Death Valley Wildflower Ride

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This to you riders who I know intend (maybe) to ride with us as a group.

Been hashing it over with Hycle and we arrived at the following route, mainly to get us there ASAP -- me being an old fart with a cataract who's night vision is crap :(

Meet at 0700 hours at FLAG CITY (I-5 and Hwy 12, Lodi) then slab it down I-5 to BUTTONWILLOW, east on 58 and through TEHACHAPI , Hwy 14 north for 20 miles, then east on Randsburg Red Rock Road toward GARLOCK, 395 north for a couple of miles then Trona Road , through TRONA, to Hwy 190 and Stovepipe Wells.

Mapsource says 450 miles from Flag City to Stovepipe,, the I-5 section will be quick though.

Top up with gas at Flag City, then Hycle knows all the gas and food stops we'll need along the way :assassin: -- Santa Nella, Buttonwillow, etc.

This isn't a compulsory route though , as long as we all arrive at Stovepipe safely, any are free to wend their own way as usual.

Return trip ?? I kind of like 395 north and 88 west. But that's all open for conversation later huh? There ya have it ................

Youse who's gettin' there a different way will know where we'll be seen then, huh, huh? :rolleyes:

Richard (or anyone else),

Have any plans been made for Saturday breakfast? Andy and I are staying at the Longstreet but would really like to meet up with all the other good people. We probably wont join a group ride since our plans involve some off-roading.

Is there a suitable place for b/f at, or near the hotel where the NorCal folks are staying? Anyone interested in a group breakfast before the day's riding?

Jill PLans are for us to meet at Furnace Creek for breakfast Saturday am..

at least that is what Mike and I talked about earlier.

Roger are you on board with meeting us Longstreet lodgers at Dante's view Friday morning?

How does 9.30 grab you?


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Jill PLans are for us to meet at Furnace Creek for breakfast Saturday least that is what Mike and I talked about earlier.
I just talked with Roger about this very plan. I'm sure he'll be posting.

I will not be riding this weekend. I hate to miss this trip, the riding and seeing friends but life demands my attention elsewhere.

My daughter is having complications with her pregnancy (cholestasis) and while not "dire" it is still an issue. Mar 11th will be her 37th week so they could induce delivery this weekend.

As much as I like you all,"The Princess" comes first!

Secondly, I have been quite ill with a cold (I was off work and in bed last Thurs. and Fri.) and I am still not fully recovered. I seem to suffer this every 2-3 years. I suppose this is the year.

The combination of my physical state and emotional distractions don't bode well for extended riding. And personal priorities dictate a change of destination. YMMV

I hope you all have a wonderful time in Death Valley. The sheer size of the place is amazing and I have my fingers crossed that you will see thousands of wildflower bossoms.

Enjoy yourselves.

NO NEED TO RESPOND. I know you all care.

The NorCal group has known about Sabrina's issues and I emailed Richard a couple of weeks ago and we have messaged back and forth. It was hoped things would be more controlled and she would go "full term" thus, I would attend the ride. Alas.....

Also, my "roomie", FlyingJR (Walt) will not make it. His daughter is in the hospital with cancer. Life isn't fair!

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Jill PLans are for us to meet at Furnace Creek for breakfast Saturday least that is what Mike and I talked about earlier.

Roger are you on board with meeting us Longstreet lodgers at Dante's view Friday morning?

How does 9.30 grab you?

I'm on board with that Richard, hoping the rest of the group is also. I KNOW HYCLE will be there :D -- 0930..

AND ..... I just cancelled Mikes room at Stovepipe Wells if anyone wants it.

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If Dante's view is still closed we will meet you in the parking lot by he gate..
Cool ... is this following still applicable for you guys for Friday (or Sat ?) :- ?

"" Dantes view to Badwater.

Badwater to Furnace Creek for lunch Via Artists Drive.

Furnace creek to Stovepipe wells for a look at the sand dunes.

Stovepipe to Ubehebe Crater.

Ubehebe Crater to Scottys Castle (take the tour)

Scotty's castle out to 95 headed for Beatty (stop here for what ever)

Beatty to Rhyolite (ghost town)

Rhyolite to 95 and .... ""

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Still working on the Friday morning routing from L.A. to D.V. Any guestimates of time and place (around noon, 13:00h) for the Friday morning DV riding crew?

The sheer size of the place is amazing and I have my fingers crossed that you will see thousands of wildflower bossoms.
Deffinitely looking forward to seeing those bossoms!

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Still working on the Friday morning routing from L.A. to D.V. Any guestimates of time and place (around noon, 13:00h) for the Friday morning DV riding crew?

The sheer size of the place is amazing and I have my fingers crossed that you will see thousands of wildflower bossoms.
Deffinitely looking forward to seeing those bossoms!
Good catch Joseph :) I missed that one ! -- he's got a lot on his mind right now..

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There was talk of lunch in Shoshone on Friday... The plan was to do the south side of the park on friday and the north on Saturday.


Artist's drive


Ashford Mill

Shoshone for Lunch

There are other places that we will stop also, if we meet at Dante's at 9.30 we should easily make Shoshone for lunch at 1pm..

What do you think Rog?


The Crowbar Cafe & Saloon and the Cafe C'est Si bon beckon!

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The Crowbar Cafe & Saloon and the Cafe C'est Si bon beckon!

Look forward to seeing you again, Joe.

We are staying at Longstreet as well, and considering we don't know anyone or our way around there at all. So hopefully we can latch on to someone that does! We sure are looking forward to this.. Great ride, great location and looking forward to meeting everyone. We will be riding down with Rog and Deb and anyone else that is meeting us....

We are staying at Longstreet as well, and considering we don't know anyone or our way around there at all. So hopefully we can latch on to someone that does! We sure are looking forward to this.. Great ride, great location and looking forward to meeting everyone. We will be riding down with Rog and Deb and anyone else that is meeting us....
Meeting others is not a problem.

Staying within sight of Richard and some of the others..... :dribble:

You've been warned...ride your own ride, keep testosterone levels in check.

Seriously, some have the routes in their GPS, others have maps. It shouldn'[t be that hard to hook up with someone else who knows where things are.

Your upcoming ride should reveal some great wildflowers. Here is a pic taken last Thursday on Highway 58 near Shell Creek by local Cen Cal Rider Louie Louie. The orange and yellow ones will be popping out soon.


No need to go too fast to smell the flowers!

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