CFR Attendees Gone WILD!!

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A little break from the fun.


Canadian FJR

That was a great read.While I've only been to a few gatherings, NOBODY does it like the Canadians......the roads, the scenery, the people, the attitude, the friendliness, the combination, whatever.

It looks like another successful CFR is in the FJR history books.
For Papa Chuy, Padre Miguel: All you have to say about Canada is Mary Ellen - MEM! HUBBA, HUBBA, HUBBA! La Chica mas fina y muy bonita, ese!
Awwww, Papa Chuy .... you're too kind :kiss2:

That was a great read.While I've only been to a few gatherings, NOBODY does it like the Canadians......the roads, the scenery, the people, the attitude, the friendliness, the combination, whatever.

It looks like another successful CFR is in the FJR history books.
For Papa Chuy, Padre Miguel: All you have to say about Canada is Mary Ellen - MEM! HUBBA, HUBBA, HUBBA! La Chica mas fina y muy bonita, ese!
...still waiting for "the photo".
Sorry, Wheatie. I don't know who has "it" ;)

Wednesday evening, starting with the banquet.

Pre-banquet, hanging out around the pool.

Susie (SoozeBG) and Barry (Bust).


Hanging out, pool-side.


What the hell were you doing here, Bust? I don't remember...


After the cat-herding which was the group shot outside with the bikes, it continued inside for another group shot.


An activity had been organized which was a first for me at a FJR rally - a quiz! You had to matching the lists of real names with forum handles and hometowns. I sucked at the quiz but Sooze did OK.


BugR found an actual use for baldy Bust's head! Who'da thunk?


Now, I'd come across something several months ago and I just know I had to give it to Bust. I was just gonna give it to him, but I sent BugR a PM asking if we could do something at the rally. He suggested we rig a door prize "drawing." I was all for it. Chris was in on it, as was Sooze and Sheila. Bust had NO idea.

The "winner" of the "door prize" (more like a booby prize, if ya ask me) receives his "prize."


The reaction.


And he models it. He makes this look goooood!



IceStationZebra really putting in some effort on the quiz.




RallyMaster speech!




Bust, with beer (if that's what you call Coors Light).


Pierre made a speech.


During the swag giveaways, Bust, Sheila and I had a "had-to-be-there moment." I made some innocuous-enough comment around pocket hockey, and it just struck the three of us as utterly hilarious. I was crying and snorting I was laughing so hard and Bust had to walk outside before he peed himself. Here we are, cracking ourselves up!


FJRGUY (Jeff) telling us that we can buy event posters just like this one. Can't wait to get mine!


"Aaaand, now that all the important shit is done, none of you are welcome at my house and I can't wait to not see any of you for a very long time." (OK, he didn't really say that. I made it up - I don't remember what he was saying here.)


Geezer and Bust. Ya just can't polish a turd.



Banquet over, swag distributed, a few of us were hanging out.

Yes, it's a lampshade on Bust's head.


NOT one of my best moments, trying on Sooze's fleece jacket she got at the banquet.


Thanks to our sponsors!


FastJoyRide the bartender.


Bust and I were still cracking ourselves up.


You've met these guys by now, right?


FJRGUY checking out this thread. Or installing the Atomic Fart app on his iPhone.



The evening coming to a close, time for the BG's-been-drinking-so-it's-time-to-take-self-pictures.



I'm capable of much better.





CFR drove the man to drink. Go figure.


I think that's it. Think I'll do a proper ride report for the trip home.

We had more pictures that I didn't post in this thread. You can check 'em out HERE <clicky> if ya like. The pictures are organized by date, so click on the date on the left to go to the album for each day.

Thanks for stopping in!


Hey! I just realized something. How come we haven't seen the pic of the group shot yet?!

Hey! I just realized something. How come we haven't seen the pic of the group shot yet?!
I was JUST going to ask for that! Preferably one with me in it (since I ALMOST missed the group shot :huh: )

I need a photo for my new custom-made-with-love-by-Bustanut photo frame ! :rolleyes:

...still waiting for "the photo".
Sorry, Wheatie. I don't know who has "it" ;)
Chris asked me to send him the original shot to allow him to do a little photoshop work on it and then he will post the "offical" shot I'm assuming. He is probably wanting to decide which is Bustanut's better side.


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What's going to startle folks more is the fact that you and I are identical twins Howie... :eek:

Though I must admit your cheeks look more like those on the left. ;)


...still waiting for "the photo".
Sorry, Wheatie. I don't know who has "it" ;)
Chris asked me to send him the original shot to allow him to do a little photoshop work on it and then he will post the "offical" shot I'm assuming. He is probably wanting to decide which is Bustanut's better side.

Look the same to me. :unsure:
Here's one more to choose from! We were saving his best 'side' for last!

Ah fer shitsakes!! I wondered where that chipmunk that ran up me arm went..

Ya know it's actually beemerdons chin right?

