at the top than the Cal-Sci it pushes the turbulence farther out and around. HOWEVER, this may indeed be a problem for the pillion. I just can't say yet.

I'll try it with the Schuberth next (and perhaps at um...somewhat higher...speeds).
